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Links to Laboratory Viruses

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Links to Laboratory Viruses

It is early 2022. The world feels as if we are living in some kind of strange void. Nothing seems the same. No one remembers what normal is. Discussions on returning to normal seem to have drifted to the ground like the leaves that fell in autumn. Temperatures in Wisconsin were below zero. Just a few minutes outside and you can feel the stinging cold. Is it a reminder of the state of the world, or is the cold a premonition of what is to come?

It would take volumes to write a list of what has gone wrong over the past year. The beginning of a new year usually brings hope. Not in 2022. The administration and media have been working over time for more than a year to spread every form of hopelessness and fear. To top it all off, 2021 ended with the threat of war while 2022 appears to make that threat a reality.

With temperatures at seasonable lows, it seems nothing short of total insanity to mass troops along the Russian/Ukraine border in January. I grew up hearing stories about the Battle of the Bulge. I heard about the cold. Living a winter in Germany during a war. No one could start a fire. It would give away their position and that meant certain death as the enemy laid in the woods just a few hundred yards away. They lived through the winter without the slightest hope of warmth. Imagine living in those conditions for months. When I go outside I can’t help but remember those stories and think of the solders along the Ukraine border sitting there waiting for a collection of what is described as a group of muppets altered by radiation poisoning to make a decision. Today we live with the words, “the only thing to fear is turning on the news to find out what went wrong today.” That about sums up the past year.

We’ve lived under the threat of covid-19 for more than two years. We’ve gone through lock downs, hoarding, shortages, record inflation, the US southern border have been open for a year now with people and drugs streaming in faster than the wind, major cities have seen crime waves like never before, and we all wait to see, what’s next. China has been threatening Taiwan and Singapore for months. Then Russia massed troops along their border with Ukraine. We have become used to having news spoon fed to us. The administration has not been able to answer any questions. Except for threats leveled at those who don’t support their party and one sided ideas. The parallel between the course the US and for that part, most of the world has taken an eerie resemblance to that of Venezuela when the communists took over. Reading that history appears like a playbook this administration has been following at an accelerated rate.

The threat of war we hear everyday combined with the less than adequate explanations on covid-19 and the slant the news media has taken on both subjects, every normal thinking individual in the world is asking the question, “was that virus developed in a laboratory?”

When we look at the dates funding was granted and deadly viruses were created under laboratory conditions we know it takes only a short time for modern science to give a virus what it needed to survive under extreme conditions and spread at alarming rates. Add to that the fact, covid-19 has been the most deadly virus in our life span and we get a bad feeling about the treat of wars the administration has not explained. We know about WW1 and chemical weapons used during that war. Today chemical warfare has taken on a new meaning. Of course agreements were signed. Throughout the world chemical warfare has been banned. But what is a treaty to those who refuse to honor the Constitution, ignore every law, and want to conquer the world and feel they have the power to carry out their plans?

That void we feel is what can be termed the perfect storm with an eerie moment of silence before the storm hits. We see the darkness on the horizon and wonder how sever the storm will actually be. There is nothing to do but sit, wait, and pray. Confidence is so low and the outlook bleak, it almost seems more humane to curse those responsible than do the Christian thing and pray for them. Life has shown us what happens to the average mind when spoon fed a menu of hopelessness and submission on a daily basis. We can’t help but see the signs of physiological warfare unleashed across the world. We see some countries fighting against that physiological warfare. Some are winning. Some are loosing. Some countries we hear about the start of a revolution than we hear nothing at all. At times the lack of information and obvious censorship is the hardest to live with. Then we are fed a host of threats and sanctions aimed at those who do not trust the vaccines or who look at covid-19 as a myth, a part of that physiological warfare and nothing more. Not many of us have ever lived through those conditions. A few who escaped communist rule ensure us, this is part of the plan and we need to resist. Then the pressure mounts. New sanctions, higher inflation, and the threat of war getting closer. When is it all going to end? How is it going to end?

What is the possibility that covid-19 was created in a laboratory and how was it released? Was it by accident or was that part of an experiment to test the effectiveness of the new man made virus? If it was intentional, does it point to a new era of bio-weapons?

Samples from Early Wuhan Covid-19 Patients Show the Presence of Genetically Modified Henipah Virus … Guess Why? By Brian Simpson

We have not heard much about the Wuhan lab origin of SARS Cov-2 from the media, mainstream or alternative. But here is a little bit more news. Scientists have found that samples from early Wuhan COVID-19 patients show the presence of genetically modified Henipah virus. This was one of the two types of viruses sent to China by Chinese-born scientists from a Canadian laboratory. The lab was at the centre of a controversy over the firing of the scientists and collaboration with Chinese military researchers. Seems like another smoking gun here.

Samples from early Wuhan COVID-19 patients show the presence of genetically modified Henipah virus, an American scientist has found.

Henipah was one of the two types of viruses sent to China by Chinese-born scientists from a Canadian laboratory at the centre of a controversy over the firing of the scientists and collaboration with Chinese military researchers. It is not clear whether the virus found in the Chinese samples is related to the virus samples sent by the Canadian lab, which were shipped in late March 2019.

The finding was confirmed for The Epoch Times by another qualified scientist.

The evidence was first found by Dr. Steven Quay, a Seattle-based physician-scientist and former faculty member at the Stanford University School of Medicine, who looked at early COVID-19 samples uploaded by scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) shortly after China informed the World Health Organization about the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak.

