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To sum up this research. There are links between socialists, communists, radical groups like antifa, people like George Soros, his cohorts, and what I never expected to find, the sex trades, slavery, and all of them are tied to satanic worship in one way or another.

How did I find this information? There is a totally different mind set in Europe. People are not afraid to reveal the fact they are communists. As a matter of fact they love to brag about being communists or socialist. Europe is so different, some like to brag about their sexual conquests. Prostitution is legal in many countries. Pushing that envelope of perversion is not uncommon in Europe. Many diplomatic tours of Europe by American politicians are nothing more than a tour of orgies paid for by tax dollars. Look at what some radical politicians are demanding. No police….. Which means they can take their personal crimes to a higher level. Their perverted state has already reached a a feverish pitch. Open boarders equals an endless supply of sex toys including children. Many radical mayors and governors are a few notches below European sexual bragging rights. With no laws and an endless flow of victims, America could soon fall below loose European moral standards.

I’m Polish so I was interested in finding out the results of the Polish election in 2020. What I found was rather shocking to say the least.

July 13 (UPI) — Polish President Andrzej Duda has won re-election in Poland’s presidential race, edging Warsaw Mayor Rafal Trzaskowski in a runoff, electoral officials said Monday.

The National Electoral Commission said Duda defeated Trzaskowski 51.2 percent to 48.8 percent in Sunday’s vote.

It was a very close race. The thing is, President Andrzej Duda’s opponent made no effort to cover up the fact George Soros has been grooming him for a political carrier and financing his campaigns.

The current president of Warsaw, Rafał Trzaskowski, was anointed as the new Civic Platform candidate in this year’s presidential election, which somehow cannot take place. In this race he replaced Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska, who recently recorded catastrophic survey results. Now it’s time for Mr. Rafał, a Soros scholarship holder. If Mr. Trzaskowski won, he would not be the only member of the Bilderberg meeting to become president, previously Emmanuel Macron, president of France.

Of course there are two sides of the story in Poland. There are two major parties, the consrvitive, and the radical left. The main topic centers on gay rights. The left accuses the conseratives of being too restrictive. In Poland people can be very conservative. Many of them cling to traditional Catholic values and are against all gay rights and marriages. The left can be just as demanding. Based on what has happened in other countries, the conservative party in Poland sees an urgent need to pass laws to protect its people from humna trafficking, prositution, and of course the increasing child sex trade. Every effort to protect people from human trafficking and child abuse results in claims from the left Poland is disciminating against humanity. It is becoming an open war against the responsibility of a government to protect its people and the radical side who wants to abolish all laws, open up sex and drug trades, and eliminate every penality. Where are all those ideas coming from? It appears one man is behind this worldwide movement.

Infamous 1998 60 Minutes interview when Soros explains this “taking away property” looting function as an amoral teenager in 1944 Hungary.

This video shows how a 14 year old Jew saved from the cattle cars , adopted by a Nazi working for the SS, lost all sense of guilt. Soros was given the task of taking everything from Jews. Something in Soros snapped. Soros describes how his outlook on life was changed forever.

This video from 1988 should have raised a number of red flags. Today Soros is spreding his outlook on life to anyone who will listen. Take what you want with no guilt. It goes much deeper than taking property. Soros plans on removing every moral thread from humanity. Why? In a nutshell, Soros is fighting guilt. A guilt he thinks he can only surpress by turning the world into the monster he was trained to be.

Professor Pawłowicz is recognised as a close aide of Jarosław Kaczyński, the leader of the ruling PiS (Law and Justice) party. Ms. Pawłowicz branded Soros a “supra-national lefty troublemaker” who is “openly and brazenly financing the anti-democratic and anti-Polish element with a view to fight Polish sovereignty and indigenous Christian culture”. She further described his activity as “anti-Polish and violating the principles of the Polish constitution”.

