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The Origin of Covid-19

History has proven, an effective vaccine is developed after the origin of the virus is discovered. History has also shown, a virus can never be contained until the origin of that virus has been identified. What is the origin of covid-19? To date, science, the media, and governments all over the world have yet to reveal the origin of covid-19. Is this by accident or design. These questions have been asked by many. The obvious and only answer to that question is unprecedented. Simple questions have been met with accusations of conspiracy theories, revolt, and governments have accused people with simple, logical questions of being members of radical terrorist groups. Why has the media and governments refused to share logical scientific data, but jumped to the conclusion that any logical question is linked to an act of terrorism? This is one of the many questions about covid-19 shared by the majority of people around the world.

There appears to be something sinister about covid-19. Too much is not explained. With the technology today, the origin of a virus can be easily traced, identified, and studies can lead to a safe and effective vaccine. History has shown the origin of vaccines and their safe application. But for some reason legitimate data on covid-19 is either lacking or hidden by the media. Neither the media nor government have taken a single step to identify the origin of covid-19.

One of the biggest problems with covid-19 is the media. Many media outlets have developed a habit of calling legitimate questions, rumors, unfounded lies, and other vicious names. Tactics used by major media sources are more than transparent and if anything else, have lead to more questions. The constant and consistent rhetoric spewed by major medias outlets is transparent to most people. Those media outlets name zero reliable sources while attempting to present themselves as experts in the field of covid-19 and viruses. What is their source? Where did those news anchors derive their education on viruses? When was the last time a news anchor named a legitimate study as their source? They never do. Media only criticizes any and all questions and the presentation of legitimate sources. Major media sources have done nothing in the past year to prove they conducted any research into the stories they present. Instead they stick to criticizing every legitimate claim and question posed by every other source. In short, many major media outlets stick to one concept, making themselves an unquestionable source of information even though they put zero effort into research and refuse to cover any story from the many angles that make up a complex topic.

Governments around the world have taken on the same attitude. It appears most governments around the world use news media outlets as their only source of information, one backing up the other. Media and government have fallen short on reporting major topics with a total lack of facts, sources, and views from different angles that play a key role in the subject at hand. In essence, media and government in 2021 prefer to take on the role of dictator instead of reliable sources of investigative study and unbiased presentation of the facts.

When it comes to an investigation into viruses and covid-19 it has proven difficult to uncover reliable sources. Sources with links to back up their studies. Historical facts and legitimate scientific, unbiased studies are becoming a rare commodity in this information age. Most articles contain a small portion of the information we need to draw a logical conclusion. Most articles contain data with nothing to back it up. The information had to come from somewhere? Why are so many authors hesitant to reveal their sources?

After reviewing a number of articles on covid-19 and other viruses, I did unearth a few articles that met minimum standards. As a matter of fact, a few of these articles exceeded those standards. The following articles contain information the media refuses to share. Why? Reading those articles shows how actual scientific data does not agree with the agenda set by government and the media.

We should avoid making false accusations and establishing conclusions based on our limited medical and scientific knowledge. Many of these articles are beyond our basic understanding and can be easily manipulated to display unfounded conclusions. Great care needs to be exercised in investigations into the scientific and medical back ground on covid and its related viruses. It is best to stick to one fundamental aspect of the subject, and branch out as bits and pieces are understood. This involves researching a number of links to related research and understanding scientific and medical terms the average person is not familiar with.

The following link contains over 200 sources, well documented and linked in a way an average person can follow. This link looks at the origin of viruses, the history of viruses, and to a small degree, research into viruses. Links provided on this site dwell on a number of aspects covered in this article to a far greater depth.

The main question in this article is, what was the origin of covid-19. As we dwell deeper and deeper into a few of those links, studies have shown, the origin of covid-19 is yet unknown. The theory that covid-19 originated in bats has been drawn into question by a number of scientists studying the origin of covid-19. The most revealing fact is the timing. Covid-19 originated in December 2019 at the height of the hibernation season for bats. Another fact brought out by this series of articles is, covid-19 is a combination of a common covid virus and SARS. These articles show information on the make up of and complex formation of covid-19 which is make up of two major sections, the crown, and main body of the virus. The main body consists of a chain of amino acids that resembles other viruses. Similarities range from a 50-90% match. The articles explain why covid-19 lacks a closer match to other covid viruses and present data on its complex structure that shares links to other viruses including SARS. Although the articles do not make the assumption, covid-19 is a man made virus, the data suggests this is either a previously unknown mutation, or was derived in an unidentified host.

I found it much easier to access basic information on the history of viruses and information gathered on viruses in days when scientific study was in the cradle so to speak. If nothing else that information illustrates the lack of scientific data displayed by the media and government and how that lack of information has lead to catastrophic results throughout history.

Smallpox and Measles

Smallpox and measles viruses are among the oldest that infect humans. Having evolved from viruses that infected other animals, they first appeared in humans in Europe and North Africa thousands of years ago.

Black Plague

The virus, which only infected humans, probably descended from the poxviruses of rodents.[5] Humans probably came into contact with these rodents, and some people became infected by the viruses they carried. When viruses cross this so-called “species barrier”, their effects can be severe,[6] and humans may have had little natural resistance.

Plant Viruses

This agricultural revolution embraced the development of monoculture and presented an opportunity for the rapid spread of several species of plant viruses.[10] The divergence and spread of sobemoviruses – southern bean mosaic virus – date from this time.[11] The spread of the potyviruses of potatoes, and other fruits and vegetables, began about 6,600 years ago.


About 10,000 years ago the humans who inhabited the lands around the Mediterranean basin began to domesticate wild animals. Pigs, cattle, goats, sheep, horses, camels, cats and dogs were all kept and bred in captivity.[12] These animals would have brought their viruses with them.[13] The transmission of viruses from animals to humans can occur, but such zoonotic infections are rare and subsequent human-to-human transmission of animal viruses is even rarer, although there are notable exceptions such as influenza. Most viruses are species-specific and would have posed no threat to humans.[14] The rare epidemics of viral diseases originating in animals would have been short-lived because the viruses were not fully adapted to humans[15] and the human populations were too small to maintain the chains of infection.[16]

The influenza virus is one that seems to have crossed the species barrier from ducks and waterfowl to pigs and from there to humans.


The close similarities between measles virus, canine distemper virus and rinderpest virus have given rise to speculation that measles was first transmitted to humans from domesticated dogs or cattle.

Rinderpest, which is caused by a virus closely related to measles virus, is a disease of cattle known since Roman times.

Swine Influenza

In 1173, an epidemic occurred that was possibly the first in Europe, and in 1493, an outbreak of what is now thought to be swine influenza, struck Native Americans in Hispaniola. There is some evidence to suggest that source of the infection was pigs on Columbus’s ships.

Yellow fever

Yellow fever is an often lethal disease caused by a flavivirus. The virus is transmitted to humans by mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti) and first appeared over 3,000 years ago.


Until the Irish Great Famine of 1845–1852, the commonest cause of disease in potatoes was not the mould that causes blight, it was a virus. The disease, called “curl”, is caused by potato leafroll virus, and it was widespread in England in the 1770s, where it destroyed 75 per cent of the potato crop. At that time, the Irish potato crop remained relatively unscathed.


Rabies is an often fatal disease caused by the infection of mammals with rabies virus. In the 21st century it is mainly a disease that affects wild mammals such as foxes and bats, but it is one of the oldest known virus diseases: rabies is a Sanskrit word (rabhas) that dates from 3000 BC,[35] which means “madness” or “rage”,[31] and the disease has been known for over 4000 years.


Humans are the only natural host of measles virus.[148] Immunity to the disease following an infection is lifelong; that afforded by vaccination is long term but eventually wanes.


HIV crossed the species barrier between chimpanzees and humans in Africa in the early decades of the 20th century.


When influenza virus undergoes a genetic shift many humans have no immunity to the new strain, and if the population of susceptible individuals is high enough to maintain the chain of infection, pandemics occur. The genetic changes usually happen when different strains of the virus co-infect animals, particularly birds and swine. Although many viruses of vertebrates are restricted to one species, influenza virus is an exception.

Affecting mainly the elderly, the 1968 pandemic was the least severe, but 33,800 were killed in the US.[198] New strains of influenza virus often originate in East Asia; in rural China the concentration of ducks, pigs, and humans in close proximity is the highest in the world.


Arboviruses are viruses that are transmitted to humans and other vertebrates by blood-sucking insects. These viruses are diverse; the term “arbovirus” – which was derived from “arthropod-borne virus” – is no longer used in formal taxonomy because many species of virus are known to be spread in this way.[200] There are more than 500 species of arboviruses, but in the 1930s only three were known to cause disease in humans: yellow fever virus, dengue virus and Pappataci fever virus.[201] More than 100 of such viruses are now known to cause human diseases including encephalitis.


