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Is Human Sacrifice on the Agenda

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Satan in the Capital

There have been a number of claims that abortion is nothing short of human sacrifices to Satan. Are those only claims or is it true? A quick Internet search on the subject will reveal a number of stories and videos about human sacrifices in Europe. Most people think only a handful of nuts are involved in modern day human sacrifices. The stories show a side that seems difficult to believe. Satanists involved in human sacrifices are organized. They have money. Satanists attract the very rich and powerful. A number of those stories tell about top politicians involved in satanic ceremonies. This doesn’t seem to shock people in Europe. A search on social media shows dozens of active groups teaching satanic worship, animal and human sacrifices. President Trump wanted to ban Tiktok because of their involvement in satanism. Tiktok is widely known as witchtok because of the number of groups teaching witchcraft. You can research that information on your own and while you’re at it, look at the American politicians who stood up for witchtok when Trump talked about banning it. That will tell you who to keep an eye on.

It would take us forever to research all the groups involved with satanic worship, what their views and plans are, and who is involved. We need to stick with one particular area. Are people in the US government involved in witchcraft and satanic worship? Looking at abortions seems to be the logical place to begin. Who supports abortions and why? What happens in abortion clinics? A short investigation into abortion clinics reveals a few interesting facts. Abortion clinics are in the business of selling body parts. A business supported by a number of politicians. Abortion clinics are into more than selling body parts. Once the government allows the sale of cells, then organs, laws are stretched to include more than individual organs. To understand who is involved, how they are involved, and see where organ trafficking is leading, we have to look back at the history of organ trafficking.

March 9, 2009

Fulfilling a campaign promise, Mr. Obama signed an executive order expected to set in motion increased research that supporters believe could uncover cures for serious ailments from diabetes to paralysis.

Mr. Obama’s action, before a packed East Room audience, reverses former President George W. Bush’s policy on stem cell research by undoing a 2001 directive that banned federal funding for research into stem lines created after that date.

Obama rolled back controls on stem cell research giving scientists more freedom to conduct experiments on aborted babies. Obama made it sound like he was doing the right thing in an attempt to make it appear he had the interests and well being of others in mind. What that executive order did was circumvent laws passed by congress elected by the majority of voters. This was one of the first moves to ignore and eliminate elections in the US.

This was also an attack on religion removing faith in God and placing faith in science, turning science into a god with control over life and death. One man signed an executive order making science the new guiding force in America. One man threw out a number of laws passed by elected representatives in Congress. One man decided to turn the abortion industry into a profit motivated business. Time would show those profits are funneled into election committees run exclusively by democrats.

March 9, 2009

“The president believes that it’s particularly important to sign this memorandum so that we can put science and technology back at the heart of pursuing a broad range of national goals.”

The media spins stories to sway public opinion about abortion on a number of levels. The first being, the age old belief an unborn baby is only a collection of cells with no soul, no feelings, and no conscienceness. This has got to be the biggest oxymoron in the world. On one hand abortion clinics, politicians, and scientists argue, unborn babies are not human. Unborn babies do not deserve protection under the law based on the fact, they are unable to survive on their own. On the other hand those same abortion clinics, politicians, and scientists request and pass laws enabling them to buy and sell organs from unborn babies on the open market. Organs from unborn babies are used for research, grown in labs, and used for transplants as taken from the victim. How can the baby as a whole be denied the right to live while organs from that same baby can be sold and transplanted into other humans to survive?If organs can survive, wouldn’t that prove the baby as a whole is a living creature with a soul and feelings?

August 1, 2019

I’ve wondered for years if the Trump Administration might take action against embryonic stem cell research in part because of the views of VP Mike Pence. But for a long time nothing has happened. I don’t know if the senators mentioned in the Catholic News piece are coordinating with the Trump Administration or Pence on this bill, but it seems reasonably likely.

Fortunately, such a bill would never pass The House, but you never know how things might go down on this front and the 2020 election is not that far away. Also, the Trump Administration might try to take some negative executive action here.