Stressing the covert, revolutionary activities of the global speculator, Prof. Pawłowicz went on to accuse Mr. Soros of promoting “unconstitutional and immoral derailment of the society” and of “financing of any initiatives directed against the current democratically elected Polish authorities”.

Soros looks for people standing up for human rights and attacks people guided by moral standards. Soros fights against moral standards on every front. Soros uses his beleif it is natural to steal from people as one weapon. He uses other weapons. reports: “It’s the Soros Plan. He wants to be the master of puppets; he wants to rule the world. It might sound crazy, but it’s a fact, it’s true” Tarczyński insisted, referring to billionaire plutocrat George Soros, and Soros-endorsed efforts by the European Union to redistribute migrants throughout the continent via compulsory quotas — which Poland’s left-liberal opposition (Civic Platform, or PO, now Civic Coalition) signed up to in 2015 while it was still in government, only for PiS to sweep them out of office weeks later and refuse to implement them.

Soros’s supporters have long claimed he is merely a wealthy philanthropist and dismissed his detractors as conspiracy theorists, but the billionaire did confess in his 1987 book The Alchemy of Finance that he “always harboured an exaggerated view of my self-importance” and “fancied myself as some kind of god” from an early age.

No one can determine how far Soros will go. Why is Poland a target? When we look at the fight in Poland we see an even darker side of Soros. One that may explain the mental imbalance he operates on and uses to control others

Poland is set to consider new laws that require non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating there to declare foreign funding they receive.

The Polish government is entertaining new legislation which could see sexual education taught in school and “the promotion of underage sexual activity” become criminalized.

Protesters gathered to demonstrate against the proposal, dubbed the “Stop Pedophilia” law, which could see sexual educators face prison sentences of up to five years if found guilty.

The purpose of the legislation is to “criminalize the promotion of underage sexual activity” suggesting that sexual education teachers “groom and familiarize children with homosexuality,” according to LGBTQ Nation.

Poland is fighting to uphold its moral values. To Soros that is viewed as a crime. Which helps to expain how distorted his mind is, what type of people he uses, and what the world will look like if Soros succeeds. The attacks take on different forms in different countries. Some are ecominic, some claim to support human rights, and some claim to fight discrimination. But look at the the facts.

Soros’ fight in Poland will not end until he defeats every law protecting morals, children, woman’s basic rights, and of course to end all laws against drug and human trafficking. How can someone claim to be for human rights while endorsing slavery? Soros’ brand of human rights are for his followers. The rest of the world has no human rights. We are the other class of people in his world. A look back at his 1988 interview provides the answer. The George Soros human rights will only benefit criminals. His goal is to sever the conscience of every criminal in the hopes of easing his own conscience. Many countries have already seen thorugh the mask into the distorted mind of a mad man.

Some countries, however, have taken steps to expel and ban Soros, his operatives, and his Open Society. In chronological order, the six countries are:







George Soros cancelled a proposed “humanitarian visit” to the Philippines after President Duterte warned him “there is a bounty on your head in these islands.“

Soros is a strong candidate for south-east Asia’s most unpopular man after being widely blamed for crashing the Thai and Malaysian economies in 1997 and sparking the Asian financial crisis through ruthless currency speculation.

President Duterte hasn’t forgiven the globalist financier. The man dubbed “Duterte Harry” by the Filipino people is also wise to the Soros agenda of divide and conquer and his brand of media manipulation.

Russia has officially declared that Billionaire George Soros is a wanted man in their country, citing him and his organizations as a “threat to Russian national security”.

Putin banned Soros from Russia last year due to the fact that Soros helped to nearly destroy the Russian economy in the early 1990’s.

Soros thrives on lies. In his 1988 video he talked about the ability to see what is coming. His plans are to hide what is coming. Worldwide his followers call for human rights in one form or another. Soros talked about how he enjoyed stripping Jews of every worldly possession before shipping them off to hard labor, torture, and ultimate death. When Soros and his cohorts talk about human rights, when they protest for human rights, they are covering up their ultimate goal, their own personal worldwide genocide. Which is all tied into a few simple rules and one organization.

