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USA-eVote on Goodreads

Today I created an account on Goodreads for our USA-eVote page. Here, you can see the Historical Fiction and History books I read. I have created shelves for each of the genres: YA Historical Fiction, Children’s Historical Fiction, Adult Historical Fiction, History, etc.

Interested in the books that are featured in different History Series posts? We have a shelf for that, too! Books will be added as the articles are posted here.

A Note: The books are still currently being added, but they will correlate with my actual reading. I am, however, only adding history and historical fiction, not other books I’m reading. So there may appear to be gaps in my reading. That just means I’m not reading something in one of those genres.

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USA Trivia Question #25


Who Said: 

“They came to make America work.  They didn’t ask what this country could do for them but what they could do to make this refuge the greatest home of freedom in history.”


Why US Trivia

This section on USA Trivia will focus mostly on presidential trivia, but don’t be surprised to find questions or quotes by generals, founding fathers, or other historical figures!

USA Trivia is meant to be fun and educate at the same time. Don’t be afraid to exercise a few brain muscles when you read these US Trivia questions. Please don’t jump right to the Internet to answer these questions. See if you can answer them on your own with what you know about US history.

Feel free to leave a comment, ask a question, or maybe say thank you. The best way to share your appreciation for this US Trivia section is to share. We added the social media share buttons for your convenience. Use them. Share with comments and the SHARE buttons. They really, really work.


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Today in History: September 2, 1945 – Allies Celebrate V-J Day

Image result for vj day truman speech


The war was officially over. Aboard the USS Missouri, General MacArthur and the Japanese officials signed the conditions of surrender. It had been 3 1/2 long years since the bombing of Pearl Harbor and exactly 6 years since the start of the war. But now, it was over. In a speech to the American People, President Truman named September 2, 1945 to be V-J Day – the day of the formal surrender of Japan. He hoped that we would always remember that day of retribution. 

But do we?

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Here is an example of adding columns in the middle of a post. When you are adding or editing a post you can add a new section using the top – black editor with 3 columns and drag it down. But when you want to place 3 columns in the middle of a long lost, use this. 

Look at the Edit bar st the very top. The last icon is Advanced WP Columns. Click where you want to add the column, hit an ENTER. You have a new section. Now add your 2-3-4 columns. Click on the EMPTY box in the pop up, choose the number of columns, and click add the columns. 


You still have a single column section below to add more text, and the remainder of the article remains single row. This sets the media with perfect spacing and you can add text to each column. 

This is a section on WWII history most people miss. 

This is our trivia question section. 

In this section you can vote and let your voice be heard on important issues. 


You can also add a movie slider in posts. On the top is the blue ADD SLIDER. Open the MetaSlider on the black left column in a new tab. Right Click and Open in New Tab. Click on the New Slider tab. Highliht and change the name of the New Slider tab. Click + Add and add your pics. You can ctrl click to add a few at a time. Play with the slider “type” buttons, FlexSlider, R Slider, Coin Slider. They have different effects and options. Play with the size of the video. Play with the speed, fade in effects, and timing on the Advance Settings. It has a preview button. The SAVE button is on top. Copy(Just the text in RED) and paste the code on the post. Usually in a new section by hitting an ENTER to get a fresh line. And use Align CENTER. 


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