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Public School in 1996

This video reminded me of a true life story. 25 years ago (1996) my daughter was in public school. They had a reading program with a contest. Whoever read the most books in the class won the grand prize. Smaller prizes were awarded to other students. Well at 6 years old my little girl would read a 100 page book in a day. Needless to say, she read more than anyone in any class in that school. She waited patiently for the grand prize to be awarded, but they gave the prize to another student. My little girls went home in tears. They ripped the heart out of a 6 year old.

Her mother heard the story and went strait to the school. I was smart enough to know, God gave mothers the heart of a warrior to protect their children. Her mother went into that school to win a war.

That made the school react. They called me and my wife into a meeting with the teacher, principal, school counselor, and a few psychologists. It was the 2 of us against 6 of them. I was smart enough to stay out of the conversation and listen while God’s warrior handled the matter. Until we reached the point to ask a few questions that opened a few doors to plant some seeds.

The teacher told us she eliminated all of the books our daughter read because she considered all of them religious books and she had to ensure separation of church and state. It seems the teacher took it upon herself to interpret the constitution on her own. I should have asked if she was also a licensed attorney. The others from the school agreed. They claimed they allowed a much larger kid to pick on our girl to, “harden her up and prepare her for the real world.” They called us poor parents because our daughter was a goody, goody two shoes always going to the aid of other students the bully picked on.

The combination of those two details prompted me to act. I asked if any of them read the Bible. No response. I told them if they had ever read the Bible, they would find stories of battles, massacres where 1 angel wiped out 165,000 soldiers in 1 night. They would find stories of persecution, idolatry, people taking advantage of widows and orphans. Quests for power and glory at any cost. They would read about an innocent man whipped to within an inch of his life and hung on a cross to die. I asked them where they got the idea the Bible is full of stories with happy endings. No response at all. None of those school officials read the Bible but felt fully qualified to judge it.

I told them their school has done nothing to separate church and state but only teaches religion they want kids learn. They asked me where I got that idea from. I told them to look at the catalogs of books they send home. They are telling parents to buy their kids Harry Potter books, and books about vampires, werewolves, witches, demons, and mythology creatures. All of that is religion. All of that is spiritualism.

But how would they know? Not one of them ever read the Bible. So how would they be able to tell right from wrong?

I told them, “this meeting is over.” And we walked out. The next day we enrolled our little girl in the church school.

Trump Quotes

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Only Selfishness Left

Yes, it is plain to see the left is based on selfishness and greed. We are to the point, there is only selfishness left because the left is based on selfishness.

Countless millions of dollars has been redirected from ethical charities such as cancer research, Toys for Totes, Make a Wish programs, Veteran programs, feeding the homeless, and countless other charities into the bank accounts of radical marxists planning to overthrow the US and dismantle the Constitution. Donations that used to fund noble causes is now being funneled into radical groups to bus professional rioters from city to city to loot and burn businesses to the ground. This generation has seen the biggest contrast in the use of charitable donations this world has ever witnessed. Those responsible are examples of the most selfish people this world has ever seen.

Billions of dollars has been taken from research programs for autism, cancer, birth defects, and countless other programs to fund vaccines for what is actually the common cold. Science has already admitted, only a series of continual shots may help. And it may not help.

Scientists first identified a human coronavirus in 1965. It caused a common cold. Later that decade, researchers found a group of similar human and animal viruses and named them after their crown-like appearance.

No one can count the cost to humanity caused by that virus, and the agenda it served. We can look at how that virus, those controlling the virus, and the radical left has changed America. It is a view into utter dark selfishness.

The left cares nothing about the people they harmed. They care nothing about children with autism, birth defects, or the families struggling with those issues. The left cares nothing about disabled veterans who gave so much for the freedoms the left has been abusing. The left cares nothing about veterans who gave their lives or their families struggling to make it though the month. The radial left are selfish and care nothing about the homeless in America, the businesses they burned, jobs lost, and those who are facing forecloses on the homes they worked so hard for. The left has been blinded by selfishness and helping people is the furthest thing from their minds.

Some heroes on the left have PhD’s and write papers on oppression. They know nothing about oppression. To them oppression is waiting in line at a drive though for an $8 cup of coffee, or living in a home smaller than 4000 square feet and has less than 3 bathrooms. They know nothing about sacrifice. They know nothing about loyalty. They know nothing about the love a mother has for her child she knows will not make it in life and may not live through the night. The left specializes in selfishness and knows nothing more. Look at their lives. There is nothing but selfishness left is their dark cold lives.

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Corona-19 A Warning of What is to Come
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The Shot Forced All Around the World

We all hear about the vaccine. In 2021 it is the shot heard all around the world. And in some countries, the shot forced all around the world. We have to take a step back to look at how this virus was conceived. It was the first virus in history that did not originate in birds, animals, and has not been spread by fleas or mosquitoes of other sources. Some claim it originated in bats. But that was never proven. So did covid-19 come from a lab?

When we take another step back to look at that shot forced all around the world, we have to ask why a vaccine is being forced on people for a virus no worse than the common cold or seasonal flu, which seems to have suddenly disappeared in 2020. So something is up. But what?

Labs involved in the creation of the vaccine and suspected of creating the virus itself are also involved in nanotechnology. We know little about nanotechnology which is a science shrouded in mystery often veiled under the claim of national security. Which is the code word for, military purposes. Are those offensive or defensive measures or both? We have no way of knowing.

What if the covid-19 vaccine contains nanotechnology? What if that vaccine is a method of controlling the human mind? It seems suspicious to see the introduction of 5G at the same time a vaccine is forced upon the world population. Who is funding both? A number of governments in the world of course.

This may sound like science fiction. Look at 2020. Using the Internet to fix an election was science fiction before 2020. Suddenly we see it happening in a number of countries. Look at the mind control and censorship practiced on the Internet everyday today. Before 2020 that was unthinkable. In 2021 we have an updated version of marxism called the critical race theory taught in school systems all over the world. A few years ago no one would have believed we would see any of those things in our generation. The entire world suffered a lock down and laws are in effect to wear masks. Riots and protests are happening all over the world. Riots happened in 2015. The only difference is, in 2015 it was easy to spot the radicals., they were the only people wearing masks. In 2020 everyone was wearing masks as they looted and burned businesses using the death of a black man at the hands or knee of a white cop as an excuse to ruin businesses. Looking back on history, Hitler used Jews as an excuse to loot and burn businesses. Today we see racism as an excuse to shut down small businesses and an open border to create high unemployment that was the key to Hitler’s plan. Eliminate jobs leaving military service as the only option.

No one ever expected to hear reports of 10 year old girls raped by cartel members in front of members of congress or see reports of armed cartel from the other side of the border herding people into vans, trucks, and buses. No one knows who those people are or where they are going. They are undocumented, non-people. Technically, by executive order, they don’t exist. All of this together is far stranger than any science fiction movie or book.

Before vaccines can be used to introduce nanotechnology a few details have to be in place. Number one is a vaccine to protect the elite from the controlling nanotechnology. Science behind nanotechnology control has to guarantee the virus cannot be transmitted my mosquitoes or other sources of transmission. Especially air born cells. Also blood transfusions. There are so many ways a virus of that type can be spread. Science can destroy the human race in heartbeat. Maybe the elite are smart enough to figure that out. But with the poor planning we see today, are they willing to take that risk?

Imagine a vaccine introducing nanotechnology where one shot makes people timid sheep, easy to control. Another shot makes people aggressive. Both controlled through 5G frequencies. Is that science fiction or a plan in the works?

