October 2020
So far 2020 has been stranger than any science fiction movie. Although we’ve seen a long list of unexpected events, we all have this sense we can see where the left is heading. To total communist one party rule. So what does that mean? As the weeks and days march on closer to the election, we see pieces of the puzzle coming together.
For one thing, during the 2020 election it is surprising to see all those communists coming out of the closet with no fear. Their demands and plans seem rather unorthodox to say the least. Some seem rather idiotic. The one on the top is, get rid of the police. Well that of course goes hand in hand with releasing all the prisoners. It is the exact same thing Stalin, Hitler, Po Pot, and all the other marxist leaders did. Ban the police is code for, “ get rid of the military.” You have to realize, every communist dictator replaces the police and military with their own thugs. Most of whom were carrier criminals. Then after gaining power, they remove those pawns. Check your history while it is still there.
There is one thing everyone should know. Communists only tell you what they want you to hear. That goes without saying. You have to have to knowledge to look back on history to put two and two together to see their next move and their final motive. The thing is, communist play on the heart strings of the depressed, and the uneducated. Look at the mass killings in every dictatorship. Who did they kill? Police officers, military personal, politicians, business leaders, school teachers, anyone and everyone with an education. Dictators have never been the smartest people in the world. They all share the same fear. They are all afraid of someone coming along and educating the general public on what is right and what is wrong. It’s only natural for dictators to eliminate any chance of that ever happening.
Dictators cease control of the police force, military, they take guns away from private citizens, they control the court system, school system, transportation, food supply, and every aspect of life. They pump in an endless supply of propaganda, always giving a glimmer of hope a better life is on the horizon. Still, they only tell you want they want people to hear.
Let’s examine a few facts about the 2020 election. The economy and taxes. Biden and Harris flip flop on the subject more than a drunken sailor. They are going to raise taxes. Then they are only going to raise taxes on the multi-billion dollar companies financing their campaign. We all know that is a lie. Companies do not donate millions of dollars to a politician who is going to cost them tons of money. Biden is going to end all of Trump’s tax cuts. The majority of those cuts went to small businesses and middle class families. Look at your tax return. Trump gave small businesses and the middle class thousands of dollars worth of new deductions. It is right there in every 1040 tax form. Why would Biden and the democrats try lying about that? You can see just how stupid they think people are.
Why did Trump initiate those tax cuts and why did they work? Trump first entered the spot light in politics by telling New York they are not going to double tax his motel. It was simple. New York wanted to charge millions of dollars of property tax on Trump’s motel and impose an even higher motel tax on every guest in every room. In Trump’s eyes that was double taxing and he was not going to stand for it. That mentality is what got Trump elected. He stood up to New York and the government eventually caved in. Phase 2 had to go into effect. New York had to stop wasting tax dollars. That took a whole new government with whole new leaders. No one has any idea how much money was stolen by politicians, but there were a number of crimes uncovered and people went to jail. Trump played only a small part in New York’s clean up, but it was enough to get noticed and appreciated. Many of the people who cleaned up New York are on his staff today.
Trump’s economy is based on a simple principle. The more people working, the more taxes are collected. Also, the government has to be diligent with tax dollars and cut out wasteful spending and uncover theft from within. Now we see why carrier politicians hate Trump. We can identify those politicians. They are the ones making a few hundred thousand dollars a year but somehow became millionaires while in office. And it is getting worse. A few have only been in politics a short time but already have spent millions on new homes, cars, yachts, and other luxury items. How did that happen? They made money the old fashion way. The stole it.
Once wasteful government spending and inside theft is curved, tax cuts are in order. We all know that. Now we can look at how the economy works in the business world fueled by growth. The news still covers business growth as a whole and for a few individual companies. Trump knows that for every $30,000 a small business owner gets back in a year, they can grow their business and hire one additional worker. The tax cut is offset by the taxes the new worker pays, additional taxes through increased profits the business pays, and of course the reduction in wasteful government spending and tax theft from inside the government. Multiply that by thousands of businesses and multi-billion dollar businesses have been able to reinvest those tax cuts and you have a healthy economy.
The left has no plan for the economy. If you look at Bernie Sander’s website you will find plans to spend more in taxes than the income for the entire country. That of course is impossible. But Hitler was able to win a general election and cease power on those same exact promises. Sanders wrote a number of articles on Hitler’s election. It seems rather strange for someone claiming to be a Jew studying and praising Hitler. That alone should raise a few red flags. Sanders is not playing with a full deck.
Dictators have always controlled the judicial system. Communist countries use a set of laws designed to convict anyone they consider a threat. One of those laws requires the accused person to provide information to convict themselves. This has been around a long time. The Catholic church was known for using that brand of justice during the dark ages. If the accused was unable to provide the evidence the court asked for, the accused was found guilty. The authors of the Constitution were well aware of that brand of justice and constructed a Constitution that basically outlawed that procedure in every way, shape, and form. It was surprising to see Pelosi try to use that form of justice in an attempt to impeach the President. It seemed for the most part that went right over most people’s heads. The media ignored it. The left rallied in Pelosi’s introduction to a communist form of justice as if they somehow knew that didn’t apply to them. Like the left was granted some type of immunity to prosecution. Which we see today in some democratic states where rioters are arrested and set free the same day. Although the cry for justice is chanted daily in streets, the left are protected by one brand of justice while conservatives and of course the police are held up to a completely different form of justice. More or less, guilty until proven innocent. And there is no verdict of innocent for conservatives.
One of the strangest twists in this election is the flow of money. Although there are laws restricting donations to any political party, democrats have shown the world, those laws can be circumvented or ignored. Bloomberg is one example. He joins the primary race. He places large sums of his money into his own campaign fund. After spending a few thousand dollars on one primary race, he pulls out of the campaign and transfers the funds into the democratic party general election fund. Stranger yet is how Planned Parenthood, a nonprofit, government funded organization is able to donate $45 million dollars into Biden’s campaign fund. This is $45 million dollars of taxpayer funds going directly to one party. How could that be legal? It should be illegal, but brings up another point. Votes are directly related to deaths and murders. Votes are being purchased with blood.
None of that touches the tip of the iceberg on campaign donations flowing in through other nonprofit organizations receiving millions of dollars a day from big business and individual donors. There should be a law against nonprofit organizations funded political campaigns. Nonprofit organizations are not supposed to be politically affiliated. That law only seems to apply to churches in 2020. Another example of one brand of justice for one group and a totally different set of rules for another group. Can we call that a political form of discrimination?
When we put 2 and 2 together we see nothing short of a push for a one party dictatorship. We can see big business involved. Internet giants like YouTube, Google, and Facebook don’t even try to hide their censorship on the Internet. They seem rather proud of it and because it only targets conservatives, that censorship is celebrated by the left. A left too ignorant to see where this is all heading. A left convinced, they will live a life of luxury paid for by the government who will take everything from the working class to support their army of thugs. It is a political ponzi scheme millions have fallen for. They are convinced they got in on the ground floor and there will be nothing but riches in their future.