The issue of GoF research at WIV has been a point of contention in the United States between lawmakers and Dr. Anthony Fauci, the NIH’s head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. Fauci’s organization has funded research (through EcoHealth Alliance) on coronaviruses at the Wuhan lab. U.S. Sen. Rand Paul says published work from WIV on coronaviruses shows the lab is conducting GoF research, a charge that Fauci denies.”

Based on news out of Canada, the situation is bleak. If that Canadian laboratory is part of a plan to release laboratory viruses. Canada does have its issues and is at the forefront of the news when it comes to lock downs, forced vaccinations, and sanctions aimed at the general public. At the present time the little news we get out of Canada tells us about a number of truck drivers protesting the lock downs and forced vaccinations. I wonder what the attitude of those truck drivers would be if they knew laboratories in Canada are involved in producing super viruses.

We have to take all of this with a grain of salt. We don’t have the full story about Canada, nor the virus, and when we look at the news source on the manufactured virus sent to China, we have to consider the source. An independent news outlet that quotes The Epoch Times and an unnamed scientist as its only source is less than reliable. The article does consider points on the minds of millions. But the presentation and collection of cold hard facts is less than adequate.

Mentioning the Chinese military is designed to attract attention. Both sides, the left and right have been rather good at spreading fear. We have to remember the 2016 election. A handful of people with a laptop and Internet connection made millions of dollars by creating websites, working with ad companies, and posting the most unbelievable stories about both sides running for president. Some of those fly by night news agencies even advertised to buy stories. Stories that obviously were not true, but attracted Internet traffic at a record pace. The goal was obvious. Attract as much Internet traffic as possible and watch the ad revenues flow in.

Those fly by night news agencies attracted the attention of legitimate news agencies who quickly copied and refined the system. News reporting was no longer an issue. Posting tabloid type stories was much more profitable and the bottom line was all that mattered. Internet advertising buried investigative journalism forever. The left and right news agencies jumped on the band wagon. Looking at information on ad revenue sharing and counting the number of ads, pop ups, and other forms of advertising on news sights showed the average news website can generate at least $8 every time someone visits the site. Put up a few bizarre stories and it is like a fish who cannot resist the shiny lure. Visitors click on a few other pages, the ads pop up, and the money rolls in. That is the world we live in today and that is what makes legitimate news difficult to find.

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2022 Jan; 8

Insight into COVID-19’s epidemiology, pathology, and treatment

The newly emerged 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has urged scientific and medical communities to focus on epidemiology, pathophysiology, and treatment of SARS-CoV-2. Indeed, little is known about the virus causing this severe acute respiratory syndrome pandemic, coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). Data already collected on viruses belonging to the coronaviridae family are of interest to improve our knowledge rapidly on this pandemic. The current review aims at delivering insight into the fundamental advances inSARS-CoV-2 epidemiology, pathophysiology, life cycle, and treatment.

Subsequently, reports presumed a potential outbreak caused by a new coronavirus, called SARS-CoV-2, with a reproductive number ranging from 2.24 – 3.58

Another article deals with a host of scientific information difficult to understand but appears more reliable than third party news sites stuffed with ads. It appears the make up of covid-19 is either an evolutionary fluke, a virus smarter than the average human, or something conceived and created in a laboratory. Take your pick or feel free to add your own explanation. We will not hear the truth in any news conference so don’t hold your breath.

When we look at requests for original grants for virus research, we know a handful of scientists gained funding by insisting natural evolution will one day lead to a super virus that could wipe out the entire planet. We also know, viruses have a short life spam and the human immune system has been able to adapt to every form of virus this world has been able to throw at it. We also know those super viruses were developed in laboratories by genetically splicing simple viruses from pigs and birds. Chinese labs concentrated on viruses from bats and who knows what. Today genetically splicing viruses and creating new, more deadly viruses is like child’s play. It takes little time and when we consider the amount of censorship we see today, we can only imagine what has been created in laboratories and what we may one day see released into this world. Of course only a totally insane individual would release any type of virus they couldn’t control. Some type of vaccine would have to be created and administered to those they feel are essential to their cause. Then that vaccine has to be tested, available, and distributed. It doesn’t take a scientist to set up and initiate such a plan. Pun intended.

On the military front, one army can infect another with a virus. Which reminds me of a story in the Bible. Jacob’s daughter was raped. The prince who raped her wanted to marry her. Jacob’s sons agreed that if all the men in that city were circumcised, the wedding would go on and Jacob’s sons would marry their daughters and men in that city would marry women from Jacob’s clan. Of course leaders in the city had plans to take all of Jacob’s possessions and get rich off the scheme. But Jacob’s sons had a plan of their own. As soon as all the men in the city were circumcised, they went into the city and killed every man, enslaved the women and children, and took every possession. I am sure a few choice leaders in this world and generals are aware of that story.

When we look at Russia and Ukraine in the middle of the 2022 winter, we have to consider the fact, a virus will not survive in the bitter cold outside. How would someone like Russia deliver a virus if that was the plan? Unless someone developed a super virus that could be delivered and survive in an air born state in freezing temperatures. Remember the initial vaccine? That vaccine had to be shipped and stored at extremely low temperatures until it was administered. Has anyone ever heard of that before? The vaccine had to consist of living virus cells to do its job. So how did those virus cells survive transportation and storage? Was there a virus cell that could be frozen and revived? Most virus cells die a few minutes in lower temperatures. Bird viruses could not survive in humans because of lower temperatures until someone created a new virus in a lab. Then we have bat viruses. Bat’s hibernate in winter where their body temperatures drop. Somehow the viruses they carry survive.