We just saw a video in late April 2021. A police officer answered a call about a stabbing. The officer observed a woman with a knife attacking two girls, and a man trying to kill a woman by kicking her in the head. The officer reacted to a woman with a knife striking out at one girl then a second. The officer shot the woman with the knife. Comments by radicals, celebrities, and key political figures who have been encouraging riots and looting exposed their agenda. According to those radical voices, police officers should allow people kill one another. Police should not interfere. It is the same message we’ve heard for over a year when they cried about rioters, looters, and arsonists being arrested. They set up bail funds for radicals. The majority of them pedophiles coming with long arrest records. Those key politicians and radicals call for abolishing police. Added to that is the recent demand to let people kill one another with no interference. A few years ago comments like those we hear today would have been condemned. In 2021 the media and current administration demand we embrace street rule, street crime, mob rule, and chaos. With nanotechnology they can control attacks on those they disagree with. Abolishing police will open the door to the type of rule the elite lust after. The elite have been using media and the Internet to convince us unrestrained crime is the liberty and justice this country needs.

Trump Quotes

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To Own or Not to Own
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Misguided Firearm Control

Seriously listen to the politicians today. Listen to their comments on gun control. They talk about kids buying guns. Which doesn’t happen. Then they try to make people believe gun problems originate in the countryside with kids driving around in pickup trucks drunk and with guns. Which never happens. But they never talk about gun problems in the city, where they happen every minute of everyday.

In the countryside more people own guns. They are registered firearms. They are legally owned and many people have carry permits. But no one carries a firearm. Why? Because outside the city people feel safe. They don’t have hundreds of gang members running around with unregistered firearms. They don’t have the drug problems seen in the city. The sheriff knows the bad apples by first name and if they get into something stronger than pot, they go to jail. In the country someone breaks the law, everyone talks about it. In the country they don’t have that, “don’t tell attitude,” they have in the city. Afraid to turn in the criminals because of fear. There are no home invasions in the country. Criminals know there is likely to be a 9MM or 40 caliber on the other side of the door. Or the neighbors will send over their dog followed by more firepower most thieves are willing to carry. In the country neighbors look out for one another. Because they are not controlled by fear. There is no way they are going to allow criminals to take over any neighborhood. But the politicians don’t talk about that. They want people to believe threats originate in the countryside when in fact, people in the country know how to live in peace and security. Exactly what those politicians want to take away.

In the countryside people respect weapons as much as they respect one another. They learned firearm safety from their parents, hunting, and military service. They know the laws. Not one drop of alcohol is allowed when carrying firearms. That is the law and they respect the law. Not so in the city where people with guns are high on everything under the sun all day long and long into the night. In the city people live in constant fear of being confronted by someone on crack with a gun. Out of their mind and out of control. With no remorse and a revolving door local policy.

Now we have to ask why politicians are after firearms in the countryside while obviously ignoring problems in the cities where the problems really exist. Why are politicians who never visited the countryside or lived in the country concentrating on fabricated stories they know are not true? Why aren’t those politicians concentrating on the root of the problems inside the cities? Why are politicians making jobs harder for law enforcement, forcing police to leave, and giving criminals free reign in the cities? Are those politicians afraid of the criminals in the cities? Politicians know they have nothing to fear by attacking gun owners in the country. They can talk trash all they want with no fear. But what would happen if they started speaking the truth about inner city gangs? Could they safely walk the streets of the cities they are paid to serve if they told the truth? Sure – slam the people you know are not going to harm you and stick up and defend the people you fear. That is human nature when that human is motivated by fear.

Have problems in the cities grown out of control? There has to be another alternative than to surrender cities to criminals. That’s the only plan we hear from politicians today. Just let the criminals go. No one talks about the taxpayers living in fear everyday and every night. No one talks about the businesses robbed every week or the cost of insurance. No one talks about car jackings. Today they call them joy rides. What about the victims? They loose their cars. Loose time at work. Politicians don’t want us to talk about that because the criminals don’t want people talking about that. What about the cost of insurance in the cities? Taxpayers are spending thousands of dollars more a year for insurance because politicians are afraid to address everyday threats. The list goes on and on.

Politicians want to sound like they are big and fearless but look who they pick on. They pick on peaceful people in the country who just want to be left alone. There are a number of reasons why politicians act like that. Ignorance is number one. Politicians with the biggest mouths never ventured out of the city. So their comments are easy to see through. They have their statement then can’t answer a single question in any logical manner. Fear is another factor. They know the code of the city. They know what happens to snitches. So they avoid all accusations and truth at all costs by shifting the problems from the city to the countryside. Then we have politicians on the take. They know the gangs. They work with the gangs. Like Al Capone and gangsters from the old days, they are getting their palms greased to turn the other way. To cast a blind eye and cast blame in another direction.

So what’s the solution? We have more than enough laws on the books to deal with the problems at hand. Get caught with illegal firearms and do the time. Get rid of those revolving door policies. Stop placing color and race on crimes. Stop blaming society for the actions and choices of individuals who chose a life of crime as an easy way out. Bring back a real education system. Get rid of the, “everyone is a winner attitude.” Stop letting the socialists and communists dictate steps you should know where they are leading you. When prostitution rings are broken up, stop treating the slaves as criminals. Go after the pimps and ring leaders and make them pay. Offer assistance to the people they enslaved. Offer them counseling and restore their dignity. Many of them were immigrants coming here looking for a better life but were enslaved by the worst people any of us could imagine. Work with inner city people who want to learn a trade. Why did Biden end funding for apprenticeships? That was a step in the wrong direction. People want to contribute. They want to make something out of their lives. People want a safe environment to live in. And all politicians want to do is take that away from them. Why? Is it fear, control, money, or all of the above?

Jefferson Quotes

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Jobs Wanted
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Cost of Immigration

For over 100 years organized crime and government have herded immigrants into slums controlling every aspect of their lives for the mere purpose of recruiting new members and control their vote to establish local governments dedicated to their cause. Over 100 years voter fraud has grown in both numbers and sophistication. In 2021 we see a devastating plan unleashed before our eyes. Every taxpayer with open eyes knows exactly who is paying for immigration control and what it eventually leads to.

If you want cold hard facts proving covid-19 was part of an elaborate plan to control votes, look no further than the southern border in the first few months of 2021. Tens of thousands of immigrants are pouring over the border at a record pace. No one knows where those immigrants are being bused or trucked. There appears to be no plan at all, which is part of the smoke and mirrors used to throw the average person off track.

After closing down businesses for over a year, sanctuary cites have been able to grow their stock of rental units. For years city officials have been buying rental units taken over through tax foreclosures. Hundreds of units from single family homes to multi-family units are owned and run by local city officials. Sanctuary cites, boasting about giving immigrants a new life willingly house immigrants in their rental units. Rents, food programs, heat, electricity, and medical coverage are paid for by city and county programs. This alone explains why sanctuary cites have the highest property taxes. Those high taxes also increase the number of tax foreclosures, the number of rental units owned by city officials, and the amount of income derived from those units. It is a vicious circle trapping taxpayers as well as immigrants stuck in that cesspool.

Lock downs forced upon businesses by covid related executives orders dramatically increased the number of city tax foreclosures creating a number of vacant rental units owned by city officials in sanctuary cities. The solution. Open the southern border. Ship immigrants to those sanctuary cities. Process those immigrants through county agencies with years of experience. Immigrants are housed in what average people term slums. Those slums have been run and controlled by organized crime for over 100 years. In the long run, immigrants are kept in open cages with little hope of escape in the interest of controlling elections.