By executive order on March 9, 2009, President Barack Obama removed certain restrictions on federal funding for research involving new lines of human embryonic stem cells.

In 2011, a United States District Court “threw out a lawsuit that challenged the use of federal funds for embryonic stem cell research.

Policy stances on stem cell research of various political leaders in the United States have not always been predictable.

As a rule, most Democratic Party leaders and high-profile supporters and even rank and file members have pushed for laws and policies almost exclusively favoring embryonic stem cell research.

Who is behind the smear campaign making it look evil to control research on unborn, aborted, and new born babies? Of course those comments were made by people with no respect for human life. People who are serving a different agenda. People who know what profits are made from organ trafficking, and know every every penny that goes to democrat election organizations. Talk about making evil look good and trying to make good look evil. Stand up for lives of unborn, aborted, and new born babies and the media attacks you. Democrats call the defense of babies unconstitutional. What did the founders of the Constitution think about human life? Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Doesn’t that include all those at birth? Then way do executive orders allow new born babies to be dissected and sold? Who do these people serve? History shows sacrifices have been offered to false gods, demons, and Satan for generations. Who are those people working for?

Jul. 26, 2019

starting in late September, scientists applying for grants will need to explain in detail why they need to use fetal tissue and how it will be obtained.

Abortion rights opponents oppose fetal tissue research because it uses tissue donated by women who have had elective abortions. (The tissue would otherwise be discarded.)

What an argument. Democrats refuse to stand up and take responsibility to slaying millions of babies. So democrats say it is the woman’s decision. Who bears the responsibility? Those who make the decision or those who encouraged the woman to make the decision?

What is wrong with creating records telling exactly what parts of babies are being used, how those organs were obtained, and what they will be used for? Only those with something to hide would be against any type of regulation and records establishing accountability.

Democrats will not take responsibility. Democrats claim babies are only tissue that needs to be discarded. Are those the type of people we want running the country, making important decisions, and deciding how to spend our hard earned money?

June 23, 2019

Chinese hospitals promise that they can deliver hearts, livers, kidneys and corneas of matching blood type and size in two weeks. The surgeries can be scheduled in advance, which suggests hospitals know exactly when the “donors” are going to die. By contrast, America has a highly developed voluntary organ-donation system, and recipients typically have to wait hundreds of days.

What aren’t the Chinese into to make money? How low have they stooped in the pursuit of money? The majority of their population lives in poverty while the income of top officials eclipses the income of those anywhere else in the world. We have to ask why people who have more money then they could ever spend in 100 life times would seek out the most grotesque ways to make more money.

2020 saw the failure of rice crops throughout Asia. That opened the door for record grain sales from the US. No one suffered more than the under equipped nation of North Korea who turned to the slave trade with China in an attempt to supplement crop losses. North Korea rounded up women and sold them to Chinese salve traders for $700 a head. Hunter Biden’s laptop records show involvement in with Chinese sex traffickers. Videos that we know about from Biden’s laptop showed involvement in the child sex trade. What about involvement in organ trafficking? Is there evidence on that laptop that has not been shared with the general public?

June 17, 2019

LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – China is murdering members of the Falun Gong spiritual group and harvesting their organs for transplant, a panel of lawyers and experts said on Monday as they invited further investigations into a potential genocide.

The Trump administration didn’t keep sanctions against the Chinese a secret. President Trump spoke out against China’s involvement in human trafficking, the child sex trade, and genocide carried out by the Chinese government against factions who didn’t agree with the Chinese government. Morals dictate a stand against the world’s worse crimes.

Recent developments show connections between Biden, his family, and factions in this world, including the Chinese no one with a moral character would consider supporting, defending, or dealing with on any level. Since the election the US has witnessed a complete reversal on the administrations stand against human trafficking, the exploitation of child sex, abortions, organ harvesting, and China, who we find at the forefront of all those crimes against humanity.

