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The Origin of Covid-19

I know a lot of people have been digging into this subject. I looked into this subject months ago and, to say the least, the fact that no one has been able to identify the origin of covid-19 raises more questions than any other details surrounding that virus. The first details I found explained how scientists and doctors have been able to identify the origin or source of viruses since the late 1400’s.

References to influenza infections date from the late 15th and early 16th centuries,[53] but infections almost certainly occurred long before then. In 1173, an epidemic occurred that was possibly the first in Europe, and in 1493, an outbreak of what is now thought to be swine influenza, struck Native Americans in Hispaniola. There is some evidence to suggest that the source of the infection was pigs on Columbus’s ships.

Now the question begs to be asked, if scientists were able to identify pigs as the origin of the flu virus in 1493, why can’t scientists identify the source of covid-19 in 2020? Or is there a reason why the origin of covid-19 has not been released to the public? Which draws us into a series of rabbit holes. The deep dark labyrinth of no return where souls are lost for an eternity.

Billions of people want to know where and how covid-19 originated. Those billions of people are taxpayers. Who is funding all this research? Who is funding the trillions of dollars covid-19 has sucked up in funds? Who is suffering under the hyper inflation directly related to covid-19? The people. And the people all over the world deserve an answer. Now name one media outlet or one politician anywhere in the world who is working to provide that simple answer. If doctors and scientists could identify the source of a virus in 1493, how come scientists with all the equipment and almost unlimited funds today can’t answer a simple question?

We can and will look at each of the simple explanations one at a time in somewhat of an unbiased manner in their prospective chapters in this book. Much of the information is from legitimate government sources. Some information was gathered from biased media websites that, of course, need to be considered with a grain of salt, so to speak. Which when examined, brings up an array of new questions to be considered.

The three main sources center on origins of flu viruses spread by birds, pigs, and bats. Each of which will be examined in later chapters in this book. The main focus will concentrate on reports published by leading scientists of our day. Sprinkled in will be stories from media outlets with their attempts at presenting news to sway your opinion. I have to warn you, looking at the evidence from a collection of sources can seem daunting and confusing. Be prepared to collect your own material and look deeper into each subject. Gather the facts with an open mind. And most of all, demand answers from the people you are paying to represent you and who are supposed to be looking out for your best interests. When we look at the funds involved with covid-19, we have to admit that if something needs to be covered up, they have the ability to bury it under tons of money. Finding enough honest people with the ability to serve the general public will be a daunting task. The first step will never be taken if the general public does not unite and demand answers.

One of the first explanations as to the origin of covid-19 was bats. One unbiased explanation appears to make the most sense.

2020 22-28 February

Genomic characterisation and epidemiology of 2019 novel coronavirus: implications for virus origins and receptor binding

However, despite the importance of bats, several facts suggest that another animal is acting as an intermediate host between bats and humans. First, the outbreak was first reported in late December, 2019, when most bat species in Wuhan are hibernating. Second, no bats were sold or found at the Huanan seafood market, whereas various non-aquatic animals (including mammals) were available for purchase. Third, the sequence identity between 2019-nCoV and its close relatives bat-SL-CoVZC45 and bat-SL-CoVZXC21 was less than 90%, which is reflected in the relatively long branch between them. Hence, bat-SL-CoVZC45 and bat-SL-CoVZXC21 are not direct ancestors of 2019-nCoV. Fourth, in both SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, bats acted as the natural reservoir, with another animal (masked palm civet for SARS-CoV35 and dromedary camels for MERS-CoV)36 acting as an intermediate host, with humans as terminal hosts. Therefore, on the basis of current data, it seems likely that the 2019-nCoV causing the Wuhan outbreak might also be initially hosted by bats, and might have been transmitted to humans via currently unknown wild animal(s) sold at the Huanan seafood market.

As we can see. We look at the prospect of one source and we see an explanation the normal person can understand. Bats were hibernating. Which basically rules out the probability that bats were the origin of covid-19. As the explanation progresses, the author tends to lose the majority of his audience. As soon as scientists get into their world, they lose the majority of the world. Which makes digging for answers that much more difficult. Sure, we have scientists with a conscience and dedicated to unbiased research. But their explanations seem to be from a different world. In a sense they are. But when we collect enough data and learn a few basic scientific terms, details come together in a language we can understand. Of course, we see, the more scientists dig into the subject, the more questions they have. I guess we can find a measure of trust and security when we read reports from scientists who are not afraid to admit they do not have all the answers.