Opening the southern border is only the tip of the iceberg. Other factors linger below the surface. The obvious question is how the border was opened. Since 1952 the United States has been under immigration laws passed by congress and signed by President Eisenhower. No president has power to initiate new laws, alter, or abolish laws passed by prior administrations.

When we take a step back to look at the situation, we have to ask why rooms full of politicians in Washington DC and in every state in the Union seem to be blind to the obvious. President Biden does not have the authority to over ride immigration laws that spell out the number of immigrants allowed into the US, and the process all immigrants need to follow. Why state and federal lawsuits were not filed the day Biden opened the southern border shows how both parties are involved in the profitable immigration business. A court order by any federal judge from any state would have closed the border and everything would have returned to normal within a day or two. But not one person has risen to the task of doing their job.

Actions and relief offered by multi-trillion dollar relief bills have done nothing to support landlords or private homeowners. Federal bills boast a one year stay on forecloses. Most states already have a one year waiting period on forecloses with a redemption period. The federal relief bill does nothing to extend protection provided by state laws. Federal relief bills offer some rent assistance. But that is a long drawn out process involving a number of consecutive months of unemployment caused by covid, medical proof, and a number of other forms required to collect assistance. That assistance is controlled by states, counties, and local government decisions. Sanctuary cites control who receives assistance and who is denied assistance, along with what businesses are closed and how open businesses are regulated. States also control unemployment and assistance. When income and assistance is lost, rents are not paid. Landlords loose income. Taxes are late. The foreclose system is initiated and sanctuary cites increase their inventory of rental units. Open the border and bus tenants in to occupy newly acquired inventory. Increase taxes to pay for the flow of new immigrants. Higher taxes lead to new tax forecloses, which leads to higher inventory, which supply the need for more immigrants, and higher taxes. Which all leads to increased profits for landlords who own those rental units and a new pool of controlled votes for future elections.

Another detail in the plan is to trap immigrants in those rental units so there is no chance of escape. Education and viable employment is the only chance of escape for those immigrants. The solution. End all programs that could possible aid in that escape. One of the first moves by President Biden was to sign a number of executive orders and proclamations to cease all educational aide and aide to inner city businesses.

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Revocation of Presidential Actions. The following Presidential actions are revoked: Executive Order 13772 of February 3, 2017 (Core Principles for Regulating the United States Financial System), Executive Order 13828 of April 10, 2018 (Reducing Poverty in America by Promoting Opportunity and Economic Mobility), Memorandum of January 29, 2020 (Delegation of Certain Authority Under the Federal Service Labor-Management Relations Statute), Executive Order 13924 of May 19, 2020 (Regulatory Relief To Support Economic Recovery), Memorandum of September 2, 2020 (Reviewing Funding to State and Local Government Recipients of Federal Funds That Are Permitting Anarchy, Violence, and Destruction in American Cities), Executive Order 13967 of December 18, 2020 (Promoting Beautiful Federal Civic Architecture), and Executive Order 13979 of January 18, 2021 (Ensuring Democratic Accountability in Agency Rulemaking).

Here is a link to the list of executive orders signed.

In the swipe of a pen Biden ended support for inner city businesses, students seeking an education in apprenticeship programs, and all federal programs and agencies tracking federal spending and providing open, public reports on federal spending, accountability and transparency. Each of those programs was designed to curve, restrict, and eventually put an end to problems created by and only found inside sanctuary cities. In one election we’ve moved from a series of efforts and programs to solve problems encountered in sanctuary cities to all out support to increase and control those problems with no accountability.

Additional reading on the link between organized crime, immigration, and how government works with organized crime to control election results.

A direct link exists between criminal organizations and illegal immigration, former federal prosecutor Josh Jones says.

While gangs were loosely organized and tended to operate principally to provide immediate wealth or status to their members, a more formalized version of criminal activity sprang up in immigrant communities beginning in the late nineteenth century. What came to be known as “organized crime” was different from simple gang activity in that it took on a businesslike structure wherein those who rose to the top of an organization could achieve a certain social status and often were able to distance themselves from their criminal ties and become respectable citizens in their communities. This was often done at the expense of the immigrant communities from which they sprang, however, as fellow members of the same ethnic groups were usually their first victims.

Many of the routes and enclaves used by the smugglers have become institutionalized; for instance, from Mexico and Central America to the United States, from West Asia through Greece and Turkey to Western Europe, and within East and Southeast Asia. More often than not flourishing smuggling routes are made possible by weak legislation, lax border controls, corrupted police officers, and the power of the organized crime. Naturally, poverty and warfare contribute to the rising tide of migration, both legal and illegal.

Another reason why organized crime matured in Chicago was because the city’s children were often exposed to criminal activity at young ages. Early experiences of law-breaking among childhood gangs often molded the mentalities of participating Chicagoan youth in a way that prepared them for higher levels of professional criminal activity. Thus “the gangster is a product of his surroundings in the same way in which the good citizen is a product of his environment”

The Chicago Tribune declared that the elections were, “marked by shootings, stabbings, kidnappings, and other outlawry unsurpassed in any previous Cook County political contest.”[4]

The Chicago Outfit obliged to a request from Klenha for assistance in securing his reelection.[1] In return for securing his reelection, they would be granted an effective immunity from the law in Cicero.,_Illinois_municipal_elections

In return for helping the Republicans maintain control, Torrio and Capone were given a free hand in Cicero. On Election Day two hundred Syndicate gunmen descended on Cicero to ensure that people voted the “right way.” Conditions were so bad that Cook County judge Edmund Jarecki deputized seventy Chicago police officers to go into Cicero and engage the Capone gang. Frank Capone, Al’s brother, was killed in a gun battle with police at a polling station at the intersection of Twenty-second Street and Cicero Avenue. After winning the election, Cicero Republicans kept their side of the bargain. The number of liquor and gambling establishments controlled by Torrio and Capone in Cicero soon grew to 161.

Once the gangs came into existence it was a whole new ball game. We have a whole new crime scene today than we did before,” said Lombardo.

From January to October 2015 there were 18,929 violent crimes reported in Chicago, according to the Chicago Tribune.

It’s quite different today — well in some ways it is and in some ways it’s not,” said Lombardo. “If you were to look at when the mob emerged in the ‘20s they were very violent, but that faded as they got involved with politics.”

There are more than 70,000 gang members throughout the city of Chicago. The most populated gangs in Chicago include the Gangster Disciples, Vice Lords, Black P Stones, Latin Kings and the Black Disciples. Most gangs are predominantly located in the south and west sides of Chicago but can be found all over the city. The street gangs are in the business of drug dealing, with heroin being a top product.

Most gangs sell between 400 and 1,000 bags of heroin per day, profiting up to $10,000, according to CBSNews.

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Nation Flags
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Laws on Immigration

Let’s take a look at how laws are passed in the United States. The law goes through Congress. It is set up that way because we are not supposed to have laws, taxes, fines, and penalties without representation. Congress is that representation. After the bill passes the House of Representatives and Senate it goes to the president who can sign or veto the bill. If the president vetoes the bill, congress can pass the bill by a 2/3 majority and it becomes a law.

There is nothing in the Constitution that allows any president to sign executive orders or any form of paperwork to void laws enacted by congress. That is just not true, which makes it unconstitutional.

It seems President Biden has been handing out executive orders faster than drive through restaurants can fill your lunch order. Is that legal? Not by a long shot. A president cannot void any law or write special conditions to any law by executive order.