Covid-19 shares a lot of qualities with bat viruses. The viruses attack the lungs and can be fatal. That is the general make up of the SARS-CoV virus. It originated in bats and transfers to humans on rare occasions. The SARS-CoV virus is able to survive extreme conditions. The only problem is, the virus was only known to transmit through bat feces and water droplets such as saliva and of course in water vapor from human to human through coughing and sneezing. That is true in SARS-CoV’s natural environment. But what if scientists were able to extent those conditions to let’s call it, military standards.

Aug 27, 2021

Exclusive: Samples From Early Wuhan COVID Patients Had Genetically Modified Henipah, 1 of 2 Types of Viruses Sent From Canadian Lab

Perhaps you will recall the early claims that there was a link between the lab in Canada and Wuhan, which were immediately called a conspiracy theory so they do not have to answer them. The samples of the first version of COVID match what was created in the National Microbiology Laboratory in Canada. Also buried deep in the story is that the scientist Dr. Frank Plummer was the director of Canada’s National Microbiology Lab, to whom the Gates Foundation handed a grant of $8.3 million. He died in Kenya weeks after the official start of the 2019 coronavirus outbreak on February 4, 2020, which happened weeks after a Gates Foundation simulation of a coronavirus outbreak.

This article proves people will go to great lengths to develop theories to make a name for themselves. The site of course has its share of ads. Which is a red flag. But when we live in a world of censorship, people can and will take advantage of the situation to enrich themselves.

We live in a world where key powers have mobilized their military and are under the threat of bio-warfare. We know one thing for sure, there is far more behind the scenes than we can ever imagine. With the development of mutant viruses able to attack the nervous system and brain, we don’t want to begin to speculate on the danger soldiers are facing today. When you live in a world resembling a collection of science fiction movies, you get the feeling, anything can happen. You have two choices. Ignore the entire situation or look into it and gather whatever facts are available. Some people prefer to lend a never dying allegiance to the powers at hand. For the most part the administration and fake news has been taking advantage of people who really believe a socialist society can solve all the world’s problems and as we have seen, are willing to fight for that concept. Then we have the other side. The side that refuses to trust any form of socialism or communism. They looked into how communists came to power just a generation ago. Russia and China caused more deaths in their take over after WWII than the total number of casualties suffered during the war. The numbers who died didn’t seem to matter to Russian and Chinese leaders. Starvation and disease were prevalent. But that wasn’t enough. To make their point clear, Russia and China added in executions on a grand scale and their form of concentration or reeducation camps. That is what the normal thinking patriots all over the world fear the most today and they are witnessing the gathering of the storm.

When we see mandatory vaccines for all military personal with no exemptions, we see a red flag. Is this preparation for bio-warfare? Are military commanders planing on disabling an opposing force with bio-weapons? We know the threat exists. We know research has gone into weapons to neutralize entire populations while leaving infrastructure intact. Only time will tell if we see those weapons in use and what they are capable of.

The problem is, which vaccine will they use and will it work? When we look at vaccines we will see how the wrong vaccine can and will spell disaster. Today we have at least half a dozen variations of covid-19. You have to be in a coma not to know about the vaccines and boosters introduced over the past year. When we look at the results, we see infections and fatality rate rising faster then before a vaccine was introduced. Which was exactly what scientists warned about when a vaccine was introduced.

We have a virus that attacks the respiratory system, one that is not any more dangerous than the seasonal flu but is deadly when people have underlying conditions. Another variant that is more deadly than seasonal flu and is more effective against healthy people. Then we have a series of variants that spread much faster and effect the nervous system and brain. The results may take weeks or months to show up. Which variant would you vaccinate the military against? Remember, if you vaccinate against the wrong variant, you could make matters mush worse.

June 19 2021

I Visited a Chinese Lab at the Center of a Biosafety Debate. What I Learned Helps Explain the Clash Over Covid-19’s Origins.

H7N9 would turn out to be a minor threat compared to SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes Covid-19, but the path it took will sound familiar to anyone who has tracked the news over the last year. Initial cases in China were followed by censorship and secrecy, which gave way to lingering suspicion of both the government and Chinese scientists.

I profiled a flu researcher who was helping authorities contain the spread of H7N9. Even as she became the point person for the outbreak, she was at the center of a scientific controversy for an experiment she had done on another avian flu virus. That work involved tweaking pathogens in order to study how they might become more contagious, a type of study that is often lumped under the shorthand “gain of function.” Proponents of such experiments argued that a better understanding of how viruses are transmitted from one species to the next could help public health experts ward off natural outbreaks. Critics worried that instead of aiding in global health, her research could spark a pandemic.

That was before gain-of-function work got stirred into the toxic stew that is American politics, before it was mixed up with feelings about former President Donald Trump and ex-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, racism and anti-racism, and faith in science. Before Republicans believed a few vocal politicians who claimed, wrongly, that the pandemic was definitely caused by a lab leak, and Democrats believed a few vocal scientists who assured them, also wrongly, that such a thing was definitely impossible.