Birds are another source mentioned in the news and in a number of reports from leading scientists. But there is a problem with the bird flu theory. The normal bird flu virus is not able to survive in the human body because of the lower temperature.

May 15, 2009

Human Nose Too Cold For Bird Flu, Says New Study

Today’s study shows that normal avian influenza viruses do not spread extensively in cells at 32 degrees Celsius, the temperature inside the human nose. The researchers say this is probably because the viruses usually infect the guts of birds, which are warmer, at 40 degrees Celsius. This means that avian flu viruses that have not mutated are less likely to infect people, because the first site of infection in humans is usually the nose. If a normal avian flu virus infected a human nose, the virus would not be able to grow and spread between cells, so it would be less likely to damage cells and cause respiratory illness.

We get a glimpse of how detailed those studies on flu viruses have been over the years. One detail to pay attention to is the dates, which will help us piece this story together in a manner most people will be able to understand. After gathering data, we also need to rewrite the facts in a way we and most people will be able to understand.

Since we are on the subject of bird flu, there is one more aspect we need to consider. In simple terms, common everyday bird flu cannot, or at the very least, has a difficult time infecting humans. The body temperature barrier is something easy to understand and accept. But when your income relies on the worst case scenario and you need funding, what would you do? Bird flu is connected to stories about people who work and live within the world of viruses and in their minds, developing new viruses is what they do to make a living.

December 30, 2011

By Anthony S. Fauci

A deadly influenza virus has circulated widely in birds in recent years, decimating flocks, but rarely spreading to humans. Nonetheless, because of its persistence in bird flocks, this highly pathogenic avian influenza virus has loomed as a major public health threat. Seasonal influenza kills less than 1 percent of the people it infects. In contrast, human infections with H5N1, though exceedingly rare, are fatal in more than half of cases. Should this virus mutate in a way that allows it to be transmitted as efficiently among people as seasonal influenza viruses are, it could take an unprecedented toll on human life.

A number of important scientific and public health questions regarding this virus remain unanswered, including the likelihood of such mutations arising and the mechanisms by which they may occur. Two recent studies co-funded by the National Institutes of Health have shed light on how this potentially grave human health threat could become a reality. Working carefully with influenza viruses they have engineered in isolated biocontainment laboratories, scientists in Europe and the United States have identified several mechanisms by which the virus might evolve to transmit efficiently in the ferret, the best animal model for human influenza infection.

Given these uncertainties, important information and insights can come from generating a potentially dangerous virus in the laboratory.

The question is whether benefits of such research outweigh risks. The answer is not simple. A highly pathogenic bird flu virus transmissible in humans could arise in ways not predicted by laboratory studies. And it is not clear whether this laboratory virus would behave in humans as it does in ferrets. Nonetheless, new data provide valuable insights that can inform influenza preparedness and help delineate the principles of virus transmission between species.

It doesn’t take long to introduce some of the main characters entangled in the covid-19 story and their motives. As we begin to establish a timeline we see motives emerge. In 2009 studies showed that the common bird flu was unable to survive in human bodies because of the lower temperature. We also see that the bird flu is a dangerous virus capable of killing birds and, if it were able to jump to humans, could prove to be deadly. At least that was Dr. Fauci’s thinking in 2011 when he wrote a paper designed to secure funding for research. The question looms. Did Dr. Fauci have the concerns and welfare of the general public in mind, or was funding his major concern? We will examine those aspects in later chapters. The important fact to consider here is, in the normal course of evolution, the common bird flu posed no threat to humans. Then the question lingers. Was a super virus developed in the laboratory and released to the general public?

We have little to compare germ warfare to except for the atomic bomb. Remember, leading scientists working on atomic energy saw atomic energy as an answer to a reliable and safe source of energy. There were, of course, divisions in the science of atomic energy. Scientists who truly had the right intentions, and scientists who only viewed atomic energy as the ultimate source of power and control. Those are the cold hard facts we refer to as human nature. The two sides we need to consider to get that unbiased view of covid-19.

