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Return the Right to Vote

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To do nothing will open the door to election chaos, a portion of the plan that allowed a handful of cities to corrupt the vote. No action is a clear sign to those who participated in voter fraud that nothing will ever be done.

Liberty or death

The World Watches and Waits

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We have to seriously consider the connections between Biden, democrats, racial factions, and the Chinese government. It all leads back to slavery and since slavery was the reason Jerusalem fell, we have to study to see the connection.

America’s Darkest History

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Social media giants have chosen to bury that evidence. For what? What are their ties to those communists and organized crime. Were they paid off? Or are their promises of larger profits in the future? The election in 2020 will decide if we ever see the truth or if the next government will bury the truth and unleash the next phase in their plan.


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So far no one has been able to deny those emails with the exception of a few hard left democratic politicians who made a carrier from shooting from the hip. No evidence to back up their claims

Liberty or death

October 2020

When we put 2 and 2 together we see nothing short of a push for a one party dictatorship. We can see big business involved. Internet giants like YouTube, Google, and Facebook don’t even try to hide their censorship on the Internet.

Satanism, Cannibalism, and Politics

How can a tax funded, nonprofit organization be allowed to donate tax dollars to fund candidates in an election? We need someone to explain how this is possible and if it is legal.

What is the Problem with the Critical Race Theory

Critical Race theories and Marxism remove responsibility from the individual and both are aimed at destroying motivation, pride, will power, and in fact attempt to cast a shadow and guilt on success. Although both theories attempt to make one believe they take an objective look at race, ethnic back ground, and other factors making up an individual, they are designed to remove all traces of individuality and place every living soul in two categories, those who lead, and those who follow.

Liberty or death

Inhalation 90 Miles Offshore

Teachers who had a drive and motivation to make sure America never fell to powers who threatened our way of life and existence.