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Welcome to Satan’s Playground

Welcome to Satan’s Playground

If you’ve ever wondered what hell looks like, take a look at 2021. We have vaccines forced upon us. In 2020 the government talked about spending a few billion dollars. In 2021 the government spent $11 trillion in the first six months and ran out of money. If the government accomplished a single thing with that $11 trillion we would never hear the end of it on today’s news. The news is crooked. Always telling only one side of the story much like the propaganda machine in Nazi Germany. The southern border of the US is wide open, letting people pour across the border with no attempts to stop them. Members of congress went to see the border and took videos with their cell phones of children being raped, rounded up by heavily armed thugs and herded onto buses heading off to who knows where. Fentanyl and other drugs are pouring across the border. Social media networks are working with drug dealers to sell those drugs online and deliver those drugs to homes across the US. The same social media that sensors every comment they do not agree with. The president’s son takes videos of himself with underage girls, and doesn’t seem to mind the fact, his involvement in the sex trades and slavery is public information. Governments are imposing lock downs for whatever reason they choose. A flu which is milder than other seasonal flu’s is advertised as being the deadliest plague to ever hit this earth. The US Constitution is called old and outdated. Afghanistan was handed over to radical Muslims along with more military arms, ammunition, and cash than anyone can count. What is going on? Lucky for us the saints know what is going on and why it is happening. We read about it long ago and are watching it unfold in front of our eyes.

“Then, after doing all those things, I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions. In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on servants–men and women alike. And I will cause wonders in the heavens and on the earth– blood and fire and columns of smoke. The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and terrible day of the LORD arrives. But everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved, for some on Mount Zion in Jerusalem will escape, just as the LORD has said. These will be among the survivors whom the LORD has called. (Joe 2:28-32 NLTse)

There is no doubt about it, God’s people will see what is happening and some will see what is about to happen.

This has been going on longer than most of us realize. If you keep up on news out of Europe, you would have seen protests in the streets for over five years. Today most of the news is heavily censored in the US and all over the world, making it all but impossible to find a media outlet that adheres to the Press Code of Ethics, to be unbiased and report both sides of the story. We should be alarmed when the media refuses to report any story in a biased, one sided manner. But none of that matters, The LORD uses a communication system Satan cannot touch. It is called, “direct communication with God.”

The battle we see is between Christ and Satan. Near the end, Satan will show how far he will go to gain total control over the world. We’ve been shown bits and pieces of the plan in scripture. Look at Sodom and Gomorrah as an example. Why were those cities destroyed? Most Christians look at Sodom and Gomorrah as a sign of the end times. Those cities were destroyed because of their uncontrollable sexual sins. The same sins we see today.

For over five years protests in Europe have erupted over the right to practice the same sins Sodom and Gomorrah were burnt to the ground for committing. Today is it nearly impossible to find news covering both sides of the stories to see the truth. To a large degree Satan has gained control of the media as well as the Internet, which for the most part will tell only one side of the story. The side they want you to hear. The side that makes people who want to turn the world into Sodom look like some repressed society because they cannot legally live out their sexual fantasies. Which includes of all things, legally owning sex slaves, sex with minors, little boys and girls, and goes as far a human sacrifice. Although they do not want to make it appear as if their human sacrifices are to their lord Satan, they prefer to mask their sacrifices as scientific research. That multi-billion dollar business has grown to such an extent, they expose it as organ harvesting. Which today is a play ground for the rich in the form of a fountain of youth, or a necessary commodity, trade, business, and research to extend the lives of the so called leaders who are saving the world. There are a number of articles on the Internet collected before that censorship was enacted. This page contains a collection of those articles.

One of the ideals they have been protesting about in Europe for a number of years involves organ and blood harvesting. They want to legalize such acts. The idea is, the government can control your life span. Science needs the freedom and ability to extend the lives of the leaders who can fix every problem in the world. Organ transplants are one avenue, adrenochrome or blood transfusions is another. Adrenochrome is believed to be a sort of fountain of youth for the rich and famous.

Of course this debate over organ and blood harvesting has been raging to years. One side believes the sacrifice of some for the greater good is common sense, while the other side values life, and believes God is in control of life and death. In short, that battle between Christ and Satan has taken on the light of a battle between the Bible and science. This article covers a number of stories about how laws protecting life and advancing science have been battling one another in the halls of congress for years.