Here are some examples of executive orders.

A Proclamation on Read Across America Day, 2021

A Proclamation on Irish-American Heritage Month, 2021

A president can establish all the days of special observance they want. They are not laws. Executive orders do not force people to observe any day.

Here is another example of what a president can do.

Executive Order on the Establishment of the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships

Presidents can establish committees to look into issues.

A president does not have power to change, alter, abolish, or ignore laws.

The U.S. Constitution vests all federal legislative power in the U.S. Congress. Congress exercises this power by enacting public and private laws. A U.S. public law is a federal law that has general applicability nationwide.

By opening the southern border allowing countless immigrants into the US, Biden has broken or seemingly abolished a number of immigration laws.

(A) Except as specifically provided in paragraph (2) and in sections 1101(a)(27), 1151(b)(2)(A)(i), and 1153 of this title, no person shall receive any preference or priority or be discriminated against in the issuance of an immigrant visa because of the person’s race, sex, nationality, place of birth, or place of residence.

When deciding to give special treatment to immigrants entering the US through the Mexican border, Biden is discriminating against immigrants from all other countries. According to congress, giving special treatment to one class of immigrants is viewed as discrimination.

Here is a government link to immigration laws.

Immigration laws have been on the books long before Biden took office. Being employed by the federal government for over 47 years, you would expect Biden to have a general knowledge of laws he claims to have special control over, or at the very least a general understanding of the Constitution. Another immigration law Biden refuses to follow is the registration of immigrants. There are no exceptions, except for Biden’s order to border security agencies.

There may be something in the fact Biden is working with foreign entities that makes this in the very least, an impeachable act, and possibly treason. Immigrants themselves are one foreign entity. Another is the people who are profiting from taking those people to and through the border.

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What Wisconsin is doing in 2021 to Correct Election Laws

Someone has to do something about the questions surrounding the 2020 election. We’ve never seen anything like it. Key swing states had laws on the books specifying legitimate delivery of ballots, voter registration, voter identification, observing elections, ballot handling and storage. Due to covid-19 a number of local agencies and departments in those states decided to rewrite or ignore state election laws. Lawsuits followed. What really happened? Federal and state supreme courts upheld written laws passed by state legislation. Basically those decisions should have voided ballots arriving after election day. The problem was, state laws did not address late arriving ballots , and what to do after they were counted and added to the total vote count. City clerks and election commission members should have held late arriving ballots and kept them separate until decisions could be made. Instead, local officials decided to count late ballots and mix them with authorized ballots. Election commissions in swing states decided to take laws into their own hands claiming covid-19 emergency orders gave them authority to take measures outside state laws.

What to do? Investigations by state legislative branches saw questionable activity. Over 3000 witnesses testified in state hearings in key states. Ballots did arrive late. Mail in ballots were not verified according to state law. Other election laws were modified or ignored. The problem was, none of those laws addressed penalties for breaking, ignoring, misinterpreting, or rewriting state election laws. In some cases it was evident laws were ignored and broken. It became evident election laws did not specify how to deal with late ballots, forged ballots, and illegitimate ballots. Election laws lacked fines and penalties to deal with those infractions.

The solution

After the 2020 election it became evident election laws needed to be reviewed and modified to deal with issues brought to light. A number of Wisconsin State representatives have reviewed election laws and submitted changes to curb and help eliminate election fraud and questionable activities. Those new laws focus on defining mail in ballots, time frames, voter registration, voter identification, ballot collection, the observation of elections, and other issues questioned in the 2020 election. Those new laws add fines and penalties for individuals and organizations interfering with elections.

Wisconsin has taken the lead in election security. Attempting to correct infractions in the 2020 election would open a can of worms no one wants to deal with. There is no precedent to work from, and no one wants to establish a precedent that could be misused in future elections. The only logical course of action is to learn from the 2020 election and tighten existing laws to deal with the disagreements and loose interpretations witnessed before, during, and after the 2020 election results. Here is a list of State Bills in the 2021 Wisconsin Senate designed to deal with election issues.

2021 Senate BILL 203

This bill makes a number of changes related to obtaining and returning

absentee ballots.

Current law provides that a voter may make a written application to the

municipal clerk to obtain an absentee ballot by mail, in person at the clerk’s office

or at an alternate absentee ballot site, by an agent for a hospitalized voter, by

delivering an application to a special voting deputy, or electronically. This bill also

allows a voter to use a for-profit commercial delivery service that moves parcels

nationally and internationally to return an absentee ballot application.

Current law requires that an absentee ballot be returned by mail or in person

to the municipal clerk. Under the bill, an absentee ballot must be returned by mail

or by the voter, a member of the voter’s immediate family, or the voter’s legal

guardian to the office of the municipal clerk; to the municipal clerk at an alternate

absentee ballot site; to the site of a collection event; or to the voter’s polling place on

election day. If the voter is unable to deliver the absentee ballot and has no legal

guardian or immediate family residing in this state, the voter may designate, in

writing, one person who is a registered voter in this state to deliver the ballot, except

that the voter may not designate a candidate on the ballot nor compensate the person

to deliver the ballot. No person designated to deliver a ballot may deliver more than

one ballot for any election for a person who is not a member of the person’s immediate


The bill allows a municipality to designate a site other than the municipal

clerk’s office as a location for a voter to return his or her completed absentee ballot.

Unlike an alternate absentee ballot site under current law, a site designated for the

collection of completed absentee ballots may not be used by a voter to make a request

for and vote by absentee ballot. However, similar to an alternate absentee ballot site,

a designated collection site must be located as near as practicable to the office of the

municipal clerk. In addition, like an alternate absentee ballot site, a collection site

must be staffed by the municipal clerk or employees of the clerk and be accessible to

all individuals with disabilities. Under the bill, a voter may return his or her

completed absentee ballot to a collection site only during the period that coincides

with the period for making applications for in person absentee ballots. That period

begins no earlier than 14 days preceding an election and ends no later than the

Sunday preceding that election.

Finally, the bill prohibits a person from obtaining a marked absentee ballot

from another person in order to deliver it to the municipal clerk or polling place,

unless the person obtaining the ballot is a member of the voter’s immediate family

or the voter’s legal guardian. A person who violates this prohibition is guilty of a

Class I felony.

Because this bill creates a new crime or revises a penalty for an existing crime,

the Joint Review Committee on Criminal Penalties may be requested to prepare a


2021 Senate BILL 203 address the delivery of absentee ballots. This bill prohibits the creation, installation, and use of make shift, independent ballot collection boxes which in the 2020 election were unsecured and easily abused. Unauthorized ballots could be easily added to those drop boxes. Individuals can easily screen unsecured drop boxes by eliminating ballots they do not agree with. Fines need to be added for people attempting to tamper with authorized and secured ballot boxes, adding illegitimate ballots or attempting to remove authorized ballots.

2021 Senate BILL 204

This bill makes a number of changes to the laws relating to absentee ballots in


1. Applications for absentee ballots

Subject to an exception for certain voters at residential care facilities and

qualified retirement homes, current law prohibits a municipal clerk from issuing an

absentee ballot to a voter, including in person at the municipal clerk’s office, unless

the voter submits a written application for the absentee ballot. Current law does not

prescribe a specific form of written application for requesting absentee ballots.