Eight human traffickers have been jailed following the UK’s biggest ever modern slavery prosecution.

The five men and three women, who were members of a Polish organised crime group, enslaved hundreds of desperate and vulnerable people.

They promised their victims a better life before robbing them – embroiling high street banks, employment agencies and some of Britain’s biggest companies in a vast web of criminal exploitation.

West Midlands Police fear there are up to 4,200 victims of modern slavery in the region – and an astonishing 100,000 across the UK.

Duterte on Friday homed in on Human Rights Watch, which he said was attacking him to justify a $100 million, 10-year grant philanthropist George Soros promised it six years ago.

“This Human Rights Watch of New York, that belongs to Soros. Soros was the financier. That’s him. It’s his grant,” he said.

“They have funding money. They will really attack to justify. They chose me… they’re pounding on me. That is fine, editorials every day. I can swallow that.”

Duterte the President of the Philippines is one of the few moral people left who are not araind to stand up to Soros and his band. Duterte points out how Soros claims to be for human rights while he attacks every moral politician in the world. When Soros claims to be anti-facist, it means he still clings onto his Nazi roots. When Soros claims to be for equality, it means he wants to remove laws so he can place his personal militant goups in control. When Soros claims to be against capitialist profit, it means he wants to control the economy troughout the world. Soros bases his plans on smoke screens. In 1988 he told the world he developed the ability to see what was coming in the future. A mad man like that will lie to the end of the world to cover up his plans. Whatever Soros says, look at the opposite direction for the truth.

George Soros might not be a good judge of character or borders. A new lawsuit seems to suggest the hero of the liberal new world order might have some ulterior motives for wanting open borders.

His former right-hand man has just been named as the subject of a recent federal suit involving human trafficking and sex dungeons.

George Soros’s right-hand man is being investigated for running a “human trafficking enterprise in which he raped, electrocuted and imprisoned women in NYC sex dungeon”. Scroll down to learn more about the human trafficking charges.

Once in Manhattan, they say he drugged them then violently beat them while they were gagged and bound in the sex dungeon, hitting woman so hard that she passed out as he demanded she call him ‘daddy’.

Two of them say he warned them: ‘I’m going to rape you like I rape my daughter,’ before attacking them and one says he punched her breast so hard her implant ‘flipped’.

They say he then covered up the alleged rapes and attacks and hushed them by paying them up to $5,000 each. His associates then gave them money to cover medical expenses incurred by the injuries he inflicted on them, they said.

They detail their allegations in a 63-page lawsuit filed in Brooklyn, New York, on Thursday which has seen.

Thomas was then lured into Rubin’s notorious sex dungeon — that had a wall lined with sex objects — where Duduk tied Thomas’ arms to what looked like a swing set, according to the suit.

Rubin — whose high-risk investments under billionaire George Soros were featured in the best-selling books “Liar’s Poker” and “The Big Short” — told Duduk to use the objects on Thomas before he “choked Thomas and smacked Thomas’s breasts repeatedly,” causing bleeding and bruising, the court papers say.

Then both Rubin and Duduk penetrated her vaginally and anally “with multiple foreign objects,” the court papers charge.

“Thomas screamed, cried, demanded that Rubin and Duduk stop their brutal assault, and attempted to escape,” to which Duduk tried to soothe her saying “it will be over soon,” the court papers say.

Since 2017, eight women have gone to civil court and said they were sexually assaulted by the Wall Street financier Howard Rubin. One woman has since dropped her claim, but seven remain—six are suing as plaintiffs in one lawsuit in federal court, while another woman is suing on her own in state court, all in New York. While there are differences between what each woman says, certain details get repeated over and over. Each said they were recruited by someone who said they would be paid several thousand dollars to go on a date or do a photoshoot with Rubin. At some point they signed a non-disclosure agreement but were not given copies of it for themselves. Each woman says she was bound, beaten, and sexually assaulted by Rubin.