The discovery of hepatitis B virus and the invention of tests to detect it have radically changed many medical, and some cosmetic procedures. The screening of donated blood, which was introduced in the early 1970s, has dramatically reduced the transmission of the virus.[221] Donations of human blood plasma and Factor VIII collected before 1975 often contained infectious levels of hepatitis B virus.[222] Until the late 1960s, hypodermic needles were often reused by medical professionals, and tattoo artists’ needles were a common source of infection.[223] In the late 1990s, needle exchange programmes were established in Europe and the US to prevent the spread of infections by intravenous drug users.[224] These measures also helped to reduce the subsequent impact of HIV and hepatitis C virus.


The natural hosts of influenza viruses are pigs and birds, although it has probably infected humans since antiquity.[244] The virus can cause mild to severe epizootics in wild and domesticated animals.[245] Many species of wild birds migrate and this has spread influenza across the continents throughout the ages. The virus has evolved into numerous strains and continues to do so, posing an ever-present threat.


During the 20th century, many “old” diseases of plants were found to be caused by viruses. These included maize streak and cassava mosaic disease.[249] As with humans, when plants thrive in close proximity, so do their viruses. This can cause huge economic losses and human tragedies. In Jordan during the 1970s, where tomatoes and cucurbits (cucumbers, melons and gourds) were extensively grown, entire fields were infected with viruses.[250] Similarly, in Côte d’Ivoire, thirty different viruses infected crops such as legumes and vegetables. In Kenya cassava mosaic virus, maize streak virus and groundnut viral diseases caused the loss of up to 70 per cent of the crop.[250] Cassava is the most abundant crop that is grown in eastern Africa and it is a staple crop for more than 200 million people. It was introduced to Africa from South America and grows well in soils with poor fertility. The most important disease of cassava is caused by cassava mosaic virus, a geminivirus, which is transmitted between plants by whiteflies. The disease was first recorded in 1894 and outbreaks of the disease occurred in eastern Africa throughout the 20th century, often resulting in famine.

Such disasters occurred when human intervention caused ecological changes by the introduction of crops to new vectors and viruses. Cacao is native to South America and was introduced to West Africa in the late 19th century. In 1936, swollen root disease had been transmitted to plantations by mealybugs from indigenous trees.[256] New habitats can trigger outbreaks of plant virus diseases. Before 1970, the rice yellow mottle virus was only found in the Kisumu district of Kenya, but following the irrigation of large areas of East Africa and extensive rice cultivation, the virus spread throughout East Africa.[257] Human activity introduced plant viruses to native crops. The citrus tristeza virus (CTV) was introduced to South America from Africa between 1926 and 1930. At the same time, the aphid Toxoptera citricidus was carried from Asia to South America and this accelerated the transmission of the virus. By 1950, more than six million citrus trees had been killed by the virus in São Paulo, Brazil.[257] CTV and citrus trees probably coevolved for centuries in their original countries. The dispersal of CTV to other regions and its interaction with new citrus varieties resulted in devastating outbreaks of plant diseases.[258] Because of the problems caused by the introduction – by humans – of plant viruses, many countries have strict importation controls on any materials that can harbour dangerous plant viruses or their insect vectors.


Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is caused by a new type of coronavirus.[264] Other coronaviruses were known to cause mild infections in humans,[265] so the virulence and rapid spread of this novel virus strain caused alarm among health professionals as well as public fear.[260] The fears of a major pandemic were not realised, and by July 2003, after causing around 8,000 cases and 800 deaths, the outbreak had ended.[266] The exact origin of the SARS virus is not known, but evidence suggests that it came from bats.

A related coronavirus emerged in Wuhan, China in November 2019 and spread rapidly around the world. Subsequently named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, infections with the virus caused a pandemic with a case fatality rate of around 2% in healthy people under the age of 50, to around 15% in those aged over 80 particularly those with pre-existing comorbidities.[268][269][270] As of October 2021, the fatality rate is lower than SARS but the infection is more contagious.[268] Measures to curtail the impact of the pandemic were hampered by fear and prejudice and stigmatisation of infected people.[271] Unprecedented restrictions in peacetime have been placed on international travel,[272] and curfews imposed in several major cities worldwide.[273] Governments were not prepared for the scale of the pandemic and worldwide, virology and epidemiology experts were complacent with regards to the efficiency of existing testing and monitoring systems.

After rodents, bats are the second most diverse and abundant mammalian order, comprising 20% of all mammalian biodiversity worldwide. In the past 2 decades, research has intensified to determine why bats harbor more zoonotic diseases than other mammalian taxa, including pathogens that result in high-consequence infectious diseases, such as Ebola and Marburg filoviruses; Nipah and Hendra paramyxoviruses; and SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2, and MERS-CoV, emerging in humans (15). Behavioral and ecologic traits, such as their gregariousness, sympatry with mixed species assemblages in roosts, and long lifespan relative to size, have been suggested explanations for why bats are reservoirs to many viral pathogens (15). Physiologically, bats have comparatively high metabolic rates and typically do not show clinical signs after viral infection. Recently, it has also been shown that bats have several immune characteristics that are unique among mammals and that cumulatively dampen their antiviral responses (16). Those factors also probably contribute to their effectiveness as viral reservoirs.


Livestock can also be spillover hosts of human coronavirus infection. After the 2002–2003 SARS outbreak, a study conducted on farms in Xiqing County, China, tested livestock (pigs, cattle, chickens, and ducks) and companion animals (dogs and cats), leading to detection of 1 pig that was positive for SARS-CoV by antibody test and reverse transcription PCR (30) (Table 2). A larger and more complex series of livestock outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 has been unfolding since April 2020. Mink farms across Europe and North America have reported outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 (Tables 2, 3). In most outbreaks, farmed mink were suspected to be initially infected by COVID-19–positive farm employees (31,32). Findings from the Netherlands have also identified instances of spillback from mink to humans through ongoing investigations (33). National surveillance and control efforts have been implemented in several countries, many of which have subsequently identified other SARS-CoV-2–positive species living on or nearby mink farms, including cats, dogs, and escaped or wild mink (32). Several countries have implemented mandatory reporting of any virus-positive animals and depopulation or quarantine of affected farms (32). In Europe, several million mink have been culled, and a moratorium has been placed on the mink industry in some countries; such early and coordinated One Health actions are needed to prevent bidirectional transmission of zoonotic diseases

Phylogenetic analysis showed that bat-derived coronaviruses fell within all five subgenera of the genus Betacoronavirus. Moreover, bat-derived coronaviruses fell in basal positions in the subgenus Sarbecovirus, with 2019-nCoV most closely related to bat-SL-CoVZC45 and bat-SL-CoVZXC21, which were also sampled from bats.23 These data are consistent with a bat reservoir for coronaviruses in general and for 2019-nCoV in particular. However, despite the importance of bats, several facts suggest that another animal is acting as an intermediate host between bats and humans. First, the outbreak was first reported in late December, 2019, when most bat species in Wuhan are hibernating. Second, no bats were sold or found at the Huanan seafood market, whereas various non-aquatic animals (including mammals) were available for purchase. Third, the sequence identity between 2019-nCoV and its close relatives bat-SL-CoVZC45 and bat-SL-CoVZXC21 was less than 90%, which is reflected in the relatively long branch between them. Hence, bat-SL-CoVZC45 and bat-SL-CoVZXC21 are not direct ancestors of 2019-nCoV. Fourth, in both SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, bats acted as the natural reservoir, with another animal (masked palm civet for SARS-CoV35 and dromedary camels for MERS-CoV)36 acting as an intermediate host, with humans as terminal hosts. Therefore, on the basis of current data, it seems likely that the 2019-nCoV causing the Wuhan outbreak might also be initially hosted by bats, and might have been transmitted to humans via currently unknown wild animal(s) sold at the Huanan seafood market.

Based on scientific information collected over hundreds of years we clearly see, scientists and doctors have been able to identify the source of viruses long before the invention of scientific devises available today. The question needs to be asked, why have scientists with limited resources been able to solve mysteries long before modern medicine, but modern technology remains baffled by the origin of covid-19. Since the 1960’s science has been to quickly identify the source of every virus within days or weeks of detection. But with the origin of covid-19 the media took main stage with their own analysis of the situation and came up with what seemed a logical conclusion, covid-19 originated in bats. A theory that has been proven false by a number of scientific studies. Those same detailed studies with all their funding, instruments, and technology have not been able to determine the origin of covid-19. Based on the link and sub-links provided in those studies, we clearly see a worldwide effort to solve this dilemma with zero credible results. The fact that no one has drawn the conclusion, covid-19 is a man made virus adds credibility to those studies. It proves scientists have been true to their profession by not establishing a result before beginning an investigation. An attribute we wish was shared by modern media and governments around the world.