So-called natural spillovers often happen in densely populated areas where people live close to animals. (That frequency is one reason many scientists suspect a natural origin with SARS-CoV-2.) With H7N9, the likely culprit was poultry markets. I wanted to talk with Chen about the early days of the outbreak, when her lab had scrambled to sequence and analyze H7N9 strains isolated from chickens and pigeons.

Chen’s paper on H5N1 and guinea pigs was published in May 2013, when H7N9 was still spreading through southern China. More than a dozen researchers had worked on the study, which involved 250 guinea pigs, 1,000 mice, and 27,000 infected chicken eggs. Their goal was to determine what changes would enable the H5N1 virus to spread more effectively. After swapping out the single gene, they found that an infected animal could pass the virus to a healthy one in an adjoining cage through respiratory droplets.

Virologists who did similar research had a completely different take on Chen’s work. I spoke with five of them. One quibbled with the design of the experiment, but the others used words like “exemplary” and “highly respected.” Ron Fouchier of Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, told me that he had dreamed of doing exactly the same experiment as Chen but couldn’t because of various constraints. “I do not have a single grant for which I could afford to work with 13 people for two years to yield a paper, no matter how excellent that paper is,” he wrote in an email. Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Wisconsin-Madison also spoke highly of Chen and told me that her lab was state of the art.

THE MOMENT of correction we’re now in is dangerous in its own way. There is still no direct evidence to support a lab leak, and many scientists with no stake in the outcome still say that a natural origin is more likely. Scientific consensus has not, in fact, shifted toward a lab origin. But some pundits with the risky combination of a lack of expertise and an agenda have argued that a lab leak caused the pandemic, case closed. Bari Weiss, the former New York Times columnist who spends most of her time railing against cancel culture, recently published an interview with Mike Pompeo, who told her that the evidence “points in the single direction of this having been a laboratory leak,” though he added, “I can’t lay down the proof for you.”

When we see China as a main player in virus development, we all begin to worry. When we see the outbreak of a major flu virus originate in China, we all begin asking questions. When we see one side turn that news into a political event, we know something is up. When they sprinkle in censorship at a level never experienced in the US before, we are certain someone is hiding something and we wonder what is really happening behind the scenes. Put that all together and we have a political atmosphere far more toxic than covid-19.

Of course much of this news comes from independent sources. Some offer links and disclose sources. That is a good start. But they always seem to support one political agenda or another and that is where the sources drop off. Some information is backed up with evidence. But then articles linger on politically motivated statements with little to no evidence to back them up. Which is why it is important to consider a number of source and pay attention to the amount of evidence presented. The average person can tell when a story drifts from investigative reporting to personal opinion.

January 21, 2020

How Much Should The Public Be Told About Research Into Risky Viruses?

There’s a lot of interest out there in how these reviews get done, notes Wolinetz, but “it’s a little bit tricky, because all of these discussions are happening before funding decisions are made. Under current rules and regulations in the government, those conversations, pre-award conversations, are protected.”

That’s to ensure, for example, that someone’s idea for a novel experiment doesn’t get stolen by another researcher. It also lets reviewers be candid in their critiques. What’s more, if a proposed study was deemed too alarming to fund, it might not make sense to make that idea available to all.

A biosafety official at his university, Rebecca Moritz, explained that specific security requirements might need to be kept secret to protect the public. In addition, she noted that the government review “contains sensitive information because, in it, we are required to detail the ways in which the research could potentially be misused.”

Beyond the question of how much information should be available about the U.S. government’s funding decisions, some continue to worry about the consequences of publicly publishing any research results that would describe how to make a pathogen more dangerous.

The HHS decision-making framework says funded research may require “risk mitigation strategies” that might include “methodologies for responsible communication of results.”

But Inglesby says that “responsible communication” has never been defined.

Of course in each of these articles I copied only cover key points. I would suggest you read the entire article. The flavor of these articles will tell the average reader if the writer is biased or unbiased. Views from different angles help to formulate an opinion as well as disclose motives behind each of these events.

Of course laboratories and scientists have security concerns. We would be in trouble if they didn’t. No one is asking for a run down including schematics of security systems. What would help is an honest answer and basic understanding in plain simple English explaining laboratory security and contingency plans. There has to be contingency plans. How are viruses secured and at what point do scientists develop a safe and effective vaccine before taking the virus to the next step? That is something I think we would all like to know.

So far we know the world today has a host of viruses far more deadly than the world has ever seen. We also know those viruses were developed to infect humans and spread as efficiently as possible. We also know some of those viruses have been engineered to survive, thrive, and mutate when vaccines are introduced. Did scientists miss anything or are there new features in engineered viruses we are not being told about. The only thing lacking is an honest explanation that everything is being done to ensure those viruses are never introduced to the general public.

When we look at the communist track record we can’t help but think, there is a great possibility those viruses can and will be used as weapons. We know no one is going to make an announcement or post a warning. Given that fact we could say terrorist may have more morals than the average world leader today. With terrorists we stand a 50/50 chance they will deliver a warning and demand a ransom. With world leaders today, who knows.

We do see one sign that is rather frightening. Funding has dramatically increased in proportion to the deadly effects of each virus created in a laboratory. Not the humanitarian efforts grants were awarded to achieve. Today funding is directly linked to the dangers and effectiveness of those new super viruses. Remember, we are paying for all of this.

2021 Jun 5

Did covid-19 come from a lab?

We know that the first human cases that were detected were detected in Wuhan in December 2019,” he said. “We also know that this virus belongs to a group of viruses that have their original niche in bat populations. In between these two points, we don’t know much.”