The bill requires the Elections Commission to prescribe the form and

instructions of the absentee ballot application. The bill also requires the absentee

ballot application to be separate and distinct from the certificate envelope in which

voters must seal and submit absentee ballots, the outer portion of which includes

certifications of both the voter and a witness. Additionally, the bill requires that the

application require the voter to certify facts establishing that he or she is eligible to

vote in the election and must include at least all of the following information:

a. The voter’s municipality and county of residence.

b. The voter’s name, date of birth, and contact information, including as

applicable the voter’s telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address.

c. The street address of the voter’s legal voting residence.

d. The election at which the voter intends to vote absentee.

e. Whether the voter is a military or overseas voter.

f. The voter’s confidential identification serial number if the voter has obtained

a confidential listing for purposes of voting.

g. The lawful method by which the voter prefers to receive the absentee ballot.

h. Whether the voter is a hospitalized voter.

The bill provides that any municipal clerk issuing an absentee ballot without

having received a completed application on the form prescribed by the Elections

Commission under the bill that contains the voter’s original written signature, a copy

of the voter’s original written signature if transmitted by facsimile transmission, or

the voter’s electronic signature if submitted in Portable Document Format (PDF) by

e-mail, or the signature of a person authorized by law to sign on the elector’s behalf,

is subject to a Class I felony, which is punishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000 or

imprisonment not to exceed three years and six months, or both.

2. Automatic receipt of absentee ballots

Current law allows the following voters to receive absentee ballots

automatically for each election for specified periods:

a. Indefinitely confined voters. Current law allows a voter who identifies

himself or herself as indefinitely confined because of age, physical illness, infirmity,

or disability to have, by signing a statement to that effect, an absentee ballot sent to

the voter automatically every election. If an indefinitely confined voter fails to vote

in an election, the municipal clerk must remove the voter from the indefinitely

confined list if the voter does not renew his or her indefinitely confined status after

30-days’ notice. Additionally, the clerk must remove a voter from the list if the clerk

receives reliable information indicating the voter is no longer indefinitely confined.

b. Overseas voters. Certain overseas voters registered to vote in Wisconsin may

apply for automatic receipt of absentee ballots for all national elections occurring

during the year of application.

c. Military voters. Service members who are on active duty and as a result are

absent from their residence in Wisconsin may apply for automatic receipt of absentee

ballots for all elections occurring during the year of application, or as otherwise

requested by the service member.

d. All other voters. Any other voter eligible to vote absentee in Wisconsin may

apply for automatic receipt of absentee ballots for all elections occurring in the voter’s

municipality during the year of application.

The bill eliminates the option for indefinitely confined voters, overseas voters,

and all other voters, other than military voters, to receive an absentee ballot

automatically for any election. However, the bill authorizes indefinitely confined

voters to request and receive absentee ballot applications, rather than absentee

ballots, automatically for each election. Active duty service members may continue

to request automatic receipt of absentee ballots as provided under current law.

3. Photo ID requirements for absentee voters

Current law requires most voters applying to vote absentee in an election to

submit proof of identification, such as a driver’s license, with their absentee ballot

application. The municipal clerk must verify that the name on the proof of

identification conforms to the name on the voter’s absentee ballot application.

However, current law exempts from that proof of identification requirement certain

indefinitely confined voters, as described above; overseas voters; and voters who

received an absentee ballot from the municipal clerk by mail for a previous election,

had provided proof of identification with that ballot, and had not changed their name

or address since providing that proof of identification.

This bill eliminates those three exemptions. The bill leaves in place all of the

following exemptions under current law:

a. Active duty military voters are exempt from having to submit proof of

identification with the absentee ballot application.

b. Certain individuals who are the victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault,

or stalking may obtain a confidential listing and keep their identities private for

purposes of voting. If an individual applies and qualifies for a confidential listing,

he or she is issued a unique identification serial number by the Elections

Commission. When applying for an absentee ballot, an individual who has obtained

a confidential listing may submit that unique identification serial number in lieu of

providing proof of identification.

c. Residents of residential care facilities or qualified retirement homes who, in

lieu of providing a copy of proof of identification with their absentee ballot, may

submit a statement signed by special voting deputies, or by others if no special voting

deputies are available, that includes certain information and certifications required

by law.

d. An individual whose driver’s license is revoked and who has been required

to surrender his or her license within 60 days before an election may enclose a copy

of the citation or notice in lieu of submitting his or her driver’s license for purposes

of applying for an absentee ballot.

4. Unsolicited mailing or transmission of absentee ballot applications and

absentee ballots

The bill prohibits any municipal or county clerk or municipal or county board

of election commissioners, and any person acting on behalf of the Elections

Commission, from sending or transmitting an absentee ballot application or an

absentee ballot to a voter for purposes of voting in an election unless the voter applies

for the application or ballot as provided by law. Any person violating that prohibition

is guilty of a Class I felony.

5. Notices concerning the canvass of absentee ballots

Under the bill, once the canvassing of absentee ballots begins with respect to

any election, the municipal clerk must hourly post, at his or her office and on the

Internet, a statement showing the number of absentee ballots that the clerk has

mailed or transmitted to voters, the number of absentee ballots that have been

returned to the clerk, the number of absentee ballots counted, and the number of

absentee ballots remaining to be counted.

Electronic voter registrations

Under current law, an individual holding a valid driver’s license or

identification card issued by the Department of Transportation and who is eligible

to vote in Wisconsin may register electronically. The Elections Commission

maintains an Internet site that is used by voting-eligible individuals for purposes

of electronic registration, currently titled MyVote Wisconsin. Current law requires

the commission to provide a secure registration form on that Internet site that

enables the individual to enter and update the information necessary for purposes

of voter registration. Upon the voter’s authorization, the commission obtains the

individual’s electronic signature from DOT for purposes of authenticating the

information provided by the individual.

The bill requires the Elections Commission to maintain a version of the

completed application, including the voter’s electronic signature, in PDF. The

commission must make the PDF version of the completed application available to the

municipal clerk or board of election commissioners of the municipality where the

voter resides.

Because this bill creates a new crime or revises a penalty for an existing crime,

the Joint Review Committee on Criminal Penalties may be requested to prepare a


For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be

printed as an appendix to this bill.

2021 Senate BILL 204 provides that any municipal clerk issuing an absentee ballot without

having received a completed application is subject to a Class I felony, which is punishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000 or imprisonment not to exceed three years and six months, or both. This bill establishes standards for absentee ballots as well as online voter registration.

This bill does lack fines and penalties for persons and organizations misusing absentee ballot laws and people knowingly attempting to register nonexistent voters or applying for absentee ballots for legitimate voters then using those absentee ballots for their own personal use.

2021 Senate BILL 206

Current law allows a voter who is indefinitely confined because of age, physical

illness, infirmity, or disability to have, by signing a statement to that effect, an

absentee ballot sent to the voter automatically every election. The voter is not

required to submit a copy of his or her voter identification with the request to receive

absentee ballots automatically, but is required to notify the municipal clerk when the

voter is no longer indefinitely confined.

This bill does all of the following:

1. Requires that the voter’s statement claiming that he or she is indefinitely

confined be made under oath.

2. If the voter is under the age of 65, requires that the voter’s statement be

signed by a physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse

who has primary responsibility for the treatment and care of the voter.

4. Specifies that the existence of an outbreak or epidemic of a communicable

disease in a voter’s community does not qualify the voter as indefinitely confined.

5. Provides that a voter’s status as indefinitely confined is removed every two

years unless the voter submits a renewal application.

6. Specifies that the penalty for making a false statement for the purpose of

qualifying as indefinitely confined is a Class I felony, which is a fine not to exceed

$10,000 or imprisonment not to exceed three years and six months, or both.