In the federal court lawsuit, attorneys for the women argue that Rubin’s actions violated federal anti-trafficking laws. Rubin’s legal team deny that their client committed rape. They say all the sex was consensual and the women knew BDSM and rough sex would be involved.

Well documented court records show links to Soros’ top ranking officials in the US and the sex trade. Those people make Jeffery Epstein look like a boyscout. It is one thing to find stories and records on Europe. Today we see those same stories becoming popular and in many cases, acceptable in the US. There are direct links to Soros and human trafficking. Also links to US politicians supporting open borders and support for far left radical factions funded by Soros and the many charitable companies scattered across the US. And taxpayer funds have been redirected into many radical, militant groups.

The Madison-based nonprofit has advocated for the release of all African Americans from jail and the defunding of police departments. As for the current protests, the group’s leaders say “all actions against racist state violence are justified.”

“Stop murdering black people, and your glass will be safe,” Monica Adams, co-executive director for Freedom Inc., said while leading the third day of police protests in the state’s capital on Monday.

“Thank all the youth freedom fighters who were in the streets fighting (Sunday) night and Saturday night,” said Mahnker Dahnweih, community power-building coordinator for Freedom Inc. “Every action is a contribution to liberation.”

So where does a group like this get the money it needs to promote its agenda?

A lot of it comes from you.

Records show that the state has awarded contracts and grants worth $3.6 million to Freedom Inc., which advocates for minority and LGBTQ communities, over the past five years.

That includes $876,674 in federal grants awarded by the state Department of Justice since January 2019, when Attorney General Josh Kaul took office. The state Department of Children and Families has paid out $732,403 to Freedom Inc. under Gov. Tony Evers over the past 1½ years.

Groups affiliated with the Democracy Alliance, a network of donors Soros co-founded, was one recipient of funds from the Paycheck Protection Program. The groups collectively received between $8.5 million and $20.7 million.

The Democracy Alliance has increased its spending in recent days ahead of the presidential election in November. According to its website, Democracy Alliance was created in 2013 to keep supporters of Barack Obama engaged, using its network, technology, and volunteers to support issues like “gun violence, women’s health, comprehensive immigration reform, middle class job creation, climate change, marriage equality, and other legislative priorities at the state level.”

Some European countries have already identified links between Soros, the drug and sex trades, human trafficking, and those paid to loot, riot, and burn cities and are trying to expose them as well as stop taxpayer funded terrorism.

On March 5, a new investigation undertaken by Italian authorities links NGO’s tied to and funded by globalist George Soros as being involved in both human trafficking, and helping pay for ISIS terrorists to infiltrate the European continent.

Using the guise of ‘aiding’ Syrian refugees to get into European countries, these Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) are actually shipping non-refugees from North Africa who are part of an ISIS run smuggling operation.

The populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) has slammed the left-wing Social Democrats (SPD) after the party came out in full support of the far-left Antifa extremist group, following U.S. President Donald Trump’s move to designate it as a terrorist organization.

Both the official Twitter account for the SPD along with the Twitter account for co-leader Saskia Esken tweeted support for the terrorist group on Monday, both saying that they were members of Antifa.

More often than not it takes links to human trafficking to motivate politicians in Europe to take a stand. Why? To a large degree the human sex trade has been legalized in many countries in Europe. The sex trade is business as usual in Europe, especially with politicians, businessmen, and high ranking officials where sex is often traded for political favors. How deep does it go? The following video tells about a trip into a world that is no longer under ground but is pushing its way to the surface. Not all its aspects, but those the left wants you to see. Soros and others want their sex trade brought to the surface and dangled in front of politicians, businessmen, and the general public like a shinny lure.

In this 4 part series, we speak with Anneke Lucas as she describes her riveting story of growing up as a sex slave to high profile politicians. She reveals how things operate, her in depth story, and an incredibly important underlying message of global healing we can all go through as the widespread reality of this becomes more clear to humanity.