In 2020 we’ve seen a collection of major media, social media, and political leaders work together to censor every attempt to bring these issues to light. Common sense would call for a complete investigation into each of those charges. Instead those accusations have been met with the worst censorship with world has seen coupled with threats. Radical politicians have banned together to call for sanctions against those who stand against the most heinous crimes of our time. Cries for the arrest, conviction, reeducation, and annihilation of those who choose to stand up for morals and human rights echoes through the halls of congress, in the streets, over the airwaves, and across the Internet on a daily basis. The organization of those involved with organ harvesting and other crimes is much deeper than anyone suspected.

Many people claim people like George Soros is behind the organization of all the factions supporting those crimes against humanity. But it goes much deeper than Soros who only gives us a glimpse of the character behind the downfall of the world.

Soros offers one example of a deplorable human character. A boy born and raised as a Jew, who turned on his own people to survive the holocaust of WWII. No one can imagine the daily guilt Soros has to live with. Soros knows nothing about the forgiveness Jesus offers. His childhood education turned his against Jesus. Then the Nazis turned him against his own people, the Jews. Responsible for the murder and genocide of thousands, Soros looks to himself for relief. Soros has billions of dollars he could use to help people. But greed blinded him. Instead his guilt led him down another road to deal with his guilt. If Soros could convince enough people the Nazis were right, but made mistakes, maybe he could finish the job and prove to the world his cooperation in the genocide was for the good of the world. Whenever people attempt to fight their conscience on their own, they will loose. Every attempt to deny God’s Spirit working within them leads them deeper and deeper into their sins. Some of us look at it as insanity. A total loss of their moral compass.

Another subject not far behind Soros is Bernie Sanders who works on a different level leading to the same goal. Sanders takes common political promise approach. Promising everything under the sun to gain support. Sanders was also raised as a Jew, but decided to leave that faith. As a rebellious child, Sanders turned his interest to the one person Jews hated the most, Adolph Hitler. Sanders studied Hitler’s life. Sanders studied Hitler’s political life including his election. Sanders found the key Hitler used to gain power. Promise everything. Once in power impose impossible taxes. When businesses and people can’t pay, take over businesses, factories, homes, and everything of value. Close down businesses, import slave labor, increase unemployment, eliminate jobs, leave only one alternative to survive, military service. Sanders saw how Hitler quickly grew his army. So Sanders introduced the same system Hitler used following the same basic steps. With no moral compass Sanders was led down one of the world’s most destructive paths.

With two basic examples we can see how far individuals can fall and how they try to reconcile themselves by pulling as many people down with them. We can see they are trying to calm their conscience with what we can refer to as a popular vote. They have convinced themselves, if the world agrees with them, the convicting power of God’s Spirit will have no choice but to leave them alone. The world’s deadliest battles are fought because people in power refuse to give into their conscience. They would rather see the world destroyed than admit they are wrong, and there is a God more powerful than themselves.

On December 15, 2020, in the US a bipartisan bill entitled Stop Forced Organ Harvesting Act of 2020 has been introduced in the Senate by Senator Thomas B. Cotton (R-AR) as S.5016, as well as in the House of Representatives by Congressmen Christopher H. Smith (R-NJ) and Thomas R. Suozzi (D-New York) as H.R. 8972, to expand the US government’s powers to directly combat organ harvesting.

Organ harvesting is happening all over the world at this moment. A few stand up to combat organ trafficking, but they are met with resistance from the media, Internet giants, and people in their own political parties. Is there a single source of influence and what would make people choose such an immoral path? Is it money? Why do we allow people without a moral compass to represent us in government? For the most part, key players are carrier politicians identified by campaign promises never kept. When you are dealing with organ trafficking, willing to sacrifice one human life for another, feel you have the power to decide who lives and dies, lying seems like such a little thing. The question is, why do we continue to reelect and pay those people to work behind the scenes looking out for themselves?