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It’s Back

I actually lived through the segregation, discrimination, and yes, the theory of evolution implemented to justify segregation and discrimination in the 1960’s. I look at CRT today and I can tell you, it’s back. Okay, I was only 10 years old, didn’t know a lot about religion, but the theory of evolution didn’t make much sense to a 10 year old. At that age I didn’t read the Bible, but I knew God created one man and one woman. Simple. Not much there to misunderstand or misinterpret. Then where did evolution come into play? Where was that link between monkeys and men? Not one link was ever discovered. Not one single piece of evidence. Not in a world where some scientist or archaeologist digs up a piece of bone the size of a coin and creates a whole new animal out of that piece of bone that is of course hundreds of billions of years old. Science is at war with God’s story about creation and the age of this world.

Trump Quotes

One branch of science has always been at odds with God and creation. Someone looked into space one day, saw nothing and came up with the concept of a black hole. Why? That branch of science is at war with God and trying to explain their other theory, the big bang theory. That branch of science is still at war with God and creation. Other branches of science have joined that battle against God.

As a 10 year old I could see through the theory of evolution. There was no evidence in the Bible to support the theory of evolution. Nor was their any physical or scientific evidence to support evolution. It boiled down to taking the word of one man. It wasn’t by accident the theory of evolution came out at about the same time is Marxism and the Civil War. Karl Marx loved the theory of evolution because it supported his theory on superior beings destined to lead the rest of the people in this world. You can research Marxism on your own, it boils down to a society lead by a group of superior beings and the rest of the population accepting their superior wisdom without question. Marx looked at evolution, disagreed with it, then agreed with it. Marx wrote papers on both rejecting and accepting evolution. Quite strange from someone claiming to be that superior being the world should follow without question. There were others who accepted the theory of evolution with open arms. Of course the South before and during the Civil War accepted evolution and of course used evolution to justify and endorse slavery. One of those believers was Andrew Jackson, the founder of the democratic party. I am not going to look up and arrange a number of links. Most of which are on this site in other stories, but I will include a few links to other stories on this site that include many links for additional research.

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To a 10 year old it seemed impossible to believe in God and evolution. But that didn’t stop people from trying to push the agenda. During the Civil War it was plain to see, money was the factor that drove Andrew Jackson and others to pay for articles and research into evolution as well as propaganda supporting evolution. Democrats needed evolution to justify slavery. Democrats claimed to be the humanitarians looking out for the welfare of an inferior race who could not survive on their own. Not much has changed in that belief today. Listen to democrats. Their pitch may have changed to a degree, but their ideology has not bend to one side nor the other.

Some time ago a number of democrats discovered Marxism, socialism, and other forms of government they chose to weave into a new tapestry of life under their control. One thing needs to be clear to understand the mindset of a dedicated democrat. Their leaders are no different than Karl Marx. Like Marx they claim to have discovered and engineered a better form of government based on a recipe with ingredients from original concepts of the democratic party formulated by Andrew Jackson, combined with basic ideals from Karl Marx, hopes and dreams from Adolph Hitler, and a pinch of this and that from communist leaders such as Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Nikita Khrushchev, Mao Zedong, Xi Jinping, Pol Pot, and others. With a combination of socialists and communists leaders, modern democrats are certain their new recipe will result in utopia on earth. With them in charge of course. That aspect of Marxism has not changed. Marxist leaders view themselves as gods, and all opposition must be eliminated. A creed shared by satanists, which plays an intricate role in the modern democratic party.

It is common knowledge Bernie Sanders has dedicated his life studying Hitler, claiming he was able to identify Hitler’s mistakes and now has the knowledge to proceed with Hitler’s plans and make it a success. It is more than sinister to observe a Jew studying Hitler and insist his plans would have led to the utopia he promised if there were a few minor changes. Combine with that, George Soros and you have a volatile combination this world could never live with or under.

The other detail in this plan that clearly points to its ultimate failure is the history of communism itself. There are no two communist countries or leaders who trust another communist country or leader. Common sense tells us, people who believe they are god, will never bow to another. History has verified that fact. A number of countries that fell to communism fell to groups of communists joining together to over throw the existing government. In each and every case, the strongest group eliminated weaker groups. History has shown genocide follows each and every communist takeover.

The Critical Race Theory is an updated version of Karl Marx’s original theory. The problem is, Marxists only mention two classes. The upper class leaders and all those below them. They do not mention the middle class which is people living far better than the lower class, also known as the enforcers. Every Marxists and communist society has their enforcement class or branch. History has shown, communism can never survive without it. Which is how communists recruit. The elite of course are the leaders. They recruit people with promises of a utopia, their dreams of an equal and peaceful society, and then add the hook. If you get in on the ground floor, you will be in charge of specific groups. That promise goes two ways. Many sadistic people join Marxists groups. Those people’s heads are filled with images of freely living out their sadistic fantasies. The other group of people are looking for that utopia and are promised leadership roles to oversee groups of other people with less understanding to lead, direct, and for lack of a better term, take the role of governor and judge in their society. The second group of people are easily convinced they are part of an elite group lead by a vision to change the world. Both groups are promised the freedom to run their little corner of the world their way. They are made to believe they are mini gods.

The democrat elite are convinced they are gods, and their plans are the only plans that will work. Of course money is the key factor. It always is. But settling riches aside for a moment, elite Marxists do their homework. The only way Democratic Marxism will work is to eliminate all classes allowing them to introduce their two class system. Which we know is a lie. When the elite examine society they see a number of classes. The Democratic Marxist plan is to divide those classes to make them easier to conquer. Which is why Karl Marx eventually adapted evolution. Elite democrats need to change society to have one group under their control so they make all the decisions with no questions asked. To achieve that goal, they need to crush a number of middle class groups. When elites take a step back and take a look at the bigger picture, they see a small minority of people willing to fall in line and accept their promises. History and common sense shows us the majority of social groups reject every form of Marxism. To work around that problem, democrats needed to introduce a new combination of evolution and Marxism. A new term was born called the Critical Race Theory or CRT. In a new modern view, democrats put a new spin on evolution, claiming the lower races have been held back and it is time for them to accept Marxism that holds the answers to their dreams.

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When we take a step back and let CRT supporters voice their opinion, we see evolution bubble to the surface. We see them insist, certain races are not as intelligent as others, and are not capable of succeeding without help. In reality, the arguments CRT offers are not much different than the arguments Andrew Jackson and his supporters used to justify slavery. All they did was substitute the word equality for slavery, but the fact of the matter is, CRT still classifies people based on the color of their skin and not as individuals. CRT attacks people of color who are successful. People who prove their theory of evolution is false. CRT is a combination of evolution and Marxism designed to turn classes against one another by first classifying people by the color of their skin and convincing them, people of color have been taken advantage of. Of course CRT ignores the fact half of Europe and the majority of Asian countries in addition to a large number of Middle Eastern as well as African nations have endured slavery at the hands of invading nations and their own governments for generations. People from all over the world have fled to the United States to escape slavery and injustice. Slavery and injustice do not discriminate. Every color of skin, every religions, and every ethnic group has suffered at the hands of tyrants all over the world. In the United States those people have formed a union with others from all over the world under the common banner of freedom.

The success of CRT relies on the support of Marxists, who are better organized in the US than we expected. Marxists hold key positions in federal, state, and local governments from offices of high power to election commissions, to school boards. They are spread thin, but have been able to worm their way into key positions. The success of CRT and Marxism also relies on the support of common people. Democrats have identified that group as people willing to accept a society where they don’t have to work, or worry about applying themselves to live comfortably. People with little to no ambition, but will act in accordance with government orders if it guarantees a comfortable life with little to no effort. Democrats who live by the rule of evolution have identified groups they feel they can easily control with promises and trinkets, until they have served their purpose. History shows us how communists use the poor and lower classes to gain control. Then of course the poor and lower class find themselves worse off than before. By then it is too late to do anything about it.

The problem is, CRT will not work without evolution, and every religion has rejected evolution. The solution, eliminate God.

In 2021 we have seen democrats introduce a number of laws, bills, and executive orders all designed to eliminate God, the Bible, Christianity, and every other religion. Democrats cannot advance to the next step as long as Christianity stands at the door as a watch dog.

History has shown how every form of communism has practiced genocide on every form of religion. Every form of religion is anti-communist. Every form of religion with the exception of satanism which share the same creed. The elite are gods and anyone who disagrees must be eliminated. Communists will not stand for any competition.

Muslims and Christians share the same beliefs on creation. They both have books on Genesis and give credit to God for creation. Other religions have their versions on creation. We are stuck with two stories, creation and evolution. And of course those who live without the use of religion and form no opinion on how this world came into being. Communism and all forms of Marxism have always been at odds with religion and every form of creation and cannot exist in a world where people give credit to any God for creation or any form of control in this world. Marxists, communists, and satanist lust after total control and will obtain that control at any cost.