In the US we hear of hundreds of sexual assaults where so called peaceful protesters prey on the elderly and children. Where did they get those ideas and orders from? Did they hear those commands from high ranking, lower ranking officials in their organization, or both? How far does that influence reach in the US?

Susan Rosenberg has served as vice chair of the board of directors for Thousand Currents, an organization that provides fundraising and fiscal sponsorship for the Black Lives Matter Global Movement. She was an active member of revolutionary left-wing movements whose illegal activities included bombing U.S. government buildings and committing armed robberies.

Meanwhile, Barack Hussein Obama’s former Ambassador to South Africa, Patrick Gaspard, who is now the president of the Open Society Foundations of George Soros, has announced a staggering grant of $220 million for black power movements, “placing a bet on their ability to carry today’s momentum toward a better tomorrow.” That’s on top of the admitted $15.2 billion the billionaire hedge fund operator has already provided to various Marxist and “progressive” forces.

It’s one thing to look at this problem and call it marxism, socialism, communism, or any other political name. But there is a deeper root cause. Not only is the left against everything American, history, values, law, order, capitalism, and family structure, they are also attacking religious organizations and values.

The Archdiocese of Hartford also shared a Facebook post confirming that “a person or group of persons had painted anarchist and satanic symbols on the doors of St. Joseph Church in New Haven.”

“This follows an apparent trend of desecrating Catholic spaces throughout the nation, as evidenced by incidents in Chattanooga, Queens, Boston, Sacramento, and Ocala,” the pastor wrote on Facebook.

“The underlying motive of these sacrilegious attacks is clear: to intimidate and instill fear in the hearts of those who worship Christ.”

Here’s the rundown of attacks on the Christian church over just the last two months — ten in the last month — which coincides with the lawless rioting, vandalism, and looting at the hands of the corporate media’s and Democrat Party’s Brownshirts in the left-wing Black Lives Matter and Antifa terrorist groups:

July 16: Statue of Christ decapitated inside a Florida church

July 15: Statue of Virgin Mary decapitated outside Tennessee church

July 12: Statue of Virgin Mary lit on fire in Boston

July 11: Suspect arrested after detectives “say he plowed a minivan through the front door of Queen of Peace Catholic Church in Ocala, doused the foyer with gasoline and set it on fire, causing extensive damage”

July 11: Arson suspected in devastating fire at San Gabriel Mission in California

July 10: Statue of Virgin Mary desecrated with spray paint in Brooklyn

July 4: Statue of St. Junipero Serra toppled in Sacramento, California

June 20: Statue of St. Junipero Serra toppled in Los Angeles, California

June 19: Statue of St. Junipero Serra toppled in San Francisco, California

May 31: St. John’s Church firebombed in Washington, DC

The left stands against everything that is American. When a minority company is successful. The left boycotts their product. When a family stands up to defend their property, they face ridicule, persecution, a prosecution. When someone stands up for all human life, they are attacked by the left. What is happening? Actions and reactions from the left are not coherent. No matter what anyone does to correct the perceived situation or reach a compromise, the left takes the opposite side of the subject. Where does that attitude come from? Is it controlled by one single person or organization?

Antifa satanic cult in the US and Europe

Reporter Andi Ngo revealed that Antifa members staged a Satanic ritual to protest a Patriot Prayer march earlier this month in downtown Portland, Oregon.

“Earlier this month, an antifa faction called the “Satanic Portland Antifascists” staged a mock religious ritual in downtown. One of the people leading the ritual is @destroyed4com4t, a local transsexual activist and writer who I remember cheering as I was beaten in June.”

This is a rather strange story. Andi Ngo photographed a satanic ritual in Portland. Andi was reporting the news. Something the left, in this case antifa did not want the world to see. Something that was supposed to be kept secret for the time being.

All the organizations involved in the riots, eliminating police, tearing down statues, looting, rapes, murders, arson, and calling for an end of capitalism all have one thing in common. Each of their websites displays the same basic code and concept. Here is the link to all those radical groups.