When we consider the development of atomic energy, where were the majority of funds and research committed? To weapons of mass destruction of course. Did scientists stop at equations and theories? Of course not. Hundreds of tests were conducted all over the world with first atomic then hydrogen bombs. Research is still being conducted to invent the perfect killing machine. Do you think for one moment virus research is immune to human passions, greed, and world conquest?

Are we about to take the word of one man that funding for virus research is limited to securing a bright future for humanity? Does anyone really believe governments funding virus research have the best interests of humanity at heart.

When we look into bird flu, we will find connections the average person didn’t think existed. We will uncover evidence we all know exists, but when we put it together appears stranger than science fiction. Both sides of the media and political spectrum agree, spending on virus research has jumped from a few hundred thousand to millions and then to trillions of dollars in a short amount of time. With that money comes greed. Which is a common human entity we need to consider, along with the quest for power and world domination. Also, the aspect of defense. Which is a nice term governments use to develop and stockpile weapons of mass destruction. A smoke screen. In the long run, who is paying for this and what is their motive? In reality, common, everyday people are the ones funding this research. The people who deserve an honest answer. The question is, who can we trust?

The third source of the virus has been identified as pigs, commonly known as the swine flu. We’ve seen how the swine flu has been around a long time. Vaccines for the swine flu have also been around for a long time. Looking into the history of vaccines, doctors and scientists had an idea. If they took pins and infected those pins with a small amount to cells from infected pigs or persons, and stuck those needles into healthy people, that tiny amount of virus would be defeated by the natural immune system. It was a concept that for the most part worked. The vaccine industry was born long before it was fully understood. Long before the first virus was viewed under a microscope.

One of the things scientists understood in the earliest research into vaccines was if the origin was identified, the right vaccine could be developed and used to save lives. If the wrong origin was used for a vaccine, the results were catastrophic. Not only was the body fighting off an airborne virus, injecting a second virus from the wrong source always resulted in fatalities. The wrong source always made matters worse. Today, leading scientists insist that the origin of covid-19 is a mystery. But that did not stop the development of a host of vaccines. Vaccines with sometimes beneficial results and others with untold complications. Something is up, and for the most part, it seems that the media, government, and science prefer to keep the general public in the dark. We will cover vaccines, their history, benefits, and dangers in another chapter.

The probability of swine flu leading to this new covid-19 and its variants is slim to say the least. Although the world has seen breakouts of swine flu for more than 500 years, the facts are not inline with covid-19.

19 January 2022

Swine influenza

Swine influenza is an infection caused by any of several types of swine influenza viruses. Swine influenza virus (SIV) or swine-origin influenza virus (S-OIV) is any strain of the influenza family of viruses that is endemic in pigs. As of 2009, the known SIV strains include influenza C and the subtypes of influenza A known as H1N1, H1N2, H2N1, H3N1, H3N2, and H2N3.

Swine influenza virus is common throughout pig populations worldwide. Transmission of the virus from pigs to humans is not common and does not always lead to human flu, often resulting only in the production of antibodies in the blood. If transmission causes human flu, it is called zoonotic swine flu. People with regular exposure to pigs are at increased risk of swine flu infection.

Direct transmission of a swine flu virus from pigs to humans is occasionally possible (zoonotic swine flu).[citation needed] In all, 50 cases are known to have occurred since the first report in medical literature in 1958, which have resulted in a total of six deaths. Of these six people, one was pregnant, one had leukemia, one had Hodgkin’s lymphoma and two were known to be previously healthy. One of these had unknown whereabouts. Despite these apparently low numbers of infections, the true rate of infection may be higher, since most cases only cause a very mild disease, and will probably never be reported or diagnosed.

In this video, Dr. Joe Bresee, with CDC’s Influenza Division, describes the symptoms of swine flu and warning signs to look for that indicate the need for urgent medical attention.