6. Requires the Elections Commission to facilitate the removal of the

indefinitely confined status of each voter who received that status between March

12, 2020, and November 6, 2020. A voter whose indefinitely confined status is so

removed must submit a new application for indefinitely confined status in order to

continue receiving absentee ballots automatically.

2021 Senate BILL 206 addresses the problems seen in the 2020 election where voters decided to reinterpret current Wisconsin voting laws by using covid-19 restrictions passed under executive order as an excuse to misuse mail in ballots. 2021 law now requires voting by mail in ballot due to long term illness to provide medical proof. This new law only effects those under the age of 65 will long term illnesses. It also requires the Elections Commission to verify that list every 2 years. This bill also specifies fines and penalties for people and organizations intentionally ignoring or attempting to redefine election laws.

2021 Senate BILL 207

Under this bill, no official or agent of a county, city, village, or town may apply

for or accept any donation or grant of moneys, equipment, materials, or personnel

from an individual or nongovernmental entity for purposes of election

administration, except as expressly authorized under the statutes relating to

elections. If the Elections Commission accepts a donation or grant of moneys from

an individual or nongovernmental entity for purposes of election administration, the

commission may not expend those moneys, except as follows:

1. The commission must distribute the moneys to each municipality in

Wisconsin on a per capita basis, subject to an exception for distributions that would

result in any municipality receiving less than $25.

2. The commission may expend the moneys only as approved by the Joint

Committee on Finance.

Under the bill, whoever violates one of the prohibitions described above is guilty

of a Class I felony, the penalty for which is a fine not to exceed $10,000 or

imprisonment not to exceed three years and six months, or both.

The bill also makes it a Class I felony for any person to assist in counting or

tabulating votes at an election unless the person is a resident of this state, is a

tabulator or election official who is trained to the extent provided by law, and has

signed the official oath and returned it to the municipal clerk with respect to that


Finally, the bill prohibits the appointment of any poll worker who is an

employee of any of the following:

1. A candidate committee, legislative campaign committee, political action

committee, independent expenditure committee, political party, recall committee, or

referendum committee, as those terms are defined by law.

2. A political organization required to register with the federal elections


3. An issue advocacy group.

Because this bill creates a new crime or revises a penalty for an existing crime,

the Joint Review Committee on Criminal Penalties may be requested to prepare a


2021 Senate BILL 207 basically forbids municipalities from receiving grants and donations from any source that relate to elections, election equipment, and election workers. Poll workers are no longer allowed to be associated with political and special interest groups. This bill includes fines for municipalities who chose to ignore or break this law but lack fines and penalties for individuals from political and special interest groups who choose to infiltrate and influence election results.

2021 Senate BILL 209

Under current law, a voter may return his or her absentee ballot by mailing it

or delivering it in person to the municipal clerk. Under this bill, a voter may return

his or her absentee ballot by mailing it or delivering it in person to the office of the

municipal clerk, except that the voter may return it to a drop box authorized by the

municipal clerk that is attached to a building where the municipal clerk’s office is

permanently located. The bill prohibits the use of any other drop box for the delivery

of an absentee ballot.

Under the bill, if the municipal clerk authorizes the use of a drop box, the drop

box must be tamper-resistant and moisture-resistant, include a slot that is only

large enough to allow for the insertion of an absentee ballot, satisfy the accessibility

requirements under the federal Americans with Disabilities Act, and be emptied

once each day at 9 a.m. by the clerk or deputy clerk in public view. Finally, the clerk

must publish notice of the location of the drop box and the days on which it is

available for receiving absentee ballots.

2021 Senate BILL 209 funnels all ballots through the municipal clerk, an elected official. In the 2020 election we saw ballots arriving from a number of sources including personal delivery to the location of the final ballot count, deliveries in post office trucks, private vehicles, and rental trucks. This law needs to go a step further by spelling out, “deliveries through other sources is illegal,” and include fines and penalties for people and organizations creating their own delivery services. Also fines and penalties for municipal clerks who decide to ignore or rewrite this and other election laws.

2021 Senate BILL 210

Current law allows any member of the public to observe the conduct of an

election at a polling place or at a site for voting by absentee ballot in person. An

individual may also observe the canvassing of absentee ballots. Under current law,

an election observer must print his or her name and sign and date a log maintained

by the municipal clerk or chief inspector. In addition, the clerk or chief inspector

must designate an observation area that is not less than three feet from nor more

than eight feet from the table where voters announce their name and address and

not less than three feet from nor more than eight feet from the table where

individuals are registered to vote. The clerk or chief inspector must establish the

observation area at a location where an observer may readily observe all aspects of

the voting process. Finally, the clerk or chief inspector may remove an election

observer who disrupts the voting process, engages in electioneering, or posts

election-related material.

Current law also requires a board of canvassers to publicly conduct all steps of

a recount. During the conduct, the person who petitioned for the recount, the

opposing candidates, and other interested persons are entitled to be present in

person and by counsel to observe the proceedings.

This bill requires the municipal clerk, chief inspector, and board of canvassers

to provide election observers uniform and nondiscriminatory access to all stages of

the election process, including recounts. Under the bill, an election observer must

wear a badge with the name of the observer and the name of the organization, if any,

the observer is representing. The observer may not wear any campaign material

advocating voting for or against a candidate or for or against any position on a ballot

question. An observer who violates this prohibition may be expelled from the

location where the observer is observing election procedures, but an observer who

violates the prohibition more than once is considered to be engaged in disorderly

conduct and guilty of a Class B misdemeanor. In addition, an election observer may

not interfere with a voter nor hinder an election official in the performance of his or

her duties. An observer who violates this prohibition is subject to a forfeiture not to

exceed $500.

Finally, the bill expands the observation area required under current law so

that it is not more than three feet from the table where voters announce their name

and address and not more than three feet from the table where individuals are

registered to vote.

Because this bill creates a new crime or revises a penalty for an existing crime,

the Joint Review Committee on Criminal Penalties may be requested to prepare a


2021 Senate BILL 210 defines election observers and the space they are able to occupy while observing the stages of the election process. Observers may not wear clothing endorsing a candidate or question on the ballot. Fines are also added to the current law to deal with election observers interfering with voters and poll workers. The bill does lack fines and penalties for municipal clerks, chief inspectors, and board of canvassers who choose to ignore or modify this bill.

2021 Senate BILL 212

Current law prohibits election officials from committing certain kinds of

election fraud, including permitting a person to register to vote or vote when the

election official knows the person is not qualified to do so. This bill provides further

that no election official may do any of the following:

1. Intentionally assist or cause the casting or counting of a vote or the receipt

of a registration that the election official knows is invalid.

2. Intentionally assist or cause a vote or registration to be rejected when the

election official knows the vote or registration is valid.

3. Intentionally fail to promptly report election fraud committed by another

election official.

Under current law, an election official who commits election fraud is generally

subject to a fine not to exceed $10,000 or imprisonment not to exceed three years and

six months or both. Under the bill, election officials violating the prohibitions

described above are likewise subject to that penalty.

Absentee ballot certificates

Under current law, absentee ballot envelopes include a printed certificate that

must be completed, signed by the voter and a qualified witness, and returned to the

municipal clerk with the completed ballot so that it is delivered to the polling place

no later than 8 p.m. on election day. By completing and signing the certificate, the

voter certifies that he or she is entitled to vote in the election and that the voter

completed his or her absentee ballot in the presence of the witness. The witness

certificate includes the witness’s printed name and address in addition to his or her

signature. If a municipal clerk receives an absentee ballot with an improperly

completed certificate or with no certificate, the clerk may, but is not required to,

return the ballot to the voter whenever time permits so that the voter may correct

the defect.