In 2021 it seems the devil has all the right people in all the right places. It seems the devil has total control in elections, governments, courts, and the economy throughout the world. But we know God has His people exactly where He needs them.

It was no accident for Biden to choose a vice president with long ties to abortion organizations with ties to satanists. It was an intricate part of Satan’s plan. Satan needed people he could trust in key positions. Harris was one of those people. The following article shows Harris’ involvement in abortion clinics and ties with satanists.

Once we begin to put the pieces of the puzzle together, we begin to get a better look at what is happening behind the scenes as well as a look at what is coming down the road. As people in control begin to exercise their power, they become bolder and bolder, exposing their true intents, desires, and who they are actually working with. On August 24, 2021 congress held a press conference telling the world, they have been guided by spirits from the grave. It sounds like a story out of science fiction, but it is really happening in our days.

As matters progress, satanists who have accumulated more money than we could ever imagine are never satisfied with more money than they could ever spend in a life time. They are after more. More power, control, and the unrestricted quest to fulfill every lust, every desire. To achieve their goals, they need to eliminate everyone who opposes them. That is their creed. A creed shared by every communist, socialist, marxists, and satanist group in the world.

We Satanists are thus our own “Gods,” and as beneficent “deities” we can offer love to those who deserve it and deliver our wrath (within reasonable limits) upon those who seek to cause us—or that which we cherish—harm.

That creed is being exercised in the highest offices around the world. For almost a year we have heard the battle cry from the enemy, “trust the science.” Which was one step to achieve their goal. Science is taught to be above God. Science wants people to believe, God did not see covid-19 coming and was not prepared for it. Science wants you to believe, they have your best interests at heart, and if you believe in science, it can give you life God is unable to deliver. Science has the goal of placing themselves above God.

Members of congress associated with satanic cults are working closely with science to eliminate God, the Bible, and Christianity as a whole. Their goal is to abolish Christianity and ban the Bible. On June, 8, 2021, forty eight members of congress introduced a bill, S.1975 – Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021, that is one step in a series of steps to obliterate all forms of Christianity, outlaw the Bible, and place science above God.

In short, that bills states, “when all people, regardless of actual or perceived race, color, national origin, immigration status, sex (including gender identity, sex stereotyping, or sexual orientation), age, or disability status have the economic, social, and political power and resources to define and make decisions about their bodies, health, sexuality, families, and communities in all areas of their lives, with dignity and self-determination.”

The bill goes on to say, “health of every person capable of becoming pregnant. This Act is intended to protect all people with the capacity for pregnancy—cisgender women transgender men, non-binary individuals, those who identify with a different gender, and others—who are unjustly harmed by restrictions on abortion services.”

In it’s battle against common sense science, religious beliefs, and the Bible. The bill introduces laws to make any belief in two genders, a man and woman, and the belief only women can give birth an act against the state. “Many State and local governments have imposed restrictions on the provision of abortion services that are neither evidence-based nor generally applicable to the medical profession.”

Members of congress have decided to place themselves above common sense, science, the Bible, and God. Members of congress are introducing a number of bills that would outlaw any and every belief contrary to their personal religion and impose strict penalties for anyone who does not fall inline.

Today we see a concentrated attack on the medical field.

“HEALTH CARE PROVIDER.—A health care provider may commence an action for prospective injunctive relief on its own behalf and/or on behalf of the provider’s patients who are or may be adversely affected by an alleged violation of this Act.

11 (c) EQUITABLE RELIEF.—In any action under this

12 section, the court may award appropriate equitable relief,

13 including temporary, preliminary, or permanent injunctive

14 relief.

15 (d) COSTS.—In any action under this section, the

16 court shall award costs of litigation, as well as reasonable

17 attorney fees, to any prevailing plaintiff. A plaintiff shall

18 not be liable to a defendant for costs in any non-frivolous

19 action under this section.

20 (e) JURISDICTION.—The district courts of the United

21 States shall have jurisdiction over proceedings under this

22 Act and shall exercise the same without regard to whether

23 the party aggrieved shall have exhausted any administrative or other remedies that may be provided for by law.

Members of congress plan on unleashing their army of fellow satanists on a series of attacks on every medial organization and member who displays a shred of morals. Their satanic creed dictates, they eliminate anyone who disagrees with their agenda.

In a time when the government and media insist, we are facing a worldwide pandemic, they pass a bill to essentially shut down the majority of medical facilities. This plans appears to be beyond insane. And it is. But that does not matter to a group of people dedicated to eliminating every organization and person who does not fall inline with their agenda.