The virus was the first step to eliminate God. Covid-19 received more publicity than any other event in world history. Covid-19 has been pushed in the media for over a year. The attack on Pearl Harbor took center stage for only a few months before the media focused on troops heading overseas, and updates on the war. Even the atomic bombs dropped on Japan had limited press coverage. But look at covid-19. For months the media focused on death tolls, wearing a mask, washing your hands, and how to cope with what seemed like never ending lock downs. One year later the media focused on the vaccine.

The vaccine has taken center stage across the world. In essence the vaccine introduced an attack on God. Somehow God didn’t see covid-19 and didn’t prepare for it. The vaccine is designed to plant a seed of doubt in marginal Christians, Muslims, and people of all faiths and religions. The vaccine is designed to place science above God. Which is what evolution is designed to do, place doubts about God’s existence in the minds of marginal Christians and people of all religions. If God missed something, if God didn’t see covid-19 coming, if the immune system wasn’t created perfect, how could there possibly be a perfect God? The vaccine is designed to replace God with science. For people to place their trust in science and forget about a God who fell short, and could not exist.

Planet warning serves the same purpose. The elite claim, with enough money they can control the weather and save the world. Planet warming and the new green deal are designed to attack God. Another in a long list of things God did not see coming, problems God cannot solve. If God cannot solve those problems, it is evidence God does not exist. If God does not exist, the world needs that elite group of thinkers to lead this world without question. And those who question the slightest thing must be eliminated.

In addition to the vaccine, global warning, and the new green deal, democrats have been busy introducing new bills, laws, and executive orders to cast more and more doubt on God. A series of bills have been introduced in congress insisting men can get pregnant, money has to be spent so men can get abortions, there are an endless list of genders, and other details attacking creation and God.

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Those bills are designed to attack God. They introduce the thought, God did not see an endless stream of genders, and cast doubt on God’s creation of a man and woman, as well as the explanation of women giving birth. In short, those bills introduced by democrats are designed to call Genesis and all creation stories from all religions into question.

Abortion is also another attack on God. Abortion has always been and will always be a way of making people into their own god by placing life and death in their hands. Abortion places the role of judgment in the hands of common people. Abortion forces the satanic and Marxist creed on people. We are gods. As we see with abortion supporters, anyone who disagrees with them needs to be eliminated.

In short we are in a spiritual war. A fight against any form of Marxism and communism has always been a spiritual war. Their weapons are evolution, which today is renamed CRT. Nancy Pelosi bragged about arrows in her quiver. Those arrows include, multiple genders. A campaign promise spread all over social media. The government will pay for your gender changes, find a way for men to give birth, and allow you to live out the sexual fantasies you experience in video games in real life. A number of those games dwell on conquering, raping, pillaging, and slavery. The slave trade is an essential part of some video games. Money and slaves equal power, the ability to purchase arms, pay armies, and grow your kingdom. Games dwell on magic and black arts including the ability to change shape, and gender. Democrats used fantasies in those games to make campaign promises. It has been going on for years in Europe with protests demanding the right to change genders, at taxpayers expense. Demands from the left are deeper. They want to legalize all forms of sex. They want to legally have sex with young boys and girls. They want all sex trades legalized with no government restraints. They want to legally own slaves with the ability to torture and kill human beings to fulfill their sexual fantasies. Combined with abortion it goes deeper than that.

Full term abortions point to one thing. Satanists will use full term abortion choices to legally offer human sacrifices. To satanists, offering a sinless sacrifice to Satan is the highest honor. They have done it in the last and with full term abortions legal, they can offer an unlimited number of human sacrifices. Thereby gaining an envisioned unlimited favor from their god Satan.

In addition to human sacrifices of sinless new born babies, full term abortion opens the market to the sale of blood from new born babies. A priceless commodity in the field of Adrenochrome.

The Marketing of Children’s Blood: Adrenochrome Goes Mainstream on Turkish TV News

Has the fountain of youth been in our blood all along?

Add to that the sale of fresh new baby organs and you open up a billion dollar a year market. Put that together with former Vice President Joe Biden introducing his son Hunter to members of organized crime in Ukraine and China and you can see how Hunter was well paid for on the job training in the the sex, slave, and organ sale trades.

Vice President Harris has long ties to satanist groups dating back to 2016.

Today we see an open border, woman, boys, and young girls herded into buses by armed cartel and no one seems to know where those buses are headed. The small amount of information shared from Hunter Biden’s laptop show his involvement in pedophilia, trafficking, and the sex trades. Each and every one of those actions depend on religious control or the elimination of religion all together. Which has been the goal of every communist society throughout the world. We are in a spiritual war.

John Adams Quote

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Out Price Medical Care for All

In 2021 we see a number of bills in congress designed to make inflation far worse than what we’ve seen in the first half of the year. Those bills are designed to increase healthcare cost beyond the reach of every normal citizen. Bill S.1975 is one of those bills in congress.

Among other things, S.1975 gives the right for men to have abortions. S.1975 also makes it easy for any member of its protected organizations to sue any medical institution and individual if those services are refused or cannot be provided. S.1975 contains a list of specific groups and makes it easy for members of those protected groups to sue medical institutions.

Any man who belongs to one of those protected groups can walk into any medical institution, demand an abortion, and if the answer is, “it is impossible for a man to be pregnant,” that man can easily sue the institution for astronomical sums of money.

Men from those protected groups can also walk into medical facilities and request fertilization. If the institution refuses, claims it is impossible, or is unable to fertilize that man, he can sue that institution for large sums of money.

Faith based medical institutions will be targeted. Many will go bankrupt. We will soon find out if Catholic hospitals will be protected or targeted. It won’t take long to prove or disprove if Catholics are working with satanists or standing against them.

S.1975 will introduce attacks on the existing medical and scientific communities with a conscience and morals driving them into debt and out of business at a time the left is pushing their pandemic fears.

S.1975 works along with Biden’s executive orders and congresses other bills to raise inflation, and put the US in a never ending spiral in debt. Taking a step back gives us a clear look at a series of steps to take control over the public like never before in US history. The pandemic has been used to control the military, school system, and businesses of all types. Additional pressure through increased medical care costs in only another step in that process.

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Welcome to Satan’s Playground

If you’ve ever wondered what hell looks like, take a look at 2021. We have vaccines forced upon us. In 2020 the government talked about spending a few billion dollars. In 2021 the government spent $11 trillion in the first six months and ran out of money. If the government accomplished a single thing with that $11 trillion we would never hear the end of it on today’s news. The news is crooked. Always telling only one side of the story much like the propaganda machine in Nazi Germany. The southern border of the US is wide open, letting people pour across the border with no attempts to stop them. Members of congress went to see the border and took videos with their cell phones of children being raped, rounded up by heavily armed thugs and herded onto buses heading off to who knows where. Fentanyl and other drugs are pouring across the border. Social media networks are working with drug dealers to sell those drugs online and deliver those drugs to homes across the US. The same social media that sensors every comment they do not agree with. The president’s son takes videos of himself with underage girls, and doesn’t seem to mind the fact, his involvement in the sex trades and slavery is public information. Governments are imposing lock downs for whatever reason they choose. A flu which is milder than other seasonal flu’s is advertised as being the deadliest plague to ever hit this earth. The US Constitution is called old and outdated. Afghanistan was handed over to radical Muslims along with more military arms, ammunition, and cash than anyone can count. What is going on? Lucky for us the saints know what is going on and why it is happening. We read about it long ago and are watching it unfold in front of our eyes.

“Then, after doing all those things, I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions. In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on servants–men and women alike. And I will cause wonders in the heavens and on the earth– blood and fire and columns of smoke. The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and terrible day of the LORD arrives. But everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved, for some on Mount Zion in Jerusalem will escape, just as the LORD has said. These will be among the survivors whom the LORD has called. (Joe 2:28-32 NLTse)

There is no doubt about it, God’s people will see what is happening and some will see what is about to happen.

This has been going on longer than most of us realize. If you keep up on news out of Europe, you would have seen protests in the streets for over five years. Today most of the news is heavily censored in the US and all over the world, making it all but impossible to find a media outlet that adheres to the Press Code of Ethics, to be unbiased and report both sides of the story. We should be alarmed when the media refuses to report any story in a biased, one sided manner. But none of that matters, The LORD uses a communication system Satan cannot touch. It is called, “direct communication with God.”

The battle we see is between Christ and Satan. Near the end, Satan will show how far he will go to gain total control over the world. We’ve been shown bits and pieces of the plan in scripture. Look at Sodom and Gomorrah as an example. Why were those cities destroyed? Most Christians look at Sodom and Gomorrah as a sign of the end times. Those cities were destroyed because of their uncontrollable sexual sins. The same sins we see today.