According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in humans the symptoms of the 2009 “swine flu” H1N1 virus are similar to influenza and influenza-like illness in general. Symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, watery eyes, body aches, shortness of breath, headache, weight loss, chills, sneezing, runny nose, coughing, dizziness, abdominal pain, lack of appetite, and fatigue. The 2009 outbreak showed an increased percentage of patients reporting diarrhea and vomiting as well. The 2009 H1N1 virus is not zoonotic swine flu, as it is not transmitted from pigs to humans, but from person to person through airborne droplets.

Based on reports and studies, the swine flu is rare in humans and seldom fatal. So covid-19 most likely is not related to common swine flu. For the time being, we need to learn a few scientific terms assigned to viruses. H1N1 is the designation for what we term swine flu. That branches into a number of other sub-viruses, H1N1, H1N2, H2N1, H3N1, H3N2, and H2N3. Then we have that bird flu and its designations.

12 January 2022

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 (A/H5N1) is a subtype of the influenza A virus which can cause illness in humans and many other animal species.[1] A bird-adapted strain of H5N1, called HPAI A(H5N1) for highly pathogenic avian influenza virus of type A of subtype H5N1, is the highly pathogenic causative agent of H5N1 flu, commonly known as avian influenza (“bird flu”). It is enzootic (maintained in the population) in many bird populations, especially in Southeast Asia. One strain of HPAI A(H5N1) is spreading globally after first appearing in Asia. It is epizootic (an epidemic in nonhumans) and panzootic (affecting animals of many species, especially over a wide area), killing tens of millions of birds and spurring the culling of hundreds of millions of others to stem its spread. Many references to “bird flu” and H5N1 in the popular media refer to this strain.

For the time being, we need to learn two terms. H1N1, which refers to swine flu and H5N1, which refers to avian or bird flu. As a whole, neither of those on their own pose a great threat to human life. Not on a pandemic scale. History has shown mutations and large scale infection and fatalities. For the most part, our natural immune systems have been able to overcome those viruses. As we all know, less severe viruses make their annual rounds. The seasonal flu can and always has been fatal to people with underlying conditions that weaken the immune system. But we have never seen anything close to covid-19 and its number of variants. Which brings us to the fourth and final theory on the origin of covid-19, a laboratory.

Although there are suspicions on the number of people involved in virus research, what governments are involved, and what are their motives, the majority of research turns up a few names and facts. As we have seen, Dr. Fauci asked for and received funds to research avian or bird flu. There were a few steps Dr. Fauci and his staff had to cover. First was the ability for the H5N1 bird flu to survive at lower temperatures. Once that was accomplished, their new H5N1 had to develop the ability to transmit from human to human. We will cover each of those studies in future chapters. For now, we need to remember that H1N1 refers to swine flu, which can easily be transmitted from person to person, but is seldom fatal. H5N1 refers to bird flu, which has proven to be fatal in humans, but transmission to humans is rare, and H5N1 on its own is not able to transmit from human to human.

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The Origin of Covid-19

History has proven, an effective vaccine is developed after the origin of the virus is discovered. History has also shown, a virus can never be contained until the origin of that virus has been identified. What is the origin of covid-19? To date, science, the media, and governments all over the world have yet to reveal the origin of covid-19. Is this by accident or design. These questions have been asked by many. The obvious and only answer to that question is unprecedented. Simple questions have been met with accusations of conspiracy theories, revolt, and governments have accused people with simple, logical questions of being members of radical terrorist groups. Why has the media and governments refused to share logical scientific data, but jumped to the conclusion that any logical question is linked to an act of terrorism? This is one of the many questions about covid-19 shared by the majority of people around the world.

There appears to be something sinister about covid-19. Too much is not explained. With the technology today, the origin of a virus can be easily traced, identified, and studies can lead to a safe and effective vaccine. History has shown the origin of vaccines and their safe application. But for some reason legitimate data on covid-19 is either lacking or hidden by the media. Neither the media nor government have taken a single step to identify the origin of covid-19.