We Satanists are thus our own “Gods,” and as beneficent “deities” we can offer love to those who deserve it and deliver our wrath (within reasonable limits) upon those who seek to cause us—or that which we cherish—harm.

19th century German philosopher Karl Marx, the founder and primary theorist of Marxism viewed religion as “the soul of soulless conditions” or the “opium of the people”. At the same time, Marx saw religion as a form of protest by the working classes against their poor economic conditions and their alienation.[1] In the Marxist–Leninist interpretation, all modern religions and churches are considered as “organs of bourgeois reaction” used for “the exploitation and the stupefaction of the working class”. Due to this, a number of Marxist–Leninist governments in the 20th century, such as the Soviet Union after Vladimir Lenin and the People’s Republic of China under Mao Zedong, implemented rules introducing state atheism.

Throughout the Second Red Scare, the fear of the “Godless communist” rooted itself as an epithet and a warning to the United States in a changing global environment. As the perceived threat of the “Godless communist” and materialism to the American way of life grew, “the choice between Americanism and Communism was vital, without room for compromise”.

The obvious connection the left holds is their stand against God and all religion. Their concepts appear to come from different views serving different purposes, but in reality the outcome is the same. Marxism, the mother of all forms of communism and socialism stands against all religion. All forms of Marxism view religion as a competitive form of mind control. When the goal is to control the mind, all aspects with different views is perceived as an enemy. Marxism looks at its own different ideals as an enemy. When we take a step back and look at marxism and all its forms as a whole we see it for what it is. Marxism is a concept of self destruction. Marxism in itself teaches the follower to stand against all aspects of humanity from religion, labor, government, classes, social make up, family structure, to individuality in so many forms, every aspect of life and thought are open to individual interpretation. Marxism is made up of contradictions designed to endorse separation and self destruction.

Classical Marxism denotes the collection of socio-eco-political theories expounded by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. As Ernest Mandel remarked, “Marxism is always open, always critical, always self-critical”. Classical Marxism distinguishes Marxism as broadly perceived from “what Marx believed”. In 1883, Marx wrote to his son-in-law Paul Lafargue and French labour leader Jules Guesde—both of whom claimed to represent Marxist principles—accusing them of “revolutionary phrase-mongering” and of denying the value of reformist struggle. From Marx’s letter derives the paraphrase, “If that is Marxism, then I am not a Marxist”. Accusing Guesde and Lafargue of “revolutionary phrase-mongering” and “of denying the value of reformist struggles, Marx made his famous remark that, if their politics represented Marxism, ‘ce qu’il y a de certain c’est que moi, je ne suis pas Marxiste’ (‘what is certain is that I myself am not a Marxist’)”.

We only need a quick look at the communist world to see how marxism divides itself and the world. Look at Russia, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Venezuela, and other communist countries. They all hate the others. Each country mistrusts the others. They were never and will never be unified. They all have their sights set on world domination.

Look at Vietnam’s history immediately after WWII. The country was broken up by a number of communist factions each fighting one another and killing anyone who disagreed with their concepts. Although the six factions agreed on a host of issues, any single disagreement was enough to justify genocide.

Take a look at the radical factions in the streets of America today. Number one, they do not wish to discuss the issues. They appear to rally around a few core issues. Those being, eliminate the police forces across the US. Number two is shared with the majority of factions. Release all prisoners. Number three is also agreed to by the majority of the radical factions. Tear down the entire government structure. The forth demand factions agree on is an end to capitalism. All four of their core demands are basic marxism. Not one of the radial factions cares to discuss any plans on replacing the police force, how to ensure law, order, and security for the general public, or what form of government will replace the Republic in America. Marxist know the other factions will not agree with their concepts. Marxists know that as soon as they begin to introduce their solutions, the other radical factions will turn on them. As soon as radial factions reach a comfortable level, civil war will break out between the radical factions. Everyone questioned by each faction will be eliminated if they disagree on one single point of their agenda. America will look like a world war between Russia, China, North Korea, and all the communist countries fighting on US soil.