For over five years protests in Europe have erupted over the right to practice the same sins Sodom and Gomorrah were burnt to the ground for committing. Today is it nearly impossible to find news covering both sides of the stories to see the truth. To a large degree Satan has gained control of the media as well as the Internet, which for the most part will tell only one side of the story. The side they want you to hear. The side that makes people who want to turn the world into Sodom look like some repressed society because they cannot legally live out their sexual fantasies. Which includes of all things, legally owning sex slaves, sex with minors, little boys and girls, and goes as far a human sacrifice. Although they do not want to make it appear as if their human sacrifices are to their lord Satan, they prefer to mask their sacrifices as scientific research. That multi-billion dollar business has grown to such an extent, they expose it as organ harvesting. Which today is a play ground for the rich in the form of a fountain of youth, or a necessary commodity, trade, business, and research to extend the lives of the so called leaders who are saving the world. There are a number of articles on the Internet collected before that censorship was enacted. This page contains a collection of those articles.

One of the ideals they have been protesting about in Europe for a number of years involves organ and blood harvesting. They want to legalize such acts. The idea is, the government can control your life span. Science needs the freedom and ability to extend the lives of the leaders who can fix every problem in the world. Organ transplants are one avenue, adrenochrome or blood transfusions is another. Adrenochrome is believed to be a sort of fountain of youth for the rich and famous.

Of course this debate over organ and blood harvesting has been raging to years. One side believes the sacrifice of some for the greater good is common sense, while the other side values life, and believes God is in control of life and death. In short, that battle between Christ and Satan has taken on the light of a battle between the Bible and science. This article covers a number of stories about how laws protecting life and advancing science have been battling one another in the halls of congress for years.

In 2021 it seems the devil has all the right people in all the right places. It seems the devil has total control in elections, governments, courts, and the economy throughout the world. But we know God has His people exactly where He needs them.

It was no accident for Biden to choose a vice president with long ties to abortion organizations with ties to satanists. It was an intricate part of Satan’s plan. Satan needed people he could trust in key positions. Harris was one of those people. The following article shows Harris’ involvement in abortion clinics and ties with satanists.

Once we begin to put the pieces of the puzzle together, we begin to get a better look at what is happening behind the scenes as well as a look at what is coming down the road. As people in control begin to exercise their power, they become bolder and bolder, exposing their true intents, desires, and who they are actually working with. On August 24, 2021 congress held a press conference telling the world, they have been guided by spirits from the grave. It sounds like a story out of science fiction, but it is really happening in our days.

As matters progress, satanists who have accumulated more money than we could ever imagine are never satisfied with more money than they could ever spend in a life time. They are after more. More power, control, and the unrestricted quest to fulfill every lust, every desire. To achieve their goals, they need to eliminate everyone who opposes them. That is their creed. A creed shared by every communist, socialist, marxists, and satanist group in the world.

We Satanists are thus our own “Gods,” and as beneficent “deities” we can offer love to those who deserve it and deliver our wrath (within reasonable limits) upon those who seek to cause us—or that which we cherish—harm.

That creed is being exercised in the highest offices around the world. For almost a year we have heard the battle cry from the enemy, “trust the science.” Which was one step to achieve their goal. Science is taught to be above God. Science wants people to believe, God did not see covid-19 coming and was not prepared for it. Science wants you to believe, they have your best interests at heart, and if you believe in science, it can give you life God is unable to deliver. Science has the goal of placing themselves above God.

Members of congress associated with satanic cults are working closely with science to eliminate God, the Bible, and Christianity as a whole. Their goal is to abolish Christianity and ban the Bible. On June, 8, 2021, forty eight members of congress introduced a bill, S.1975 – Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021, that is one step in a series of steps to obliterate all forms of Christianity, outlaw the Bible, and place science above God.

In short, that bills states, “when all people, regardless of actual or perceived race, color, national origin, immigration status, sex (including gender identity, sex stereotyping, or sexual orientation), age, or disability status have the economic, social, and political power and resources to define and make decisions about their bodies, health, sexuality, families, and communities in all areas of their lives, with dignity and self-determination.”

The bill goes on to say, “health of every person capable of becoming pregnant. This Act is intended to protect all people with the capacity for pregnancy—cisgender women transgender men, non-binary individuals, those who identify with a different gender, and others—who are unjustly harmed by restrictions on abortion services.”

In it’s battle against common sense science, religious beliefs, and the Bible. The bill introduces laws to make any belief in two genders, a man and woman, and the belief only women can give birth an act against the state. “Many State and local governments have imposed restrictions on the provision of abortion services that are neither evidence-based nor generally applicable to the medical profession.”

Members of congress have decided to place themselves above common sense, science, the Bible, and God. Members of congress are introducing a number of bills that would outlaw any and every belief contrary to their personal religion and impose strict penalties for anyone who does not fall inline.

Today we see a concentrated attack on the medical field.

“HEALTH CARE PROVIDER.—A health care provider may commence an action for prospective injunctive relief on its own behalf and/or on behalf of the provider’s patients who are or may be adversely affected by an alleged violation of this Act.

11 (c) EQUITABLE RELIEF.—In any action under this

12 section, the court may award appropriate equitable relief,

13 including temporary, preliminary, or permanent injunctive

14 relief.

15 (d) COSTS.—In any action under this section, the

16 court shall award costs of litigation, as well as reasonable

17 attorney fees, to any prevailing plaintiff. A plaintiff shall

18 not be liable to a defendant for costs in any non-frivolous

19 action under this section.

20 (e) JURISDICTION.—The district courts of the United

21 States shall have jurisdiction over proceedings under this

22 Act and shall exercise the same without regard to whether

23 the party aggrieved shall have exhausted any administrative or other remedies that may be provided for by law.

Members of congress plan on unleashing their army of fellow satanists on a series of attacks on every medial organization and member who displays a shred of morals. Their satanic creed dictates, they eliminate anyone who disagrees with their agenda.

In a time when the government and media insist, we are facing a worldwide pandemic, they pass a bill to essentially shut down the majority of medical facilities. This plans appears to be beyond insane. And it is. But that does not matter to a group of people dedicated to eliminating every organization and person who does not fall inline with their agenda.

We can see why the call of, “trust the science,” has been their battle cry. When we look at the facts we can easily see how history has been repeating itself. When we have two of the left’s major leaders with Jewish backgrounds placing all their efforts into studying Hitler’s plan, correcting his mistakes, and making Hitler’s plan a reality, we know we are in trouble. George Soros and Bernie Sanders do little to hide the fact, they worship Hitler and his plans.

Hitler’s first step was to secure the economy through increased inflation and taxes, which lead to a take over of companies and businesses. Call in slave labor, make employment impossible and people are left with no choice than to turn to government for support and relief. Steps the US government and other governments around the world have already taken. Another phase in Hitler’s plan was to militarize the medial profession and science as a whole. Which is what bill S.1975 is designed to accomplish.

The government has already secured control of the economy through the use of unrestrained spending, borrowing more money than what is available, and adding unnumbered restrictions on businesses. Mandatory vaccines is one step in the process. Fines and penalties associated with those executive orders are designed to place unrestrained taxes on small businesses, driving them out of businesses. Bill S.1975 sets a precedence by reinterpreting the Constitution.

Congress has the authority to enact this

13 Act to protect abortion services pursuant to—

14 (A) its powers under the commerce clause

15 of section 8 of article I of the Constitution of

16 the United States;

17 (B) its powers under section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the

19 United States to enforce the provisions of sec20 tion 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment; and

21 (C) its powers under the necessary and

22 proper clause of section 8 of Article I of the

23 Constitution of the United States.

The actual law reads:

Article I

Section 8

Clause 1

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

This loose interpretation opens the door for congress to impose unrestricted taxes on the general public to fulfill their agenda, an attack on moral science and the medial profession that does not agree with their beliefs. In other words, this is a spiritual war against an enemy with unlimited funds.

Once the medial field has been secured, organized, and controlled by the government, the next step is obvious. Hitler was clear on the use of a militarized medical field. Hitler used the medial field to eliminated people he deemed to be burdens upon the state. Where is that going to lead in today’s society?

Hitler was controlled by a demon. There is no doubt about that. Today that same demon is in control, determined not to fail this time around. The border has been opened in 2021 for a number of reasons. To import an army, a sort of modern Nazi SS. History shows Hitler’s SS was made up of the most sadistic people in Germany. Many of them criminals, pedophiles, and worse. Hitler could trust them to get the job done based on the fact, they could not find employment in any other field. Eliminating the opposition was what they were qualified to do and what they enjoyed. Today we see the cartel and Taliban reaching agreements with the current administration, being armed, and streaming into the US at record numbers with no records of who they are or where they are. Rather strange in a society able to track anyone at any time. Pelosi spent millions on tracking down hundreds of people she suspected of being involved at the capital on January 6, 2021. But is seems that technology cannot be used on immigrants, the cartel, or Taliban members. Suddenly that technology becomes unconstitutional.