On 23 May, The Wall Street Journal claimed that US intelligence has evidence of several employees of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which carries out research on bat coronaviruses, being hospitalised with a respiratory illness similar to covid-19 in November 2019. US President Joe Biden subsequently ordered the US intelligence community to pursue a definitive conclusion on whether the virus spilled naturally from a wildlife reservoir, or from a lab.

The origin of the virus remains one of the most important unknowns of the pandemic. “We need to know where it came from,” says David Robertson, an evolutionary virologist at the University of Glasgow, UK. “We have to be worried that that could happen again.”

Last month, Science published a letter from 18 distinguished scientists, which argued that theories of accidental lab release and so-called zoonotic spillover (where an infectious disease jumps from an animal to a human) “both remain viable”.

The leak scenario involves researchers tinkering around with a virus, perhaps in gain of function experiments in which pathogens are modified to be more harmful in a bid to understand them better. This modified virus then somehow slipped through the lab’s biosafety net, which has been criticised by many for being full of holes.

For example, the virus has a “furin cleavage site”, a part of the spike protein that helps it to break into host cells. Many coronaviruses have this, but SARS-CoV-2 is the only member of its sub-genus Sarbecovirus to have one.

Another region of the spike protein, the “receptor binding motif”, appears to be oddly adapted to latch on to human cells. This adaptation was also observed in the original SARS virus, SARS-CoV-1, but only long after it had jumped to humans. The Wuhan strain of SARS-CoV-2 had it from the get-go.

These and other molecular peculiarities are consistent with a virus that has been manipulated in the laboratory, says Segreto.

We can find hundreds of articles telling us where covid-19 originated and each one has its own theory on how the virus escaped a lab. We do have one fact we need to keep in mind. Science has been able to identify the origin of viruses for over 400 years. Covid-19 is the first virus in human history where science claims they cannot identify its origin. Where are scientists looking? Science has been testing every animal, bird, fish, plant, and mold known to mankind. We know all that testing came up with no answer. Bats are close, but not close enough to close the door on the issue. Then we have governments all over the world telling us not to worry. Add to that media going to great lengths to throw a cover on every question. When we add it all up what do we have? It appears we are left with one other area to look. The virus leaked from a lab somewhere in China. Was it on purpose of by accident? If China releases a new bio-weapon on Taiwan, I think we have an answer.

We also know the origin of SARS 2002-2004 was not discovered until 2017. It took 13 years to uncover that connection. The major difference between 2004 and 2020 is, 2004 did not have dozens of laboratories all over the world producing super viruses. 2004 also had a host of investigative reports. Fatalities in 2004 were over 8000. Covid-19 has claimed over 5 million lives. Is it a coincidence the SARS virus muted to such a deadly virus on its own or was covid-19 a product of science?

We need to take the threat we see today seriously. We also have to keep in mind, there is not one communist country who trusts another communist country. You would think history and the condition of the world today would wake people up. We see growing numbers of communists all over the world. Since turning to computerized elections, communists have taken key positions in governments all over the world. A few years ago open communists would have quickly ended their political carrier. Today communists are open and brazen. Immediately after the 2020 election in the US, communists came out of the closet. Some calling for the round up and elimination of all conservatives. For some reason communists seemed to have no fear of loosing their elected positions. There has to be a reason those people feel safe to voice their radically insane opinions. What do they know that gives them this new found courage? How deep is their control of elections?

When we see how deadly those viruses developed in laboratories can be, we see how important our vote is today. The last thing we need in office is radical thinking people saying they need to eliminate people who don’t agree with them. Common sense tells us, it is only a matter of time before they use those viruses against people they view as enemies. And radicals view the majority of the world as enemies.

How bad is this getting? Reports tells us about the Chinese testing covid variants on the Uyghur population.

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24 August 2020

Death is Everywhere’

Millions More Uyghurs Missing

In extraordinary detail, he describes how Government authorities are not only testing COVID-19 vaccines on detainees, but also from the population identified for indoctrination.

Since the Coronavirus started, the Chinese Government has been experimenting vaccines on the entire Uyghur population,” says Sidick. “Everywhere is locked down. There’s a big residential complex in Urumqi. Many hundreds of people live there in tall buildings, and the Government took one person from each family – altogether about 165 people – and quarantined them in a remote hospital, with one person in each room, and examined them every day.

A person from inside this facility told my source that authorities are taking blood twice per day for testing. They are given shots before they drink this Chinese medicine and then have to have an oral liquid test and also a blood test. What this is, is the Chinese authorities injected these people with the Coronavirus first, before they are given the vaccine. After they infected these people, they check on the results to see if the vaccine worked or not. I heard this directly from several people who have their family members there. These are all young people, 18, 19, 20 years or age. They didn’t experiment on old people.”

October 12, 2021

Uyghurs Suffering Horrific Healthcare Violations

Crimes against Uyghurs go way beyond testing covid variants.

One of these women, Mihrigul Tursun, spoke up against the cruel treatment of Uyghur Muslims and the several violations of ethical and healthcare rights by the Chinese government. In 2018, Tursun spoke at the Congressional Executive Commission on China in Washington D.C. She was imprisoned and her triplet children were taken away from her.

She experienced multiple beatings, electric shocks, forced injections, and was forced to take other medications. One of her children died at the camp and the other two survived, but have scars on their necks due to the feeding tube that was inserted.