No religious group will be safe. No one will be safe. Factions will splinter into sub-factions and war against one another. While all that is going on threats will loom from Russia, China, and other factions. Will those countries reach an agreement to divide the US, invade, and conquer, or will they wait until the marxists factions complete their plans of genocide?

To say the least, human nature thrives on differences. Look at the Christian religion as a whole. Thousands of scholars have wasted generations looking for differences. Something, anything to disagree upon. Christians thrive on creating factions. They thrive and concentrate on small differences. They place differences above their God and Creator. Christians have been brainwashed into thinking worship consists of defending differences of opinion. We can easily see how the concept of marxism has spread into religion. Karl Marx himself pointed out those faults in religions. Those differences go beyond Christianity. All religions thrive on differences. Jews, Muslims, and other religions are known for possessing radical differences.

We can look at all the conspiracy theories and throw them all out. On the other hand, the majority of those theories do have a breath of truth. All in all, humanity, communism, marxism, as well as all the religions in the world have proven, no one organization or person will every be able to unite radical factions to form a one world government. We’ve seen how those factions are dedicated to one common goal, eliminate the opposition. After that, there is little they have in common.

The devil is behind all this division. He is behind those radical factions uniting under a common cause to rebel against the establishment. And we know if they every achieve their goal, they will turn against one another. Only the devil could conceive such a plan and succeed.

We can look at those conspiracy theories and learn from them. Each theory focuses on one individual or organization. All those factions are focused on world domination. All of those factions make promises that appear to look worth while on the outside but lack detailed steps to achieve anything. They all rely on puppets. People who are easily manipulated. They also rely on people without vision. Their leadership is always made up of people who have been obsessed with hopelessness. We can look at each of those organizations and see common threads that link them. We can use George Soros as an example.

George Soros faced a hopeless situation. He was minutes away from being loaded on a cattle car and shipped off to face his death. Soros was saved by a Nazi sympathizer. That Nazi sympathizer worked for the SS. Soros was brainwashed by Nazi’s to the point he lost all feelings. His moral compass was destroyed. He justified what he was doing. Soros had no remorse. Take that information and apply it to the factions we see in the streets. Rioters, arsonists, rapists, and looters have no remorse. Like Soros they have convinced themselves, their victims had it coming. Listen to their remarks. Listen to their interviews on the streets.

Is there one person behind all that brainwashing? Look all you want. You will find only one common thread behind the millions worldwide fighting the systems. The devil.

Look at the US cities having riots for over 6 weeks now. Do you really think if their party gained power the US would be like a rose garden? Do you really think all the problems will be solved and the nation will live happily ever after? NO WAY! They would immediately begin fighting among one another. The fighting would never stop. Look at their speeches. Look at their actions. They are not capable of solving a single issue. They cannot offer a single idea to defuse any disagreement.

The sadist part about this moment in US history is seeing mayors and governors across the US show no concern, no remorse, no responsibility, and unable to offer any solution. Hundreds of people are shot in Chicago and the mayor shows no concern. Look at her eyes. Listen to her voice. She is not concerned about the people she swore to protest. Like Soros, mayor Lightfoot has the attitude that those people deserved to be shot. Not only the men, the woman and children. Look at all the governors and mayors in those states and cities. None of them care about the people killed, the businesses lost, families, incomes, hopes, and dreams that went up in flames. Listen to those mayors and governors. Not a single word of comfort to those who suffered through those riots and continue to suffer. Not one single action to help those who have been robed, raped, and murdered during those riots. Their consciences have been seared. They have no moral compass. They belong to the church of self interest, self survival. Look at their actions. Their words and actions are straight from the marxist handbook and the church of satan. The self preservation at any cost attitude shared by those governors, mayors, and people in congress will only lead to destruction. When you take a step back and look at their attitudes, you can see how they actually enjoy seeing people suffer. It is the George Soros syndrome shared by too many people.

