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CRT, Ankle Bracelet Tracking, and School Security

This is a letter designed to be sent to state representatives to share ideas on what needs to be addressed and what can be done on a few choice subjects. Feel free to copy and modify to send to your own state representatives.

It seems we have two events dominating the news today. One event provides a simple solution to the other. The movie 2000 Mules shows how cell phone tracking can be used to gather evidence. The other is the number of mass shootings that is on the increase. One of the biggest problems we face today is criminals released on bail, somehow arming themselves, and taking one or more lives. Or worse, battling police. I listened to the mayor of Milwaukee who should have been studying the problem with his staff and listening to the people he is paid to represent. As usual, he is stuck on a single solution that will never work. Based on experience, people who claim there is one solution to a complicated problem are always wrong and their idea will always fail.

What we need from you and the state congress is a series of laws that will allow law enforcement and judges to work within the law using available technology to make this a safer state. We are not going to stop easy bail release. Someone is always going to slip through the cracks. But we can work together to change that. The mayor did mention a hot line to report criminals. What he didn’t mention is the fact, if people use that hot line they submit themselves to real dangers when the system releases the criminal they report within a few hours. The streets have that unwritten code on snitches. Turning the criminal back on the streets forces the people helping to end crime to a life of unnecessary fear. We need a no bail, high bail, or at the very least, mandatory tracking using ankle bracelets when the criminal was involved in any criminal hot line.

We also need laws that make it easier for judges to allow search warrants for locations criminals visit if they are caught with a firearm while on bail. Here is where we need a computer program that would include locations of known and suspected criminals. Those criminals hove to get their weapons from someone. Most likely local law enforcement has a pretty good idea. When someone on bail commits a crime with a firearm, laws need to allow law enforcement to access records that track movements. The computer system would include hot spots, locations that indicate possible criminal activity. Which would narrow down the number of search warrants served. The law would have to give judges a set of probable causes to issue search warrants. It would be a good idea to have people released on bail sign an agreement making them responsible for search warrants and aware they are being tracked when they are released with an ankle bracelet. They may think they can find a loophole in the law by meeting at a public place such as a supermarket or back alley when firearms are passed, but with camera systems and face recognition software it would help narrow down suspects. The key is to create enough success stories by getting unregistered guns off the streets and the public a sense of safety. After an initial system is created it can be refined to include early alerts where the tracking software works with mapped locations of suspected activity and eventually in real time using face recognition software. Once again, release forms will have to be signed by those released on bail with ankle bracelets, laws will have to allow judges freedom to grant search warrants, and of course we need penalties for criminals on bail who do possess firearms. The goal is to work with the technology we have to catch those on bail with illegal firearms before they commit a crime. Another software refinement would include a call to a 911 center, entering the location, and instantly linking to the system tracking ankle bracelets. When a connection is made, that information is displayed on laptops in law enforcement vehicles. The system would also display pictures and information of possible suspects wearing ankle bracelets in the general area at the time. Of course law enforcement would have better ideas how to refine such a system.

On another subject, I am sure you are looking into laws to protect children in the school system. Other states have passed laws to protect children from CRT and subjects that should not be taught is schools. Reviewing those laws is a good resource and starting point. Teachers are licensed in Wisconsin. Which makes it easier to deal with. I have seen this 25 years ago when I was called to a meeting in Muskego when the school labeled my 6 year old daughter a threat because she questioned some of the things taught in public school 25 years ago. Back then I considered it an isolated incident and did not take any actions other than to put my daughter in a private school. Which gives you an idea how much this has been able to spread.

If you compare CRT to the original writings from those who founded communism, it is a clear copy and paste with a few updates. Federal law on discrimination still contains a sub note at the bottom that basically says, discrimination laws do not apply to members of the communist party and their affiliations. Number one, with a few references, CRT can be identified as a communist affiliation. Number two, continued education for licensed teachers has to be updated to inform teachers of new laws. Number 3, school board members should also be licensed. Which would include an education requirement. Fees can be waived for low income participants. Number 4, reporting teachers and school board members should be a stream lined system. The education system should be a self governing system much like Real Estate licensing.

This is the hard part. Any new laws have to be open enough so teachers can address communist threats within the classroom. Back when I was in school some teachers were WWII vets and very good at teaching communists and socialists threats. Laws cannot paint teachers into a corner where they loose the ability to teach students about historical facts. I remember when the Polish President visited the While House in 2020 and offered to send all the teachers we need to come into classrooms and offer a first hand account of what it is to live under communist rule. Maybe Wisconsin can take advantage of that offer.