I would rather die than go through this torture. I begged them to kill me,” Tursun said.

When we see one country using covid to carry out genocide on a group they decided to eliminate, we know the thought and plans exist. When we look at history we see a rather shocking similarity. In 1936 Nazi Germany hosted the Olympics while rounding up and murdering millions. Today history repeats itself in China. We cannot make the mistake of thinking genocide in Germany or China was or is restricted to a single religious group. That is exactly what radicals carrying out genocide want the world to believe. They want us to believe we don’t face the same threat. When Germany invaded Poland, the Nazis assassinated every politician, police officer, teachers, and most of the soldiers who surrendered. The Nazis enslaved the rest. Religion had little to do with the genocide the Nazis carried out. The Nazis viewed Poles as subhuman and convinced themselves it was their duty to kill and rule everyone in Poland and other countries. I was told, my entire family was lost to the Nazis in WWII and the Russians after WWII. We’ve seen how genocide is shared by socialists and communists and they never planned at stopping at a single race or religion. We are facing much worse today and sad to say, the socialists and communists already occupy key positions in governments all over the world. WWII also showed us, socialist and communists never trusted one another and it is each of their goals to totally eliminate the other. Do a little research on how Nazis treated Russian soldiers and how Russia treated German soldiers. Then try and tell me the genocide in WWII was restricted to Jews.

26 January 2022

COVID-19 lab leak theory

The COVID-19 lab leak theory proposes that SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that caused the COVID-19 pandemic) originated from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.[1][2] Central to the theory is the observation that the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) is in the same city as the pandemic’s earliest known outbreak and from suspicions about the secretiveness of the Chinese government’s response.[3][4] Scientists from WIV had previously collected SARS-related coronaviruses from bats; allegations that they also performed undisclosed risky work on such viruses is central to some versions of the idea.[5][6] Some versions, particularly those alleging alteration of the SARS-CoV-2 genome, are based on speculation,[7] misinformation,[8] or misrepresentations of scientific evidence.

The idea that the virus was released from a laboratory (accidentally or deliberately) appeared early in the pandemic.[11][12] The theory gained popularity in America through promotion by conservative figures including president Donald Trump and other members of the Republican Party in the spring of 2020,[13] fomenting tensions between the US and China.[14] Many in American liberal media and political circles subsequently dismissed it as a conspiracy theory.

The fact that covid-19 has become a political platform serves a purpose. It allows the media to take one side or the other and report nothing but a series of senseless allegations against the opposing group that accomplish nothing. In stead of investigating the subject at hand, news agencies dream up new stories to focus on senseless details that do nothing to inform the general public about what is really happening and the threats that exist in real life. News agencies are not like those of 10 or 20 years ago when they reported the facts and allowed individuals to decide how they were going to view the subject at hand.

Today, what we don’t see on the news is more important and tells us more about the world we live in than the thousands of news stories posted on the the Internet and spread over the airwaves. Attacking the other group will never solve a problem. All attacks do is bring in incredible sums of ad revenue and sad to say, that is where the media focuses today.

Why don’t we see stories about what the Uyghurs are suffering in China today? Why don’t we read stories about the reports filed on government websites explaining new variants developed in laboratories? How come no one is looking into the timing of those new variants and outbreaks in China with the same symptoms? How come no one in the media or the government is looking at the obvious connections between variants developed in laboratories and covid cases that suddenly popped up in isolated regions in China? Not once but six times.

Media outlets are either for or against the vaccines. But neither one of them investigate the facts to show the benefits and draw backs those vaccines have. All we hear on the news is personal opinions supporting their stance. Opinions that do no one any good.

The world faces dangers we never saw before. Governments have control of viruses more deadly than anyone every imagined. Billions of dollars are invested in more deadly viruses and as we have seen, science is at a loss to develop effective and safe vaccines. All of this in a time when we see radical factions taking office positions in government and gaining control. Some of those political factions are no longer afraid to show their support for radial extremists. Look at Afghanistan. How did Afghanistan fall in a number of days and why were billions of dollars in military arms left behind? Why has the media dropped the subject so quickly? Why do the thousand of people left behind in Afghanistan no longer matter? What we don’t see on the news tells us more about the condition of this world than what we are spoon fed everyday. We know news and editing go together. They have been one of the same for generations. We’ve been through enough in our generation to know when we get the message, “nothing to see here,” we know something is up. Something the powers in charge don’t want us to see.

August 2021

The Origins of Covid-19

The House Foreign Affairs Committee Minority Staff has continued to investigate the origins of

COVID-19, examining new information as it became available, including through expert testimony.

Based on the material collected and analyzed by the Committee Minority Staff, the preponderance of evidence suggests SARS-CoV-2 was accidentally released from a Wuhan Institute of Virology laboratory sometime prior to September 12, 2019.

This report investigates the origin of this virus and looks at how it became a deadly pandemic.

We also believe the preponderance of the evidence proves the virus did leak from the WIV and that it did so sometime before September 12, 2019.