One of the biggest problems with covid-19 is the media. Many media outlets have developed a habit of calling legitimate questions, rumors, unfounded lies, and other vicious names. Tactics used by major media sources are more than transparent and if anything else, have lead to more questions. The constant and consistent rhetoric spewed by major medias outlets is transparent to most people. Those media outlets name zero reliable sources while attempting to present themselves as experts in the field of covid-19 and viruses. What is their source? Where did those news anchors derive their education on viruses? When was the last time a news anchor named a legitimate study as their source? They never do. Media only criticizes any and all questions and the presentation of legitimate sources. Major media sources have done nothing in the past year to prove they conducted any research into the stories they present. Instead they stick to criticizing every legitimate claim and question posed by every other source. In short, many major media outlets stick to one concept, making themselves an unquestionable source of information even though they put zero effort into research and refuse to cover any story from the many angles that make up a complex topic.

Governments around the world have taken on the same attitude. It appears most governments around the world use news media outlets as their only source of information, one backing up the other. Media and government have fallen short on reporting major topics with a total lack of facts, sources, and views from different angles that play a key role in the subject at hand. In essence, media and government in 2021 prefer to take on the role of dictator instead of reliable sources of investigative study and unbiased presentation of the facts.

When it comes to an investigation into viruses and covid-19 it has proven difficult to uncover reliable sources. Sources with links to back up their studies. Historical facts and legitimate scientific, unbiased studies are becoming a rare commodity in this information age. Most articles contain a small portion of the information we need to draw a logical conclusion. Most articles contain data with nothing to back it up. The information had to come from somewhere? Why are so many authors hesitant to reveal their sources?

After reviewing a number of articles on covid-19 and other viruses, I did unearth a few articles that met minimum standards. As a matter of fact, a few of these articles exceeded those standards. The following articles contain information the media refuses to share. Why? Reading those articles shows how actual scientific data does not agree with the agenda set by government and the media.

We should avoid making false accusations and establishing conclusions based on our limited medical and scientific knowledge. Many of these articles are beyond our basic understanding and can be easily manipulated to display unfounded conclusions. Great care needs to be exercised in investigations into the scientific and medical back ground on covid and its related viruses. It is best to stick to one fundamental aspect of the subject, and branch out as bits and pieces are understood. This involves researching a number of links to related research and understanding scientific and medical terms the average person is not familiar with.

The following link contains over 200 sources, well documented and linked in a way an average person can follow. This link looks at the origin of viruses, the history of viruses, and to a small degree, research into viruses. Links provided on this site dwell on a number of aspects covered in this article to a far greater depth.

The main question in this article is, what was the origin of covid-19. As we dwell deeper and deeper into a few of those links, studies have shown, the origin of covid-19 is yet unknown. The theory that covid-19 originated in bats has been drawn into question by a number of scientists studying the origin of covid-19. The most revealing fact is the timing. Covid-19 originated in December 2019 at the height of the hibernation season for bats. Another fact brought out by this series of articles is, covid-19 is a combination of a common covid virus and SARS. These articles show information on the make up of and complex formation of covid-19 which is make up of two major sections, the crown, and main body of the virus. The main body consists of a chain of amino acids that resembles other viruses. Similarities range from a 50-90% match. The articles explain why covid-19 lacks a closer match to other covid viruses and present data on its complex structure that shares links to other viruses including SARS. Although the articles do not make the assumption, covid-19 is a man made virus, the data suggests this is either a previously unknown mutation, or was derived in an unidentified host.

I found it much easier to access basic information on the history of viruses and information gathered on viruses in days when scientific study was in the cradle so to speak. If nothing else that information illustrates the lack of scientific data displayed by the media and government and how that lack of information has lead to catastrophic results throughout history.

Smallpox and Measles

Smallpox and measles viruses are among the oldest that infect humans. Having evolved from viruses that infected other animals, they first appeared in humans in Europe and North Africa thousands of years ago.

Black Plague

The virus, which only infected humans, probably descended from the poxviruses of rodents.[5] Humans probably came into contact with these rodents, and some people became infected by the viruses they carried. When viruses cross this so-called “species barrier”, their effects can be severe,[6] and humans may have had little natural resistance.

Plant Viruses

This agricultural revolution embraced the development of monoculture and presented an opportunity for the rapid spread of several species of plant viruses.[10] The divergence and spread of sobemoviruses – southern bean mosaic virus – date from this time.[11] The spread of the potyviruses of potatoes, and other fruits and vegetables, began about 6,600 years ago.


