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Shades of Gray Part 2

When we pay attention to details, we see things most people miss. Abraham attacked the largest army the world had seen to that day with only 318 men. Who in their right mind would attack an army when they are out numbered somewhere between 100 to 1 and 1000 to 1?

All of Us are Shades of Gray

The decision to trust in the media or common sense should be an easy choice when we look at a collection of events and details presented the same week Elon Musk offered to purchase Twitter.

Did Fauci Fund then Cover Up H7N9 Fabricated Virus in 2013

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Fauci sought funding for Gain of Function experiments, which simply developed new strains of viruses for experimental purposes. The threat of a worldwide pandemic with loss of human life was a small price to pay for the information scientists hoped to gather. When we put timelines together, we see how developments in laboratories are generally followed by limited outbreaks of the virus in small urban populations in China. Not once, but a series of outbreaks within months of every major breakthrough in laboratories.

The Origin of Covid-19

Although there are suspicions on the number of people involved in virus research, what governments are involved, and what are their motives, the majority of research turns up a few names and facts. As we have seen, Dr. Fauci asked for and received funds to research avian or bird flu.

Covid Military Ties

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No one really wants to look at ties between the military and viruses. That is a subject we prefer to ignore based on the fact, the outcome is far beyond our imagination and only leads to the end of life as we know it.

Fauci Funded then Covered Up H7N9 Fabricated Virus in 2013

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After five outbreaks in China over a four year period, warnings were finally issued in December 2017. Science was at a loss to combat this new man made super virus. in 2014 it was rare for bird flu to jump to humans, and impossible for the virus to jump from human to human. Laboratory experiments over that four year period developed a strain able to transmit from human to human.

We Are Seeing Genesis Unfold Today

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Every follower of Satan will share the lust for revenge Satan has experienced for thousands of years. What will happen when the essence of evil comes to the surface?

Biden In Ukraine

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The parallels between what has been happening in Ukraine and what we see in the US in 2021 are noticeable and could have been easily avoided if we had the right people in charge. There is one problem. The guy in charge here spent years refining the system in Ukraine and is on a mission to over throw the US in record time.

Kennedy and Biden On Opposite Poles

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Kennedy sought to contain the perceived threat of communism in Latin America by establishing the Alliance for Progress, which sent aid to some countries and sought greater human rights standards in the region.

Guilty of High Crimes

Most of us have thought about making a list of laws Biden and his administration have been breaking left and right. Ignoring court orders, taxing without representation, claiming 81 million people voted for higher taxes, Afghanistan, the open boarder, that shot, testing on puppies, plus crimes added to that list by the hour.