This is based upon multiple pieces of evidence laid out in the report, including:

  • The sudden removal of the WIV’s virus and sample database in the middle of the

night on September 12, 2019 and without explanation;

  • Safety concerns expressed by top PRC scientists in 2019 and unusually scheduled

maintenance at the WIV;

  • Athletes at the Military World Games held in Wuhan in October 2019 who

became sick with symptoms similar to COVID-19 both while in Wuhan and also

shortly after returning to their home countries;

  • Satellite imagery of Wuhan in September and October 2019 that showed a

significant uptick in the number of people at local hospitals surrounding the WIV’s

headquarters, coupled with an unusually high number of patients with symptoms

similar to COVID-19;

  • The installation of a People’s Liberation Army’s bioweapons expert as the head of

the WIV’s Biosafety Level 4 lab (BSL-4), possibly as early as late 2019; and

  • Actions by the Chinese Communist Party and scientists working at or affiliated

with the WIV to hide or coverup the type of research being conducted at there.

This report also lays out ample evidence that researchers at the WIV, in conjunction with U.S.

scientists and funded by both the PRC government and the U.S. government, were conducting gainof-function research on coronaviruses at the WIV, at times under BSL-2 conditions. Much of this research was focused on modifying the spike protein of coronaviruses that could not infect humans so they could bind to human immune systems.

The Cover-Up

In the original report, we laid out many of the ways the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) went to great lengths to cover up the initial epidemic, and how their cover-up likely turned what could have been a local outbreak into a global pandemic. The CCP detained doctors in order to silence them, and disappeared journalists who attempted to expose the truth. They destroyed lab samples, and hid the fact there was clear evidence of human-to-human transmission. And they still refuse to allow a real investigation into the origins. At the same time, the WHO, under Director General Tedros, failed to warn the world of the impending pandemic. Instead, he parroted CCP talking points, acting as a puppet of General Secretary Xi.

Thank God we have a few moral people in the right place. I don’t think anyone expects to see anything done with the information brought to light. We all expect all that information to be swept under the rug. Since the election we’ve seen one distraction after another. Hilary lived under the concept of creating a deception before moving forward on a plan. In plain simple English, accuse someone of a crime before you commit the crime. Distractions are a way of life and the life blood of politics today. When Hilary cries, “Russian collusion,” look at her ties with Russia or another world power. When we saw people accusing police of being the root of racism, we saw how that group jumped onto social media to raise funds to bail out criminals. Then we saw laws changed to eliminate bail. We saw criminals released with small bail amounts or no bail at all. Then the obvious happened. Crime soared. Criminals released on bail returned to the streets to commit more serious crimes including murder. News is filled with stories about criminals with long records released within hours and eventually adding murder to their resume. We only hear about the most serious crimes. Usually when they shoot an officer. Then we have a carrier criminal in Wisconsin released on bail who decided to run people over at a Christmas parade. This was all started by a group of people who claimed police officers were racist and a handful of politicians who supported their cause. That is only one example showing how a bad idea and rumors never lead to anything good. It shows that what appears to be a poor plan, or lack of a plan is actually a well conceived plan with hundreds of people involved. Each doing their job. Each aware of where the plan is leading. Which makes each of them guilty of all the crimes committed. They all have blood on their hands.

We lack the news media to put this all together. We learn from history by looking back and seeing obvious patterns. You don’t have to be a scientist to put the sequence of events together and clearly see what is happening and what their radical common goal is. And where it is leading. Eliminating police forces shows who those radical politicians have been working with. Government working with crime figures is nothing new. We saw it in the 1920’s and 1930’s. What we see is nothing new.

When we look at the technology law enforcement had to work with in 1930 and what they were able to accomplish we have to ask why law enforcement today is not able to accomplish far more. With all the funds, equipment, and technology used by law enforcement today, why do criminals basically have free reign? How can a man produce a video about mass killing and a DA in Wisconsin releases him on a $1000 bond? How can Epstein island operate without raising a number of red flags? Why did the court go out of their way to protect the criminal’s privacy during Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial? Why do criminals have more rights than the victims? With today’s technology there should be no problem bringing more than enough evidence to identify and convict the people who visited that island.

When we look at the southern border today, we have more questions than answers. Who is crossing the border and why? Dozens of people on the terrorist watch list have been arrested, Some after committing crimes, including murdering police officers. Once again, we only hear a small portion of the news. What we don’t hear about the people crossing the border is raising awareness. What is not explained is raising concern. Dozens of videos have surfaced showing hundreds of illegal immigrants flown all over the country in the middle of the night. The administration refuses to answer any questions. Which of course raises red flags. Are drugs also on those planes? Where are those immigrants going? What are they being used for? We are fed a steady diet to make us think, those immigrants are only tied into future elections. Is that the latest in a long line of distractions? Hunter Biden has relationships with people controlling large and sophisticated prostitution rings, human trafficking, slavery, and organ harvesting. Hunter was introduced to those factions when he was a director on the board of Burisma. Joe Biden knew who those people were. Joe Biden directed US funds in Ukraine’s election to ensure organized crime occupied key political positions. Many of those people both in political office and on Burisma’s board are now serving prison sentences.