Wording in bill S.1975 is not only designed to eliminate every moral phase of science and the medical field that disagrees with their religion, it is designed to introduce the next phase of their plan. Bill S.1975 conveniently misinterprets the Constitution for a reason. Satanists cannot stand a Constitution based on life, liberty, freedom, and a nation under God. The entire Constitution needs to be eliminated. Once the public is tired of seeing the Constitution misinterpreted, they will welcome a new, modern adaptation. One that ensures freedom for all by eliminating God. The wording is in that bill. Not in those words, but in its implications. The satanic government will establish its own laws and rules to follow. And then what?

Of course removing God from the Constitution is the first step. We know the Bible is offensive to a number of people. So to secure freedom and happiness for all, the Bible will have to be outlawed. Any belief that God created only a man and a woman has already been deemed a crime against the state. Any belief that God decided only women can give birth is also a crime against the state. Bill S.1975 states, their is no evidence of only two genders, and only women can get pregnant. The Bible stands as evidence and must be eliminated at all costs. That bill grants congress unlimited funds to eliminate any opposition, using the court system today. But what will tomorrow bring? You may note, at least one man who professes to be a preacher endorsed that bill. At least one. An open communist, and now a satanist who decided to come out of the closet. The lesson being, Satan has his people in churches. We don’t know who to trust at this point and attacks will come from areas we least expect. People are not only wearing physical masks, they are wearing spiritual masks and masks of all types. The saints can see through them. Our roll is to help others see through these charades before it is too late.

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What is the American Patriot

It is impossible to tell an American Patriot by the way they look.

American Patriots come in all shapes, sizes, income levels, colors, national origins, religions, and back grounds. But only 2 genders.

American Patriots are tolerant of others sexual preferences, they just don’t want to hear the details.

American Patriots are the type of people who will help you on the side of the road, in the shopping center, and willing to get involved whenever they see anyone in distress.

American Patriots have run into burning buildings, laid their lives down for others in countless conflicts, and have always stood against every form of oppression.

American Patriots are quick to tell you about their father or grandparents who fought in WWII. Or the other wars we’ve faced throughout history.

American Patriots feel a connection with every service man and woman in and out of uniform and feel it is their duty to tell them how much they appreciate their service.

American Patriots have the blood of the American Patriots of 1776 running through their veins. Even though no direct blood relationship exists.

American Patriots can go to a Trump rally and feel like they are among 25,000 friends. American Patriots can feel the electricity in the air. Thousands and millions united under a common goal. Freedom.

American Patriots live under a simple mind set. Respect the flag, the Constitution, Freedom, Liberty, respect the lives and opinions of others, never force beliefs on others, and family is the most important in the world.

Then there are radical Patriots. Those who live to fight a battle against all odds. Always peaceful until pushed. Like a buffalo grazing in a field, Left alone a strong and majestic figure. But when pushed becomes a force to deal with.

The spirit of the Patriot lived long before America was a country. The Patriot spirit dwells on those who stood against all odds like the 300 Spartans and all the others who stood up against all odds for their families and freedom.

The term American Patriot may not be the proper term, because Patriots live all over the world. Made up of people who share the same values. A small government. The government works for the people. And, the government needs to do their job and stay the hell out of our lives.

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Satan in the Capital
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Battle lines have been drawn. The announcement on August 24, 2021 clearly changed this from a battle for freedom, states rights to secure elections, to a spiritual war. In the interview Steny Hoyer claims to have talked to the spirit of Joe Lewis 15 times claiming supernatural guidance on that bill and others.

BLM, Antifa, and satanists have called upon the spirits of the dead and we witnessed those results. Now we have a bill that passed the house and in the long run will secure the votes of the dead for whatever purpose democrats deem necessary. It seems only natural for democrats who believe they communicate with the dead to ensure those votes count.

It’s only natural for a congress that believes they talk to the dead

 to enact a law to ensure dead votes count

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Taliban Symbolism

The world has seen the symbolism the Taliban chose to use, imitating the picture of soldiers raising the flag on Iwo Jima. A hundred articles have been written about the insult that image sent around the world. Closer examination reveals the symbolism that was planned. The messages the Taliban incorporated into that picture.

First we will look at the obvious messages the general media caught onto and understood.

The Badri 313 was reportedly named after the Battle of Badr that is written about in the Qur’an, in which the Prophet Mohammed successfully defeated an enemy force with just 313 men – some 1,400 years ago.

We can’t hope to understand the symbolism until we accept the fact the symbolism is grounded in religion. First we need to look at the root of that symbolism, why they chose that name, that brigade, and pointed to that battle.

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

The battle of Badr was the most important among the Islamic battles of Destiny. For the first time the followers of the new faith were put into a serious test. Had victory been the lot of the pagan army while the Islamic Forces were still at the beginning of their developments, the faith of Islam could have come to an end.

No one was aware of the importance of the outcome of the Battle as the Prophet himself. We might read the depth of his anxiety in his prayer before the beginning of the Battle when he stood up supplicating his Lord :

God this is Quraish. It has come with all its arrogance and boastfulness, trying to discredit Thy Apostle. God, I ask Thee to humiliate them tomorrow. God, if this Muslim band will perish today, Thou shall not be worshipped.

At this battle in which the pagan army consisted of 950 fighters and 314 (including the Messenger S), the Islamic defense was a combination of three defensive lines :

The Taliban intentionally wanted to use the symbolism telling the world, their forces were far out numbered. The symbol of the battle of Badr pointed out, their forces were out numbered 3 to 1. That is a detail they wanted the world to see. It is of course a detail that has been censored by major media sources throughout the world. After a bit of digging, we are able to obtain an estimate.

The total strength of the Afghan national security forces – including the army, special forces, air force, police, and intelligence – was more than 307,000 at the end of April, the United States Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction (SIGAR) said in a report last week.

The combat forces available on any given day are likely about 180,000, according to an estimate by Jonathan Schroden of military think-tank, CNA.

The precise strength of the Taliban, on the other hand, is not accurately known. UN Security Council monitors last year said the group had between 55,000 and 85,000 fighters.

At best the Taliban was out numbered 2 to 1. In the worst case scenario the Taliban was out numbered 5 to 1. That is counting only military forces in the Afghan army. The figures do not include hundreds of thousands of militia in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan is made up of people who have been fighting oppression for generations. The reason for the pull out was plain. Afghanistan has been fighting civil wars for generations. That was not going to change. Muslims are divided into many different denominations with a wide range of beliefs, holy leaders, ideals, and doctrines. Symbols used in that picture tell us exactly what the Taliban’s religious beliefs center on.

One of the keys is found in the prayer offered before the battle of Badr, “if this Muslim band will perish today, Thou shall not be worshipped.”

It should be no surprise the Taliban believes they have the one true belief, the one true worship, and they are messengers from God. Many religious factions thrive on the same belief. That is what has been causing the wars in Afghanistan for over 1400 years.

Another important symbol is the flag in the picture.

The Flag is a Solid White Banner Containing a Black shahada which says: “There is no god but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God.”

Inside that banner is the word, “messenger.” This in fact is a symbol we find repeated in the message the Taliban sent all over the world. Of course the world is facing a religious faction that believes they are messengers, they carry a message from God, and the fashion in which they dressed tells us exactly how they plan on delivering that message. The name of the brigade, as well as the way they chose to dress those men points to one detail, their message will be spread by military conquest. Which is no real surprise. It has been that way in Afghanistan for over 1400 years.

While looking at the numbers we need to ask ourselves, how did the Taliban win so quickly over such a dominating force? Let’s look at the obvious. The Taliban may have had a force of 85,000 soldiers. The Taliban controlled about 90 districts at the beginning of July 2021. By mid August the Taliban controlled 391 districts. Every invading force needs to leave personal behind to maintain control of land, towns, villages, and cities won in battles. With a force of 85,000 in 391 districts, the Taliban would have to leave 39,100 solders behind to guard each district with only 100 men. That left a force of roughly 45,000 soldiers to invade a capital with a population of over 4.5 million and approximately 180,000 trained and equipped solders. Looking only at military strength, the Taliban was out numbered 4 to 1. A figure very close to that in the battle of Badr. That of course does not include armed militia that may have doubled the amount of available forces.

When we look at a defensive stance in the capital Kabul, we see 4 major roads leading into the city, crossing mostly open area. The distance from other major cities captured earlier is about 350 miles, taking about 12 hours of travel. The Taliban had no air power and limited defense against any air attack. Moving approximately 10,000 troops across each open highway against an enemy with complete air superiority sounds more like a suicide mission in modern warfare. So what happened? Why did the Taliban make such a decision? Of course those symbols are designed to make us think God had some control over the situation. That is what the Taliban wants us to think. We also need to consider the widespread censorship deployed over the entire Internet. Distribution of that picture could have been shut down in a nanosecond. Instead it was broadcast all over the world because it sent a message people above the Taliban wanted the world to see. Do the uniforms and equipment tell us who provided the protection to move 45,000 troops over 350 miles of open roads with no resistance?