About 10,000 years ago the humans who inhabited the lands around the Mediterranean basin began to domesticate wild animals. Pigs, cattle, goats, sheep, horses, camels, cats and dogs were all kept and bred in captivity.[12] These animals would have brought their viruses with them.[13] The transmission of viruses from animals to humans can occur, but such zoonotic infections are rare and subsequent human-to-human transmission of animal viruses is even rarer, although there are notable exceptions such as influenza. Most viruses are species-specific and would have posed no threat to humans.[14] The rare epidemics of viral diseases originating in animals would have been short-lived because the viruses were not fully adapted to humans[15] and the human populations were too small to maintain the chains of infection.[16]

The influenza virus is one that seems to have crossed the species barrier from ducks and waterfowl to pigs and from there to humans.


The close similarities between measles virus, canine distemper virus and rinderpest virus have given rise to speculation that measles was first transmitted to humans from domesticated dogs or cattle.

Rinderpest, which is caused by a virus closely related to measles virus, is a disease of cattle known since Roman times.

Swine Influenza

In 1173, an epidemic occurred that was possibly the first in Europe, and in 1493, an outbreak of what is now thought to be swine influenza, struck Native Americans in Hispaniola. There is some evidence to suggest that source of the infection was pigs on Columbus’s ships.

Yellow fever

Yellow fever is an often lethal disease caused by a flavivirus. The virus is transmitted to humans by mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti) and first appeared over 3,000 years ago.


Until the Irish Great Famine of 1845–1852, the commonest cause of disease in potatoes was not the mould that causes blight, it was a virus. The disease, called “curl”, is caused by potato leafroll virus, and it was widespread in England in the 1770s, where it destroyed 75 per cent of the potato crop. At that time, the Irish potato crop remained relatively unscathed.


Rabies is an often fatal disease caused by the infection of mammals with rabies virus. In the 21st century it is mainly a disease that affects wild mammals such as foxes and bats, but it is one of the oldest known virus diseases: rabies is a Sanskrit word (rabhas) that dates from 3000 BC,[35] which means “madness” or “rage”,[31] and the disease has been known for over 4000 years.


Humans are the only natural host of measles virus.[148] Immunity to the disease following an infection is lifelong; that afforded by vaccination is long term but eventually wanes.


HIV crossed the species barrier between chimpanzees and humans in Africa in the early decades of the 20th century.


When influenza virus undergoes a genetic shift many humans have no immunity to the new strain, and if the population of susceptible individuals is high enough to maintain the chain of infection, pandemics occur. The genetic changes usually happen when different strains of the virus co-infect animals, particularly birds and swine. Although many viruses of vertebrates are restricted to one species, influenza virus is an exception.

Affecting mainly the elderly, the 1968 pandemic was the least severe, but 33,800 were killed in the US.[198] New strains of influenza virus often originate in East Asia; in rural China the concentration of ducks, pigs, and humans in close proximity is the highest in the world.


Arboviruses are viruses that are transmitted to humans and other vertebrates by blood-sucking insects. These viruses are diverse; the term “arbovirus” – which was derived from “arthropod-borne virus” – is no longer used in formal taxonomy because many species of virus are known to be spread in this way.[200] There are more than 500 species of arboviruses, but in the 1930s only three were known to cause disease in humans: yellow fever virus, dengue virus and Pappataci fever virus.[201] More than 100 of such viruses are now known to cause human diseases including encephalitis.


The discovery of hepatitis B virus and the invention of tests to detect it have radically changed many medical, and some cosmetic procedures. The screening of donated blood, which was introduced in the early 1970s, has dramatically reduced the transmission of the virus.[221] Donations of human blood plasma and Factor VIII collected before 1975 often contained infectious levels of hepatitis B virus.[222] Until the late 1960s, hypodermic needles were often reused by medical professionals, and tattoo artists’ needles were a common source of infection.[223] In the late 1990s, needle exchange programmes were established in Europe and the US to prevent the spread of infections by intravenous drug users.[224] These measures also helped to reduce the subsequent impact of HIV and hepatitis C virus.


