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Out Price Medical Care for All

At the very least, members of those protected classes will gain large sums of money. The costs will be astronomical and passed along to everyone in the US. Insurance costs and medical costs will spiral out of control. In a short amount of time, no one will be able to afford any type of medical services. Who can estimate the costs?

Welcome to Satan’s Playground

Once we begin to put the pieces of the puzzle together, we begin to get a better look at what is happening behind the scenes as well as a look at what is coming down the road. As people in control begin to exercise their power, they become bolder and bolder, exposing their true intents, desires, and who they are actually working with.

What is the American Patriot

American Patriots have the blood of the American Patriots of 1776 running through their veins. Even though no direct blood relationship exists.

Satan in the Capital

Demons in Congress

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It’s only natural for a congress that believes they talk to the dead to enact a law to ensure dead votes count

Taliban Symbolism

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That picture in Kabul was staged, orchestrated, and most likely took hours to plan and arrange. That picture sends signals to the world, and contains a number of symbolic, hidden messages.

Satan in the Capital

A Prophet Among Us

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Rep. Lee, Barbara [D-CA-13] provided funds for all the needs in Afghanistan and more, more than a month before it happened.

Today’s Idols

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The basic creed followed by socialists, communists, marxists, and satanists is basically the same no matter which cult is followed. They all believe they are gods, and anyone who disagrees with their ideas must be eliminated.

To Own or Not to Own

USA-eVote on the 2nd Amendment

The concept of firearm licensing was simple. Criminals were denied the right to own a weapon. Law abiding citizens were allowed to own a weapon to protect themselves from criminals.

Public School in 1996

I asked them where they got the idea the Bible is full of stories with happy endings. No response at all. None of those school officials read the Bible but felt fully qualified to judge it.

Only Selfishness Left

The left cares nothing about disabled veterans who gave so much for the freedoms the left has been abusing. The left cares nothing about veterans who gave their lives or their families struggling to make it though the month. The radial left are selfish and care nothing about the homeless in America, the businesses they burned, jobs lost, and those who are facing forecloses on the homes they worked so hard for. The left has been blinded by selfishness and helping people is the furthest thing from their minds.