After the election, Pelosi accused Trump of planning to take over the government and refuse to leave office. We have to ask where Pelosi came up with that idea. Was Pelosi aware of a plan in action to take over the government and cease power? When we see radical politicians call for the arrest and execution of people in the opposing party, we have to ask if that was a slip up and were they exposing plans that weren’t supposed to go public at that time. When we see what has happened leading into and after the election, we can’t help but be alarmed. Joe Biden warned, “you are going to need F15s and nukes to over throw this government.” Today that administration has dozens of lethal viruses at their disposal. It seems rather unlikely for a single celled virus to hatch a plan and mutate so it can spread more efficiently, and pose the same same threats as nerve agents. Are we really supposed to believe a single cell virus was able to put together such a plan and limit their attack to the human race? To date covid-19 has not posed a threat to any animals, birds, or any species on this planet. Covid-19 has been restricted to humans as if it was a plan. Today we are in danger of being threatened by our government or another government. In a second we can be held ransom with the threat of releasing a deadly virus able to wipe out human life. We’ve seen threats from terrorists using bio-weapons. Imagine a threat from a government with world conquest as a goal. Or a government facing the threat of loosing power. That threat exists today. It is not being talked about or covered like it should be. And that should make us all nervous.

January 25, 2022

A lab assistant involved in COVID-19 research in Taiwan exposed 110 people after becoming infected at work

A premiere Taiwanese academic institution will pay the equivalent of $5,400 in fines after reporting that a lab worker had been infected by SARS-CoV-2 while conducting research on the delta strain of the virus. The lab assistant left her lab and exposed 110 close contacts to the disease. According to Science, the case marks what is likely the first verified instance of a researcher being infected by the virus in lab.

Taiwan’s health minister, Chen Shih-chung, announced the fine at a press conference. The Central Epidemic Command Center reported that the worker, who is vaccinated and in her 20s, became symptomatic on Nov. 26, before testing positive. She handled infected animals and may have inhaled the virus after removing her protective equipment in the wrong order, mask first, according to Science. At the time, Taiwan was reporting no local transmission of COVID-19, and sequencing showed that the lab worker had been infected by a strain given to the lab at Academic Sinica, which was conducting drug and vaccine research.

With news today it is nearly impossible to tell what is fact and what has been fabricated as a distraction. We know China is hosting the 2022 Olympics and needs to distract from issues like covid-19, their laboratories, crimes against the Uyghurs, slave labor, trade, and a host of other issues. Human trafficking and human trade associated with North Korea are subjects we have not looked into. Add to that the help China has given North Korea to develop nuclear weapons. The fact China could drive all the nuclear weapons across the border, but chose to send North Korea materials, equipment, and technology so they could build their own missiles raises a few questions. Why take the slow road with North Korea spending all that time and money to basically start from scratch when all the missiles they need are on the other side of the river? It spells another distraction the Chinese can milk for a long time. As if they knew what was on the agenda and knew they needed a list of distractions.

People wanted answers, so why not fabricate one. China is not about to take the heat and the last thing they need is attention focused on any of their laboratories. So why not use a laboratory in Taiwan? It serves multiple purposes. It distracts us from China, provides an answer, and places doubts in Taiwan. A country China just happens to plan on invading. Is this story intended to make China look like the good guy charging in on a white horse to save the world? Something to consider.

Reports on a laboratory leak in Taiwan shows us, there are more countries developing lethal viruses than we can imagine. We would have never heard about virus research in Taiwan if it wasn’t for a report on that leak. How many other countries are involved? How advanced is Taiwan’s research? It only took a few weeks for one lab to take covid-19 and turn it into a nerve agent. Did Taiwan develop a similar variant? This paints a dim future for this world when we look at the big picture. Since the election in 2020, China has been threatening Taiwan with an invasion. What is holding China back? We would be fools is we believed China didn’t know Taiwan has labs developing virus strains. In the nuclear world we know there is this balance of power. In simple terms, the ability to destroy the world 100 times guarantees our safety. That has spread into viruses. The only difference is, no one is talking about it. The threat does exist. The news doesn’t want to discuss the issue. Governments want to keep it a secret. There is more than enough information about killer viruses on the Internet. Much of that information is on official government websites. So why is it being ignored. Is this the silence before the storm?

January 21, 2020

How Much Should The Public Be Told About Research Into Risky Viruses?

U.S. officials are weighing the benefits and risks of proposed experiments that might make a dangerous pathogen even worse — but the details of that review, and the exact nature of the experiments, aren’t being released to the public.

Those in favor of this virus tinkering say it’s necessary to prepare for the possibility that an animal pathogen circulating out in nature might mutate in a way that lets it start sickening humans and spreading widely. It’s not a theoretical danger; past pandemics, like the 1918 flu, killed millions.

Other biosecurity experts, however, question how much useful knowledge would really be gained from these studies. And in their view, it just isn’t worth the possibility that a lab-created virus might get unleashed — either by accident or because someone deliberately used it as a bioweapon.

Of course there is a limit to how much knowledge is shared. The American public accepts that fact and when dealing with government agencies, has accepted that fact. The average American can tell when information has been edited for security reasons and accepts that fact. The problem is, the current administration looks at the entire American public as idiots, unable to understand when they are being lied to. Every parent will tell you how they can figure out when their children are lying. As if that is a built in natural human instinct. That explains why this administration has labeled parents as a major threat to their form of government.

When Hitler marched into Poland, he eliminated all the politicians, educators, and of course everyone in the military. In Hitler’s speeches, he claimed Polish people were an inferior race. So he eliminated all the educated Poles in order to prove his theory and keep his war machine moving. As Hitler progressed across Europe, he repeated the same process over and over again.

When we see an administration that treats the people they represent like children, we see the same concepts developed by Hitler taking shape in our generation. When we take a look at what has happened in major cities across America over the past 10 or 20 years, we begin to see how plans were laid long before we could put facts together to see what the ultimate goal was.