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For Love or Cows

With this new ridiculous proposition to do away with cows, have you taken the time to sit down and really think about how our lives would change without cows?

Well, for starters, it will have a big affect on the farming industry, and thus, the states that rely on farming. And there is the same obvious meat industry. You can say goodbye to all beef products such a hamburgers, steak, and beef jerky. As a result, of course, all of our steakhouses and hamburger joints would close.  And probably places such as McDonalds, Burger King, and Arbys. But we’ll be better off without those places, right?!

But as upset as Americans will be without beef and stake, what about the dairy industry? Oh, yeah, that’s right, no more milk. And no more cheese, cream – yes, all forms of cream: sour cream, cottage cheese, heavy cream, etc. And don’t forget important things like ice cream and whipping cream. So long Dairy Queen. And did I mention no more whipped cream?! 

Now admittedly, the soy industry has done an amazing job of making dairy and meat alternatives. They have given us everything from soy milk to soy bean meat. And while these products are, admittedly, healthier for you, not everyone is going to willingly turn to these over milk. And, worse yet, soy milk can’t be used for cooking in the same way cow milk can. So, you might want to get used to no more bakery goods, either. And while we’re on the subject, better get used to no more gelatin products, either. Yes, that means no more Jello, gummy bears, and marshmallows. Thankfully, there are vegetarian versions of all these, as well. [Although, marshmallows are, of course, vegetarian, already]

So, we’d have to give up a lot of our favorite foods. But what about other products? Well, let’s start with the obvious: Leather. No more leather couches, coats, or shoes. If course, in many cases the soles of our shoes are also made of leather. But we can live without leather jackets and soles, right? What about balls? Right, because leather is used in making footballs, baseballs, and most other balls, as well as baseball mitts. But rumor has it that pig skin will work just as well. (Until pigs are banned, if course. Let’s not forget what happened to the pigs in Animal Farm!)

But what about the not-so-obvious? Like products made from beef fat? Such as soaps, adhesives, lubricants, and waxes can be made from beef fat. Even deodorants and nail polish remover contain types of fatty acids. Where do you think fatty acids come from? 

And these are just a few items. Now think of all the other places that will go out of business with no more cows and, therefore, cow byproducts. It’s not just steakhouses and diners that will have to close down. All leather factories. The dairy industry will die. And let’s remember just how vital that is to our country. And since the soy industry is already well established, well . . .

But now take into account all these places that deal with beef byproducts or fatty acids. Will our country benefit from no more cows or suffer? And what about the mere fact that it’s just one more area our government feels it has the right to regulate? Aren’t we supposed to be telling our government to get out of our lives and stop regulating everything? Not giving them more to regulate? Let’s just remember that our country was much better off before the government stuck its nose in where it doesn’t belong. 

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Today in History: October 7, 1949 – Eastern Germany is Created


In a world where people are calling for Socialism, this seems like an important topic, for 69 years ago today, East Germany or the Democratic Republic of Germany was created. Of course, there was nothing democratic republic about it. Not when it was under the oppression of Soviet rule. A state run by the Communistic authority of Stalin. And, as we all know, Socialism is the gateway to Communism. After all, the Soviet Union was socialist state before it became communist.

But back to Germany. On October 7, 1949, Eastern Germany was divided from the Allied-run West Germany. Wilhelm Pieck was named the first president and Otto Grotewohl the prime minister. Eastern Germany consisted of Mecklenburg, Brandenburg (yes, as in the famous gate), Lusatia, Saxony, and Thuringia. Meanwhile, Berlin, located deep within the Communist-own Eastern Germany, was still divided in half.

As we all know, Eastern Germany remained under Communist rule until 1990, while the Berlin Wall came down in 1989.

[Translation: Long live J.W. Stalin, the best friend of the German people!]

And anyone who believes that is brainwashed . . .

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