We can see why the call of, “trust the science,” has been their battle cry. When we look at the facts we can easily see how history has been repeating itself. When we have two of the left’s major leaders with Jewish backgrounds placing all their efforts into studying Hitler’s plan, correcting his mistakes, and making Hitler’s plan a reality, we know we are in trouble. George Soros and Bernie Sanders do little to hide the fact, they worship Hitler and his plans.

Hitler’s first step was to secure the economy through increased inflation and taxes, which lead to a take over of companies and businesses. Call in slave labor, make employment impossible and people are left with no choice than to turn to government for support and relief. Steps the US government and other governments around the world have already taken. Another phase in Hitler’s plan was to militarize the medial profession and science as a whole. Which is what bill S.1975 is designed to accomplish.

The government has already secured control of the economy through the use of unrestrained spending, borrowing more money than what is available, and adding unnumbered restrictions on businesses. Mandatory vaccines is one step in the process. Fines and penalties associated with those executive orders are designed to place unrestrained taxes on small businesses, driving them out of businesses. Bill S.1975 sets a precedence by reinterpreting the Constitution.

Congress has the authority to enact this

13 Act to protect abortion services pursuant to—

14 (A) its powers under the commerce clause

15 of section 8 of article I of the Constitution of

16 the United States;

17 (B) its powers under section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the

19 United States to enforce the provisions of sec20 tion 1 of the Fourteenth Amendment; and

21 (C) its powers under the necessary and

22 proper clause of section 8 of Article I of the

23 Constitution of the United States.

The actual law reads:

Article I

Section 8

Clause 1

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

This loose interpretation opens the door for congress to impose unrestricted taxes on the general public to fulfill their agenda, an attack on moral science and the medial profession that does not agree with their beliefs. In other words, this is a spiritual war against an enemy with unlimited funds.

Once the medial field has been secured, organized, and controlled by the government, the next step is obvious. Hitler was clear on the use of a militarized medical field. Hitler used the medial field to eliminated people he deemed to be burdens upon the state. Where is that going to lead in today’s society?

Hitler was controlled by a demon. There is no doubt about that. Today that same demon is in control, determined not to fail this time around. The border has been opened in 2021 for a number of reasons. To import an army, a sort of modern Nazi SS. History shows Hitler’s SS was made up of the most sadistic people in Germany. Many of them criminals, pedophiles, and worse. Hitler could trust them to get the job done based on the fact, they could not find employment in any other field. Eliminating the opposition was what they were qualified to do and what they enjoyed. Today we see the cartel and Taliban reaching agreements with the current administration, being armed, and streaming into the US at record numbers with no records of who they are or where they are. Rather strange in a society able to track anyone at any time. Pelosi spent millions on tracking down hundreds of people she suspected of being involved at the capital on January 6, 2021. But is seems that technology cannot be used on immigrants, the cartel, or Taliban members. Suddenly that technology becomes unconstitutional.

Wording in bill S.1975 is not only designed to eliminate every moral phase of science and the medical field that disagrees with their religion, it is designed to introduce the next phase of their plan. Bill S.1975 conveniently misinterprets the Constitution for a reason. Satanists cannot stand a Constitution based on life, liberty, freedom, and a nation under God. The entire Constitution needs to be eliminated. Once the public is tired of seeing the Constitution misinterpreted, they will welcome a new, modern adaptation. One that ensures freedom for all by eliminating God. The wording is in that bill. Not in those words, but in its implications. The satanic government will establish its own laws and rules to follow. And then what?

Of course removing God from the Constitution is the first step. We know the Bible is offensive to a number of people. So to secure freedom and happiness for all, the Bible will have to be outlawed. Any belief that God created only a man and a woman has already been deemed a crime against the state. Any belief that God decided only women can give birth is also a crime against the state. Bill S.1975 states, their is no evidence of only two genders, and only women can get pregnant. The Bible stands as evidence and must be eliminated at all costs. That bill grants congress unlimited funds to eliminate any opposition, using the court system today. But what will tomorrow bring? You may note, at least one man who professes to be a preacher endorsed that bill. At least one. An open communist, and now a satanist who decided to come out of the closet. The lesson being, Satan has his people in churches. We don’t know who to trust at this point and attacks will come from areas we least expect. People are not only wearing physical masks, they are wearing spiritual masks and masks of all types. The saints can see through them. Our roll is to help others see through these charades before it is too late.

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