One picture of the latest school shooting raised another question. A surveillance camera saw the shooter approaching the school. If you served in the military you would know 5 seconds of warning are all you need. Airports use face recognition. It would not take a great deal of programming to add weapon recognition to such a program connected to school camera systems. An early warning system could sound an alarm, lock down a school, and alert law enforcement saving precious seconds. We have the technology so why don’t we use it?

The Texas shooting raised other questions. How did an unemployed 18 year old high school dropout pay for $4000 of guns and ammunition? Not to mention, how did he get a truck worth at least $18,000. Based on the fact he obtained those weapons through legal channels it is not likely a third party was involved. But raised the question that one day that possibility could exist.

Most people accept the fact the Internet and other avenues collect information. Spying is another popular term. The Internet allows a great deal of information to be gathered and used within an instant. Search for a washer and dryer on the Internet and conduct a search for anything or visit any site. Within 1 minute your browser displays ads for washers and dryers.

The signals the shooter in Texas send raised red flags and shows how the Internet is programmed for ads and sales but lacks the ability to detect and analyze warning signs. Some where that ability exists, but how are they designed and used. And how do we initiate new laws that protect the 1st Amendment while protecting people? There are certain steps that could make that possible and protect the state and companies involved away from obvious law suits.

Purchasing weapons requires an application. That state application could be arranged to grant permission for Internet chatter to be examined. Of course no one wants the state directly involved in data gathering. A contractor could be chosen and licensed in a way to ensure their employees pass security requirements. And insurance. And of course proper Internet security. Since the state licenses Title Companies with security agreements half the work is done. The company gathering and investigating Internet data would also undergo state approved training and testing so the criteria they operate under is fluid. Then of course a system to alert law enforcement to determine the next step. Non invasive visits by law enforcement may be the next step. Which could be covered in the state application to purchase a weapon. If a search is required, laws would have to guide law enforcement as well as judges. It is not going to be an easy task.

We also see the need for reporting Internet communication containing threats. Here we need laws to guide law enforcement as well as judges in the steps taken. The state may need a department of psychologists able to analyze the information and rate it. A law would grant information for steps necessary to defuse threats while protecting the rights of those involved. If threats exist and weapons need to be confiscated, the law would spell out steps required for innocent people to regain their property. Such as evaluations, interviews, so on and so forth. We have to protect against the possibility of ex-spouses or others filing false reports. So fines will have to be included for false reports.

Most of this points to new information that will have to be covered in concealed carry license training. Which may not be a bad idea for everyone who chooses to purchase a firearm. A one time license may be something to look at. Obviously people need training and pass an exam to get a drivers license. Which is a subject that has been discussed. We have a system of licensed instructors across the state and when you consider the Texas shooter paid over $4000 adding a nominal license fee is not out of the question. Seeing we are in the middle of trying to solve a complicated problem, continued education and licensing is not out of the question. Continued education for concealed carry could be done on the Internet.

Insurance is another issue. Owning a business I would consider it insane to carry a firearm without insurance. Which is another way to introduce back ground checks and agreements to access and investigate Internet chatter. The state regulates all business licenses as well as insurance. Not many businesses address the subject of people carrying arms while on the job. The few that do could help tighten security with a few simple laws. Employers who allow or require firearms while on the job would have to require insurance. The state could cover that in the license agreement the state grants with every business license. Insurance companies could require additional training, testing, and back ground checks. At the very least verify required licenses.

Most of what we need to tighten security are in place. Unfortunately we know tightening security on legal firearms is only a tiny part of the problem. The major problem lies in illegal firearms. I can imagine the state and local municipalities have dozens of existing laws to deal with illegal firearms. It is only a matter of enforcing those laws, In the mean time I guess the best thing to do is show the general public something is being done to address the situation at hand and hope the general public begins to do their job by electing representatives willing to work on the crime problem and stop demanding their one step solution that will never accomplish a thing.

There is one thing I am not sure you are aware of. I added the ability to add a charge card program to a website. A minute after I uploaded a scanned copy of the back of my drivers license the site asked a series of questions about where I lived in certain years, who I lived with and questions about income during certain years. The amount of information that code on drivers licenses amazed me. Square and Stripe are the most common companies offering online credit card services. Those companies should be able to offer ideas how to create security systems and back ground checks. It is obvious something went wrong with that kid in Texas when he ordered those riffles online. Someone dropped the ball.

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