The natural hosts of influenza viruses are pigs and birds, although it has probably infected humans since antiquity.[244] The virus can cause mild to severe epizootics in wild and domesticated animals.[245] Many species of wild birds migrate and this has spread influenza across the continents throughout the ages. The virus has evolved into numerous strains and continues to do so, posing an ever-present threat.


During the 20th century, many “old” diseases of plants were found to be caused by viruses. These included maize streak and cassava mosaic disease.[249] As with humans, when plants thrive in close proximity, so do their viruses. This can cause huge economic losses and human tragedies. In Jordan during the 1970s, where tomatoes and cucurbits (cucumbers, melons and gourds) were extensively grown, entire fields were infected with viruses.[250] Similarly, in Côte d’Ivoire, thirty different viruses infected crops such as legumes and vegetables. In Kenya cassava mosaic virus, maize streak virus and groundnut viral diseases caused the loss of up to 70 per cent of the crop.[250] Cassava is the most abundant crop that is grown in eastern Africa and it is a staple crop for more than 200 million people. It was introduced to Africa from South America and grows well in soils with poor fertility. The most important disease of cassava is caused by cassava mosaic virus, a geminivirus, which is transmitted between plants by whiteflies. The disease was first recorded in 1894 and outbreaks of the disease occurred in eastern Africa throughout the 20th century, often resulting in famine.

Such disasters occurred when human intervention caused ecological changes by the introduction of crops to new vectors and viruses. Cacao is native to South America and was introduced to West Africa in the late 19th century. In 1936, swollen root disease had been transmitted to plantations by mealybugs from indigenous trees.[256] New habitats can trigger outbreaks of plant virus diseases. Before 1970, the rice yellow mottle virus was only found in the Kisumu district of Kenya, but following the irrigation of large areas of East Africa and extensive rice cultivation, the virus spread throughout East Africa.[257] Human activity introduced plant viruses to native crops. The citrus tristeza virus (CTV) was introduced to South America from Africa between 1926 and 1930. At the same time, the aphid Toxoptera citricidus was carried from Asia to South America and this accelerated the transmission of the virus. By 1950, more than six million citrus trees had been killed by the virus in São Paulo, Brazil.[257] CTV and citrus trees probably coevolved for centuries in their original countries. The dispersal of CTV to other regions and its interaction with new citrus varieties resulted in devastating outbreaks of plant diseases.[258] Because of the problems caused by the introduction – by humans – of plant viruses, many countries have strict importation controls on any materials that can harbour dangerous plant viruses or their insect vectors.


Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is caused by a new type of coronavirus.[264] Other coronaviruses were known to cause mild infections in humans,[265] so the virulence and rapid spread of this novel virus strain caused alarm among health professionals as well as public fear.[260] The fears of a major pandemic were not realised, and by July 2003, after causing around 8,000 cases and 800 deaths, the outbreak had ended.[266] The exact origin of the SARS virus is not known, but evidence suggests that it came from bats.

A related coronavirus emerged in Wuhan, China in November 2019 and spread rapidly around the world. Subsequently named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, infections with the virus caused a pandemic with a case fatality rate of around 2% in healthy people under the age of 50, to around 15% in those aged over 80 particularly those with pre-existing comorbidities.[268][269][270] As of October 2021, the fatality rate is lower than SARS but the infection is more contagious.[268] Measures to curtail the impact of the pandemic were hampered by fear and prejudice and stigmatisation of infected people.[271] Unprecedented restrictions in peacetime have been placed on international travel,[272] and curfews imposed in several major cities worldwide.[273] Governments were not prepared for the scale of the pandemic and worldwide, virology and epidemiology experts were complacent with regards to the efficiency of existing testing and monitoring systems.