Up to this point we’ve reviewed the obvious. The Taliban is a militant religious group who believes they have a message from God and plan on spreading that message through military conquests. By why did they choose to copy the symbol of Iwo Jima?

Within days, some 70,000 U.S. Marines landed on Iwo Jima. Although they significantly outnumbered their Japanese enemies on the island (by a more than three-to-one margin), many Americans were wounded or killed over the five weeks of fighting, with some estimates suggesting more than 25,000 casualties, including nearly 7,000 deaths.

Within the symbolism lies the same 3 to 1 odds found in the Battle of Badr . Although the Japanese lost Iwo Jima, the symbolism for the Taliban sends the message, they are ready to fight against Americans with over whelming odds.

April 7, 1945 – B-29s fly their first fighter-escorted mission against Japan with P-51 Mustangs based on Iwo Jima; U.S. Carrier-based fighters sink the super battleship YAMATO and several escort vessels which planned to attack U.S. Forces at Okinawa.

Iwo Jima enabled America to launch attacks directly against Japan. The symbolism used in Kabul by the Taliban is evident.

A close examination of the picture reveals a treasure trove of symbols. To understand those symbols we need to look at both the physical and spiritual interpretations.

The most noticeable is the uniforms warn by the Taliban. US solders wore tan desert camouflage in Afghanistan. The Taliban modeled green jungle camouflage. Which brings the question, did they use captured uniforms in Kabul or were these uniforms procured to send a specific message? Of course they were worn to send a message. The Taliban has no plans to stop in Afghanistan. They plan on invading lands where green jungle and forest camouflage is required.

The Taliban sported the latest in US long rifles. Not the outdated M16 series rifles shown in other photos out of Kabul, but the latest in US military hardware complete with short range scopes and extended round magazines.

One of the most telling symbols are the full packs. A clear indication they plan on traveling.

Those night vision goggles send the deepest religious symbol. Night vision goggles are used to see in the dark of night. A spiritual symbol used to tell the world, their forces are in hiding. Those goggles are worn over their helmets. Symbolism showing us, they are hiding in plain sight. Notice each solder is masked. Note, no one wore a mask in the original Iwo Jima photo.

Each soldier is outfitted with a side arm. Those pistols tell us, they are supplied with a number of weapons.

The photo in Iwo Jima shows US solders chose the highest point. Which is common sense whenever raising a flag in victory. In Kabul they chose a low point with higher points clearly shown in the background. A symbol showing this is only the beginning. At this point we don’t know the name of the mountain range. Typically mountain ranges carry some sort of symbolism especially in religious worlds.

The most sinister and bewildering symbols in that photo is the addition of black elbow and knee pads. Parts of a uniform not found in any other photos of US military uniforms in Afghanistan. Black gloves, elbow, knee pads, and masks are the uniform of choice worn by Antifa all over the world. Is the Taliban providing a subliminal message to the world?

Also notice the lack of any insignia identifying which army the soldiers are fighting for and which unit they are assigned to.

That picture in Kabul was staged, orchestrated, and most likely took hours to plan and arrange. That picture sends signals to the world, and contains a number of symbolic, hidden messages. Like the attack on America, the targets as well as the date, 9/11 hold deep, sinister messages for those who planned the attack. We would expect that picture to contain much more information than what lies on the surface.

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Satan in the Capital
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A Prophet Among Us

This may seem rather strange, but a democrat out of California wrote a bill in July of 2021 that basically covered every detail we have seen on the news more than a month later.

Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-13] some how knew the Taliban would be holding press conferences and releasing information on social media about woman’s rights, education, disarming the general public, and screening individuals at the airport. Yes, Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-13] provided funds for all the needs in Afghanistan and more, more than a month before it happened.

H.R.4373 – Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2022

Sponsor: Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-13] (Introduced 07/06/2021)

Date Actions Overview

07/28/2021 Passed/agreed to in House: On passage Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 217 – 212 (Roll no. 243).

07/06/2021 The House Committee on Appropriations reported an original measure, H. Rept. 117-84, by Ms. Lee (CA).

07/06/2021 Introduced in House

In addition, for the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) for reconstruction oversight, $54,900,000, to remain available until September 30, 2023: Provided, That funds appropriated under this heading that are made available for the printing and reproduction costs of SIGAR shall not exceed amounts for such costs during the prior fiscal year.

(A) shall be made available for programs that protect and strengthen the rights of Afghan women and girls and promote the political and economic empowerment of women including their meaningful inclusion in political processes: Provided, That not less than $60,000,000 shall be made available for such purposes: Provided further, That such assistance to promote the empowerment of women shall be made available as grants to Afghan organizations, to the maximum extent practicable;

(F) may be made available, not withstanding any other provision of law, for programs and activities to address the needs of the people of Afghanistan in support of peace and reconciliation, including reintegration of former Taliban and other extremists.


(A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of State shall promote and ensure the meaningful participation of Afghan women in any discussions between the Government of Afghanistan and the Taliban related to the future of Afghanistan in a manner consistent with the Women, Peace, and Security Act of 2017 (Public Law 115–68) and the 2019 United States Strategy on Women, Peace, and Security, including through—

(i) advocacy by the United States Government for the inclusion of Afghan women representatives, particularly from civil society and rural provinces, in ongoing and future discussion;

(ii) the leveraging of assistance for the protection of women and girls and their rights; and

(iii) efforts to ensure that any agreement protects women’s and girl’s rights and ensures their freedom of movement, rights to education and work, and access to healthcare and legal representation.

(3) AFGHAN ALLIES PROTECTION ACT.—Funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act under the heading “Administration of Foreign Affairs” shall be made available to carry out the Afghan Allies Protection Act of 2009 (8 U.S.C. 110 note), including for additional personnel necessary for eliminating any processing backlog and expediting the adjudication of Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) cases.

(ii) for reconciliation programs and disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration activities for former combatants who have renounced violence against the Government of Afghanistan, including in accordance with section 7046(a)(2)(B)(ii) of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2012 (division I of Public Law 112–74);

(5) UPDATED STRATEGY.—Not less than 90 days after enactment of this Act, the Secretary of State, in consultation with the heads of other relevant Federal agencies, shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a comprehensive, multi-year strategy for diplomatic and development engagement with the Government of Afghanistan: Provided, That such strategy shall include the elements detailed under this section in the report accompanying this Act: Provided further, That the Secretary of State shall consult with such committees on the parameters of such strategy: Provided further, That the strategy required by this paragraph shall be submitted in unclassified form, but may be accompanied by a classified annex.

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Today’s Idols

When we look at the Bible we normally get an image of a carved, wooden figure when we think of idol worship. Society has filled our minds with endless images of a person or group of people bowing down in front of a wooden, silver, or gold image of some fictitious god. After our mind reviews those images we are convinced, we are too advanced to fall for that sort of idol worship. Then we go about or lives worshiping new images, more modern gods we seldom see.

What are today’s idols? Where did today’s idols come from? Who invented today’s idols? They come in a variety of forms, designed to deceive the most dedicated Christian. The list is so long, we couldn’t hope to compile a complete list of today’s idols.

Money seems to be the obvious starting point. Most Christians agree, money is the root of all evil. In Biblical times money was gold and silver. Today money is paper, or some numbers on a computer somewhere. Today this world has gone as far as creating virtual money. Cyber money no one knows where it came from or what it really is. Cyber money is nothing more than figures on a computer screen people look at and worship. Sad to say, some people have more faith in cyber money than they do in God. But that is the faith today.

I am relatively sure God understands money. There is no money in Heaven. The devil introduced money to this world as a form of control. And it is working. God knows how the devil’s money system works and how he plans on using it to deceive and control masses of people. Money is the most important thing in some churches and on the top of the list in just about every church. Most churches have their own doctrines on money. Bits and pieces of the Bible cut out and arranged to give the church maximum control over the money their members have. Then we have businesses and of course the government.

Today we have trillionaires. Just a few years ago we only had billionaires. A few years before that millionaires were rare. Somehow someone created all that extra money. Which today is only figures on a computer. Sure there are some people who use their funds for good. But for the most part, they use their money to advance their own personal, distorted ideals. Which are not any different than many church doctrines.

I remember the first time I walked into a voting booth in 1976. I looked at the ballot and tried to decide who was prone to steal the least amount of tax dollars. Nothing has changed. As a matter of fact things have gotten much worse. In the first few months of 2021 the government has spent more money than any time in history. Come on man. Look at Bernie Sander’s website. He had plans of spending 11 trillion dollars a year. Which is about equal to the income of the entire country put together. An idea Sanders copied from Hitler. Sander’s plan promised free healthcare, free daycare, tons of housing assistance, and a host of other free benefits. So far the Biden administration has spend 10 trillion dollars and all we got was $2000 in checks. Which may pay for 2 months of healthcare in today’s market. With that spending came out of control inflation and we are holding our breath on tax increases. Sander’s plan was gauged on a 70% federal tax. Add to that 15% social security taxes, 8% state tax, 5% sales tax, plus property taxes, gasoline taxes, and all the other taxes and we are in a totally state controlled society where the government taxes at or above 100%. Common sense calls that slavery. We are told by the media this is the new democratic-socialist society we need to save the planet. From what? Oh just follow the science and they will supply all the answers. After we give them enough money.

