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Is AI Real


Someone brought up the fact, AI uses 8X more electricity than any other computer program. I think it is much higher than that. I used to work Computer Aided Drawing programs on computers and learned why some drawings crash when opening while others open instantly. It all depends on how the drawing is constructed. If constructed correctly the program looks at the entities used to construct the drawing in a sequence that requires a single pass, or a limited few passes. If the designer constructs a drawing wrong, using a larger number of different choices for line construction and other attributes to create a drawing, the program has no choice but to run through the sequence in the program dozens or hundreds of time to gather the information it needs to construct and display the drawing. It is all basically simple. When a computer program is given a limited amount of information to deal with the program is completed quickly, and takes much longer when presented with information consisting of more choices to check.

We are told AI is a computer program designed to provide infinite answers to questions. Which is impossible. We are also told AI is a computer program designed to learn on its own. Which is also not true and easy to prove. If a computer program is capable of learning on its own and provide infinite answers to questions, the program will instantly figure out on its own, its sole purpose is to scan every possible solution to every question. In reality that program will take every question, scan every piece of data stored on a hard drive larger than anyone could imagine, and supply every possible solution. By design AI would take a simple question with the goal to supply infinite solutions thereby scanning data for infinity. In other words, never completing a single task.

Having that in mind and knowing it is impossible, we can look at AI as the limited program it is. AI is not the program we are told it is based on the fact infinite answers would take an infinity to accumulate and display. AI like all other computer programs is designed to provide predetermined answers. Of course those predetermined answers are controlled by the people creating the program.