Under this bill, if a municipal clerk receives an absentee ballot with an

improperly completed certificate or with no certificate, the clerk is required to return

the ballot to the voter and post a notification of the defect on the voter’s voter

information page on the Internet site that is used by voters for original registration,

currently titled MyVote Wisconsin. The bill also prohibits the municipal clerk from

correcting a defect in the certificate.

Because this bill creates a new crime or revises a penalty for an existing crime,

the Joint Review Committee on Criminal Penalties may be requested to prepare a


For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be

printed as an appendix to this bill.

2021 Senate BILL 212 establishes fines for municipal clerks who knowingly accept incomplete or invalid voter registration forms. This bill needs to go further by establishing fines and penalties for individuals and organizations producing forged voter registration and ballots. Those fines and penalties have to exceed income derived from such ventures.

Other Laws We Need Passed

Although the Wisconsin legislature has taken strides to secure future elections, major laws are missing. The major area is in voter machine security. Voting machines and the transfer of ballot information needs to follow the strictest security measures. All voting machines need to be encrypted. Only authorized personal should be granted access through a log in process that records when that person logged in, why they logged in, what information was accessed, why it was accessed, and any changes to the votes as well as the software controlling the voting machine. Any login results in an immediate back up that can only be accessed by supervisors. Backups have to be compared to any information collected after machine access. Wisconsin needs to outlaw any type of unauthorized access from outside the state as well as outlaw any overseas access. Any access from and IP address from out of state triggers warnings to supervisors. Any access from overseas IP addresses shuts down that access and sends out warnings to supervisors. The software for such control exists and by law needs to be added to every voting machine throughout the country. Sever fines and penalties must accompany the violation of laws regarding voting machine Internet access, login procedures, and information sharing.

Share and Share Alike. We like Shares!
Share and Share Alike. We like Shares!

Vision of Heaven

I think all Christians believe the number of the beast points back to creation. The sad part is, most Christians say that 6 points to man, who was formed by God on the sixth day and stop there. John called it the number of the beast twice. The number points to the devil. Men took the number of the beast and made it point to a man. By rule a symbol always points to something far greater. Not the other way around. Every aspect of the spiritual lesson is lost whenever the interpretation of a symbol is reduced.

What does the Bible tells us about the devil stopping at 6? The devil stopped at man’s creation. The devil’s influence stopped at mankind because the devil is restricted to influencing mankind. The devil’s power is limited to mankind. When we look at the proper sequence in scripture, Adam was not given the ability to reproduce until after creation week. The devil has no reproductive powers. He was stopped on the sixth day. The devil remains limited by the sixth day in more ways than we can imagine.

The devil does not enter into God’s rest. The devil has no part in God’s covenant. None of them. The devil has no meeting place with God. The devil doesn’t have the Spirit to communicate with. The devil has no place in front of God’s throne. Which brings up a number of questions. How could Satan live in Heaven, experience Heaven, then turn the world so far away from Heaven? Yes Satan did experience Heaven.

You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone adorned you: ruby, topaz, emerald, chrysolite, onyx, jasper, sapphire, turquoise, and beryl. Gold work of tambourines and of pipes was in you. In the day that you were created they were prepared. You were the anointed cherub who covers: and I set you, so that you were on the holy mountain of God; you have walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. You were perfect in your ways from the day that you were created, until unrighteousness was found in you. (Eze 28:13-15).

Lucifer was a covering angel. One of two angels in direct contact with the Ark and God’s law. Lucifer was right there in front of God’s throne. Satan experienced all the glory and power of God’s throne. And then he turned his back on God and Heaven.

Before anyone can understand the number God gave that beast, we have to understand what that number points to, and understand what it means to stop short of God’s rest and God’s throne. We have to look back at Lucifer’s experience in Heaven. We have to visit God’s throne and Heaven to see what Satan gave up to understand why he initiated changes here on earth to keep us as far away from God’s throne as possible. Then and only then can we begin to understand how and why Satan introduced his concept of a perfect world to earth.

We can begin by looking at a long list of things this world has that do not exist in Heaven. Satan’s plan is to introduce a better system, a better government, and better way of life here on earth compared to what God created in Heaven. Humans often think this world is paradise based on the fact, they have nothing to compare it to. God gave us an example here on earth. As a matter of fact, many examples. North Korea is the example that exists in our generation.

First, as noted above, even if only at the level of North Korean folk religion, it’s not only American Christians who attribute divine powers to the Kims; ordinary North Koreans regularly do so as well (as North Korean defectors readily attest).

A North Korean defector who lived in the country until she was 15 has described how she was brought up to believe that leader Kim Jong-il was “a god” who could read her thoughts.

Yeonmi Park, now 20, said she was brainwashed through propaganda “24/7” and was constantly aware of people around her being made to “disappear”.

North Korea is a living example showing how a society can be cut off, restrained, and convinced anything is true. The self proclaimed god of North Korea was able to brainwash the majority of its population into believing they lived in paradise. Even though the opposite is quite true. Kim was able to convince people living in the most impoverished conditions they were experiencing paradise. That example exists for a reason. Millions of people in North Korea are suffering for a reason. To show the world an example of how self proclaimed gods can brainwash people into believing they have obtained paradise and there is no reason to look for anything better.

The devil does that to this world. Billions of people spanning generations were convinced, nothing better existed beyond the world that existed around them and what the devil allowed them to have. Look around at the world today. This world is over flowing with things that have never and will never exist in Heaven. Satan works to develop and distribute those fake visions of paradise to keep minds focused on obtaining the riches of this world in exchange for a vision of God’s Heaven.

Today Satan offers trinkets such as cars and cell phones to give people the impression they are in control and living a full and complete life. There will be no cars in Heaven. Heaven is the only place where eternity exists. We will walk from place to place in bodies that will not wear out or tire. In Heaven we will not be restrained or pressured by time. Look at cars today. People speed along to make up time. Schedules place people under considerable pressure. People break laws, place others in danger, mane, wound, and kill people in the effort to make up time. We won’t have any of that in Heaven. Cars come with alarms, door locks, and endless safety features. Heaven has no locks on doors. Heaven is filled with people who are trustworthy and honest. There are no clocks to beat. Those pressures do not exist in Heaven. People can leave their homes with no worries to follow them. We will meet people along the road too happy to meet, feed us, and offer a place to sleep. Heaven has no fears or reasons to mistrust people. Our supermarket is outside our door. Trees offer free nuts and fruits. There is no reason to cut down trees to burn for heat. The weather is always mild and enjoyable.

On the other hand, those cars come loaded with taxes. Sales tax, transfer taxes, licenses, fees, gasoline taxes, tire taxes, and loads of hidden taxes. God never taxed a thing. Taxes are an invention of the devil. Part of his number. All of those taxes point to one thing – control.

People think they’ve obtained a slice of freedom, wisdom, and paradise with their cell phone. Quite the opposite is true. God has communication systems that make cell phones appear primitive. This world had to exist for over 6000 years without cell phones. God’s communication through His Spirit existed long before this earth was created. It still exists today. Satan is trying his hardest to make us forget about God’s Spirit, his way of communicating, and His concern for us. Cell phones are loaded with costs. The cost of the phone, monthly plans, taxes, charges for minutes, data usage, and other costs. God never charged anything for His Spirit. But Satan needs to charge for his services. It is part of his control.