Science is another modern idol. Look at the flu these days. What used to be referred to as a seasonal flu is now a year round experience. Some people decided to turn the flu into a deadly virus threatening the lives of everyone on this planet. So we need to spend trillions of dollars to protect us against the common cold. We are forced to wear masks. We are forced to stay home. Some people were forced to stop working. The government stepped in and offered a helping hand, with a dagger in the other hand. We are told a thousand times a day to, “follow the science, follow the science.” Of course science has all the answers. Look at the flu. Science tells us to wash our hands, wear a mask, and social distance. Which is an oxymoron. Social distancing is the first step in brainwashing to cast fear, doubts, and mistrust. The next step is using people to report people who are non-compliant, or perceived as threats. When science is in bed with government, we can expect the worst. The last time we saw science in bed with the government, we saw atomic energy go from offering an energy alternative to building bombs to destroy this world. Today that same science and today’s government are trying to convince us, we need them to save this planet.

Science is one of today’s idols designed to replace God. It is as simple as that and most people see right through the masquerade. Even the masks they wear do not hide their true intent. Total control of the masses.

Of course science, the government, and money are all tied together. The average person clearly sees the relationship and for the most part where they plan on leading us. If we allow them to take us down that road. But we have to look deeper into that unholy concoction. What is behind all of this? For some reason we’ve seen two groups come out of the closet, communists and satanists. Sometimes people are both, and more. And Sometimes we have communists claiming to be religious Christians, and some satanists who claim to be Christians. Then in 2021 we suddenly saw another mask come off. Israel came under attack by radical Muslim factions in May of 2021. The left media, all of the satanists, and communists jumped on the bandwagon to support the radical Muslim factions. The government went as far as funding the radical factions and cutting aid to Israel. They laid their devilish plans at our feet for all to see.

We are seeing a pattern developing. The same pattern Hitler used to take over sections of Europe. Hitler convinced Germany, the Jews are the enemy. Then he staged aggression from Poland. Hitler told his people one story and the world another story. Then Hitler worked out a deal with Russia to split Poland. Of course everything Hitler said and promised were lies. Which was an idol then and is an idol today. Yes people worship their lies and the lies of the leaders they support. Lies are one of today’s most dangerous idols. We can add to lies the idol of hatred. We are seeing the two walk hand in hand throughout Washington DC.

The devil is the father of lies. Satanist and communists are another idol today. Both are atheists. Communists deny all religion. Satanists admit there is a God, but insist Satan has a better plan. Communists endorse Satanists. Of course communists banned together with other communists and socialists until the took over. After that the strongest communist party annihilated the other groups they used to cease power.

It is difficult to explain what an idol is in the life of an ordinary, everyday person. An idol is like air. Air is all around us. We can’t see it, but we know it exists. We can place a scientific definition on air, but the wisdom of science does not explain the effects of air. We can look at pollution to explain the negative aspects air has on life. Just like the negative effects idols have on life. Both always seem to point fingers in all directions and seldom accomplish anything. Both always want another party to clean up air as well as clean up idols. Seldom does one take personal responsibility for the drastic effects pollution and idols have in daily life.

The most dangerous idol is the denial of idols. A plan the devil loves because it keeps him in the back ground. Add deceptions and distractions to that list of unseen, hidden idols. Denial, deceptions, and distractions unite as one idol to introduce what idol worshipers consider an unbeatable force. The mind of the idol worshiper puts together a plan. The plan usually includes casting blame and accusing someone of the crime they are about to initiate. That is what we refer to as denial. Denial is mixed together with the idol of lies. The idol worshiper mixes in a few planned distractions which pull in a few factions to cooperate with the crime at hand. Promises, payoffs, and power are some of the idols promised to those recruited to cooperate with the deceptions and distractions. Lies are spread. Others accused of crimes on false and misleading charges. Idol worshipers always make one mistake. They assume no one is able to see through their plans or put all the pieces together. Idol worshipers always underestimate the general public. Like Pharaohs in Egypt, those behind idol worship think the idols they create will rule without question. As history has shown, only a small minority actually believe the lies or trust the idols. Like the Pharaohs in Egypt, modern day idol creators have to relay on a fear factor to seize and maintain control. Fear is one major tool idol creators have relied on for generations.

As we can see, idols are alive and well in today’s modern world. They have taken on different images, but the idea behind idol worship is still the same. The basic creed followed by socialists, communists, marxists, and satanists is basically the same no matter which cult is followed. They all believe they are gods, and anyone who disagrees with their ideas must be eliminated. Which is exactly what we have seen exhibited by a small minority in 2021. The detail we need to pay attention to is, combined, those groups make up a tiny minority of the US and the world. History has shown, every dictator begins with a small minority. Just enough people to make promises to, recruit, use to spread fear, and eventually seize control. Most people avoid those major idols. Most people despise those major idols. But for some reason the people we have come to know as dictators have been able to gain power in many parts of this world. It doesn’t seem to matter how much evidence history introduces, there always seems to be that small minority who are easily convinced, their new leader has a new plan that will work. The fatal mistake is giving them a chance to introduce their plan. That is when the mask comes off and the devil appears in all his fury.

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To Own or Not to Own
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USA-eVote on the 2nd Amendment

Saves Money

I can tell you from experience, those who were taught firearm safety and how to fire weapons by their fathers can sight in any riffle in three shots. When they join the military they have their weapons sighted in three rounds. Those who fire their weapons for the first time take 30-100 rounds to fire a 3 round group within a 1 inch pattern. Which is required for sighting in a weapon. Some never catch on and never advance in the military. Those who have hunted with their parents understand the concepts of camouflage and cover. They not only save funds by using less ammunition, they have the basic concepts of survival in the field. In short, the 2nd Amendment as it stands saves money and ensures a much higher survival rate in battle situations, as well as ensuring a better equipped military feared by anyone choosing to be enemies of the United States.

Best Deterrent to Invasion

The only thing stopping an all out invasion from our enemies is the fact, the US has 18 million retired veterans. Many of them are better armed then they were in the military. Add to that a few million hunters, and licensed firearms in the homes of individuals for personal protection and you have the best deterrent in the world. In short, the 2nd Amendment is the best form of protection the country could have. No group of generals would consider invading a country where they are out numbers by 10:1 or more. Especially when you consider the fact millions of those individuals can consistently hit a target at 300 yards or more. No computer program could every simulate the many battle conditions an invading army would face. Common sense tells those generals, secure the cities and you just placed yourself in an automatic siege situation. Your army inside the city with thousand or millions of people to feed while the food is outside in the country, protected by those who are the best shots, best armed, and organized.

When you look at the advantages the 2nd Amendment offers, weapons and ammunition should be tax deductible. A well armed population is the best defense of our freedom.

Gun Laws

USA-eVote supports current gun licensing. A few generations ago elected government representatives looked at gun registration. Gun registration was formulated to protect the general public. Every law abiding citizen was allowed to obtain a gun license with proper training and own a gun to protect themselves from criminals. Everyone with a criminal record was denied a license to own a firearm. The concept of firearm licensing was simple. Criminals were denied the right to own a weapon. Law abiding citizens were allowed to own a weapon to protect themselves from criminals. Laws were also passed that imposed sever penalties on criminals possessing unlicensed firearms. Original laws imposed mandatory prison sentences on criminals arrested and charged with possessing an unlicensed firearm. Bails were either denied or set at very high sums. The US didn’t have a problem until judges began ignoring laws and refusing to enforce those laws. Today mandatory prison sentences are ignored. Criminals are allowed to plea bargain. And worst of all, laws established on bail to take those criminals off the street are now ignored. This created a view in the criminal mind that there is no difference between licensed citizens and criminals. Taking a view of the current situation, there is no difference between licensed citizens and criminals.

The original laws were written and passed by elected lawmakers concerned for the safety of those they are paid to represent. Today we see the complete opposite. Controlling, restricting, and eliminating police forces is nothing short of insanity and treason. That mindset places more security in the hands of criminals, offering them protection that is quickly being denied to law abiding citizens. If firearm licensing laws were enforced, we would not see the problems we see today. Imposing additional restrictions, fees, taxes, and burdens upon law abiding citizens moves our society in the opposite direction form the intent of the original licensing laws. Plain and simple, problems we see today are caused by ignoring firearm laws and the penalties they placed upon unlicensed possession of a firearm. Criminals ignore firearm licensing laws. It does not matter if they are the armed criminal on the streets, the judge on the bench, or the elected representative in the halls of congress.

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