After rodents, bats are the second most diverse and abundant mammalian order, comprising 20% of all mammalian biodiversity worldwide. In the past 2 decades, research has intensified to determine why bats harbor more zoonotic diseases than other mammalian taxa, including pathogens that result in high-consequence infectious diseases, such as Ebola and Marburg filoviruses; Nipah and Hendra paramyxoviruses; and SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2, and MERS-CoV, emerging in humans (15). Behavioral and ecologic traits, such as their gregariousness, sympatry with mixed species assemblages in roosts, and long lifespan relative to size, have been suggested explanations for why bats are reservoirs to many viral pathogens (15). Physiologically, bats have comparatively high metabolic rates and typically do not show clinical signs after viral infection. Recently, it has also been shown that bats have several immune characteristics that are unique among mammals and that cumulatively dampen their antiviral responses (16). Those factors also probably contribute to their effectiveness as viral reservoirs.


Livestock can also be spillover hosts of human coronavirus infection. After the 2002–2003 SARS outbreak, a study conducted on farms in Xiqing County, China, tested livestock (pigs, cattle, chickens, and ducks) and companion animals (dogs and cats), leading to detection of 1 pig that was positive for SARS-CoV by antibody test and reverse transcription PCR (30) (Table 2). A larger and more complex series of livestock outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 has been unfolding since April 2020. Mink farms across Europe and North America have reported outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2 (Tables 2, 3). In most outbreaks, farmed mink were suspected to be initially infected by COVID-19–positive farm employees (31,32). Findings from the Netherlands have also identified instances of spillback from mink to humans through ongoing investigations (33). National surveillance and control efforts have been implemented in several countries, many of which have subsequently identified other SARS-CoV-2–positive species living on or nearby mink farms, including cats, dogs, and escaped or wild mink (32). Several countries have implemented mandatory reporting of any virus-positive animals and depopulation or quarantine of affected farms (32). In Europe, several million mink have been culled, and a moratorium has been placed on the mink industry in some countries; such early and coordinated One Health actions are needed to prevent bidirectional transmission of zoonotic diseases

Phylogenetic analysis showed that bat-derived coronaviruses fell within all five subgenera of the genus Betacoronavirus. Moreover, bat-derived coronaviruses fell in basal positions in the subgenus Sarbecovirus, with 2019-nCoV most closely related to bat-SL-CoVZC45 and bat-SL-CoVZXC21, which were also sampled from bats.23 These data are consistent with a bat reservoir for coronaviruses in general and for 2019-nCoV in particular. However, despite the importance of bats, several facts suggest that another animal is acting as an intermediate host between bats and humans. First, the outbreak was first reported in late December, 2019, when most bat species in Wuhan are hibernating. Second, no bats were sold or found at the Huanan seafood market, whereas various non-aquatic animals (including mammals) were available for purchase. Third, the sequence identity between 2019-nCoV and its close relatives bat-SL-CoVZC45 and bat-SL-CoVZXC21 was less than 90%, which is reflected in the relatively long branch between them. Hence, bat-SL-CoVZC45 and bat-SL-CoVZXC21 are not direct ancestors of 2019-nCoV. Fourth, in both SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, bats acted as the natural reservoir, with another animal (masked palm civet for SARS-CoV35 and dromedary camels for MERS-CoV)36 acting as an intermediate host, with humans as terminal hosts. Therefore, on the basis of current data, it seems likely that the 2019-nCoV causing the Wuhan outbreak might also be initially hosted by bats, and might have been transmitted to humans via currently unknown wild animal(s) sold at the Huanan seafood market.

Based on scientific information collected over hundreds of years we clearly see, scientists and doctors have been able to identify the source of viruses long before the invention of scientific devises available today. The question needs to be asked, why have scientists with limited resources been able to solve mysteries long before modern medicine, but modern technology remains baffled by the origin of covid-19. Since the 1960’s science has been to quickly identify the source of every virus within days or weeks of detection. But with the origin of covid-19 the media took main stage with their own analysis of the situation and came up with what seemed a logical conclusion, covid-19 originated in bats. A theory that has been proven false by a number of scientific studies. Those same detailed studies with all their funding, instruments, and technology have not been able to determine the origin of covid-19. Based on the link and sub-links provided in those studies, we clearly see a worldwide effort to solve this dilemma with zero credible results. The fact that no one has drawn the conclusion, covid-19 is a man made virus adds credibility to those studies. It proves scientists have been true to their profession by not establishing a result before beginning an investigation. An attribute we wish was shared by modern media and governments around the world.

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