Everything Satan offers requires factories, managers, owners, and bosses. Another part of Satan’s plan to control. Satan invented classes. We have the elite class, the working class, the middle class, the poor class, and forgotten classes. Satan developed a tier system to control the human race. Tier systems exist in every form of government. Tier systems exist in monarchies, democracies, republics, and every variation of marxism, socialism, and communism. Take a moment to ask yourself why. Because there is not a form of government in this world that was not created by Satan and is not controlled by Satan. Any attempt to teach and preach anything else is a trick by Satan in an attempt to conceal himself.

There are no tier systems in Heaven. There never have been and there never will be. People may say, “there are twenty four elders at God’s throne, and other examples of angels and other beings at God’s throne on different levels.” What did those angels tell John?

And I, John, saw and heard these things. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel showing me these things. Then he said to me, Behold! See, do not do it! For I am your fellow-servant, and of your brothers the prophets, and of those who keep the Words of this Book. Do worship to God. (Rev 22:8-9 MKJV).

We are all equal in God’s eyes. We are all equal in Heaven. Today in 2021 Satan is still pointing out differences in equality, differences in color, income, race, working classes, and every class he could think of. Satan invented those classes to use against us. Satan has done everything in his power to stop communication with Heaven and obscure every vision of Heaven because Satan does not want this world to see the equality that exists in Heaven. If this world could see God’s equality, Satan would loose his power. Satan would loose the control he has worked so hard to gain.

The scriptures stopped Satan at the sixth day. The author of Hebrews explained why Satan stopped at the sixth day,

For He spoke in a certain place of the seventh day in this way: “And God rested the seventh day from all His works.” And in this place again, “They shall not enter into My rest.” Since then it remains that some must enter into it, and since they to whom it was first preached did not enter in because of unbelief, He again marks out a certain day, saying in David, “Today,” (after so long a time). Even as it is said, “Today, if you will hear His voice, harden not your hearts.” For if Joshua had given them rest, then He would not afterward have spoken of another day. So then there remains a rest to the people of God. For he who has entered into his rest, he also has ceased from his own works, as God did from His. Therefore let us labor to enter into that rest, lest anyone fall after the same example of unbelief. (Heb 4:4-11 MKJV).

The author of Hebrews summed up why it is so important to understand why Satan held himself to the sixth day and why he plans on restricting this world to the sixth day.

For the Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing apart of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight, but all things are naked and opened to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do. Since then we have a great High Priest who has passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession. For we do not have a high priest who cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities, but was in all points tempted just as we are, yet without sin. Therefore let us come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (Heb 4:12-16 MKJV).

The Book of Hebrews ties in understanding God’s word to God’s throne. Common sense tells us, we cannot hope to understand God’s Word without God’s presence, counsel, and guidance. God’s Word is one of the most important connections we have with Heaven. One of the most important factors we have to gain a proper vision of Heaven. The other factor is, a direct connection with God’s throne. To gain a reliable and accurate vision of Heaven we need both.

We should have our own personal visions of Heaven. We have no way of knowing how complete each vision will be. We will have to wait to get to Heaven before we see what we missed, and what details we may have over estimated. But to get together and share is part of that building process we see in God’s household here on earth.

To me Heaven is a place of total trust. There are no locks on any doors. There is no reason for locks or security. God is our security. Jesus gives us a place to live.

Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, so that where I am, you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know. (Joh 14:1-4 MKJV).

We’re supposed to know where Heaven is what have an idea of what it looks like. The only one capable of describing the place prepared for us in Heaven is the One building that place for us. Jesus.

Jesus walked with people. Jesus talked with people. Jesus tried to explain those details to people. But the lessons from Heaven were intercepted by Satan, re-translated, then fed to mankind over generations. That never stopped Jesus from breaking those barriers wherever He could.

Your place in Heaven is custom designed by Jesus and includes everything you need. It is all mortgage free and tax free. On earth we are chained to our homes by mortgages, rent, and taxes. Not to mention constant repairs and maintenance. All of those are distractions designed by the enemy to keep our minds off our true home in Heaven.

All the food we need is outside our front door. There are no supermarkets in Heaven. So there is no need to staff those types of places with people like to devil does to create a class of working people. There will be no farmers by trade. God is in control. There will be no pesticides, weed killer, or machines to plant and harvest. Those are all inventions by the enemy to spread fear, and give this world a false sense of control.

Any of us can decide to visit a friend or relative days away. We can walk. There is never any danger of being mugged or robbed in Heaven. All our journeys will be safe. All the food and water we will need will be along side the road. Weather will always be mild. God and Jesus will be with us every step of the way. Time will never be a restraint. We can visit a son, daughter, mother and father for 100 years and still have an eternity to look forward to. We will be in a paradise we cannot imagine.

We will see forests like we never imagined with nuts and fruits that taste like we’ve never tasted before. We will see fields of flowers in colors like we’ve never experienced here in earth. Can you imagine the scents? Fields of grass will seem to go one forever. The grass will be softer. There will never be any risk of cutting ourselves on a sharp blade of grass or picking ourselves on a thorn. They will not exist in Heaven. Even the grass will shimmer in the sun like we never imagined. Fields of grass will make the shimmer of gold and silver pail in comparison with what Jesus has in store for us.

Has Jesus shown you the shimmering pools of water with gems stones of every variety sitting at the bottom of that crystal lake? Has Jesus introduced you to the animals. Every variety of animal with no fear of men. Even the animals will teach us new lessons in trust and lessons about how the earth was originally created. We will witness the recreation of this world first hand. It will be something we will never forget.

Satan stopped at the creation of mankind because that is where he has chosen to exist. Satan thrives on focusing on mankind and the burdens and lies he inflicts on us. Satan’s goal is to build a better society than what God offers. Satan has seen the world God has to offer. Satan has lived in that world. Satan knows no matter how hard he tries, he cannot give us one tenth of what God offers. So Satan does his best to obscure and hide that vision of Heaven from us. The only thing Satan can do is make us fall far shorter than where he landed when he was thrown out of Heaven and restricted to this world.

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Mark of the Beast

That little number 666 has baffled scholars for generations. The number 6 points us back to creation. God created the earth in 6 days and rested on the seventh day.

Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was very good! And evening passed and morning came, marking the sixth day. (Gen 1:31).

Satan fell short of the 7th day. Satan never entered into God’s rest. Satan lost his position at God’s throne. Satan lost the connection with the Holy Spirit at God’s throne. The number 6 tells us Satan has nothing to work with but this world.

So the creation of the heavens and the earth and everything in them was completed. On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because it was the day when he rested from all his work of creation. (Gen 2:1-3).

The number 6 is repeated 3 times to remind us of Satan’s 3 defeats.

Satan was defeated in Heaven.

Then there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and his angels. And the dragon lost the battle, and he and his angels were forced out of heaven. This great dragon–the ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, the one deceiving the whole world–was thrown down to the earth with all his angels. Then I heard a loud voice shouting across the heavens, “It has come at last– salvation and power and the Kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters has been thrown down to earth– the one who accuses them before our God day and night. (Rev 12:7-10).

Satan was defeated by Christ’s ministry on earth.

And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony. And they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die. (Rev 12:11).

Satan will be defeated at the lake of fire.

Then the devil, who had deceived them, was thrown into the fiery lake of burning sulfur, joining the beast and the false prophet. There they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. (Rev 20:10).

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