There will also be a few in the right place to keep sin in check. Imagine if God lifted His control from those people and allowed them to run their course. They are already playing god, deciding what is sin, what is acceptable, who lives and dies, when and where to fight wars, who is allowed to deal with organ trafficking, human trafficking, the slave trade, the child sex trade, and other crimes against humanity. Politicians, the media, and Internet giants know what is going on and who is involved. Money passes hands on a daily basis. Somehow those people convince themselves there is nothing wrong with what they are doing. We shutter to think of what would happen if God ever decided to allow those people to complete their devilish plans. How far would they go? How low could they stoop? Do they enjoy human suffering? What actually motivates those people? If God can restrain them, is there a way of reaching them or did they cross a moral line to a point of no return? We have to believe, if God has people in place to keep those demons in check, He has a way of reaching those who may one day decide to change.

June 5, 2019

Critics argue that modern science has alternatives to replace fetal tissue in the laboratory, such as using tissue from infants who undergo heart surgery or stem cells that grow into organ-like clumps in lab dishes.

It seems the media as well as the far left want nothing more than to whittle down life to little more than a collection of cells. Another goal is to make science America’s new god. For a long time the battle cry has been, “throw enough money at anything to solve a problem.” What used to be one nation under God divorced God to enter into an unholy union between government and science. A combination the media worked hard make it appear new, but is an ancient practice as old as the first weapon forged from iron. The science of human sacrifice relies on eliminating history. To make science a modern god, people had to forget how science invented the first knife, sword, firearm, bomb, missile, and atomic bomb. Science dedicated itself to the destruction of mankind early in earth’s history. Abortion and organ trafficking are another arm of those destructive measures. Abortion and organ trafficking gives science and government the sensation of playing god, one of their ultimate goals. Science can be used for good and evil. Playing god, deciding who lives and who dies, deciding who benefits and who pays the price is well below basic moral standards. No matter how many news stories they play, no matter how many speeches are made, no matter how much they try to convince us, they have our best interests at heart, those who know God know, man was not created to play god with lives, no matter how young or old, rich or poor that life me be.

It is rare for men and women of God to enter into the political arena. When it does happen, the devil sends his best agents to deal with them. Look at Daniel and his friends. The story about the lions den is just the tip of the iceberg. Political officials went after David the moment he arrived. Even after Daniel saved their lives, they found ways of blaming everything on Daniel and his friends. Since ancient times men and women of God have struck fear in the hearts of politicians. They are afraid of being exposed, of getting caught. They will do anything to conceal their thefts and dark secrets. Since ancient times politics, theft, and murder have walked hand in hand. Murder is as natural as breathing to them. Their consciences are seared. Their hearts are black. The more murders they commit, the more they have to offer to their master, the devil. It is a part of history we cannot deny nor ignore.

President Trump was one of those men in the right place at the right time. Not so much a man of God himself, but enough to surround himself with men and women of God. Satan’s army looked at those people as a wall around the President. The vast majority of America voted for President Trump because they saw a moral connection between Trump and God. Not a perfect man but a man who could keep the devil in check for the moment. To keep the door to ultimate evil shut for another four years. As usual, the average Christian underestimated Satan’s powers and in a moment he was able to invent new tricks to cease power. No one imagined the number of souls Satan controlled and how he was able to orchestrate yet another steal. Which is only the beginning of the biggest steal this world has ever seen. Millions of people can see the theft unfold and for the time being, feel powerless to stop it. Which is exactly where God wants us to be. There is no time when a Christian is stronger than when they have that feeling of being powerless.

When we realize our greatest trails serve God’s purpose, the doors of Heaven open and understanding beyond our imagination pours out. We suddenly see how our small, insignificant lives play a major role in God’s plan. For me that was a divorce I had to face.

I thought I was married to the perfect woman. She was beautiful smart, and everyone at church loved her. She as an excellent cook and served lunches and dinners to a never ending list of friends. It was one of those marriages when you wake up every morning believing you were living the true love the world searches for. In a heartbeat it all ended.

She took a job back in Florida where she lived when I met her. In hindsight I should have seen something was wrong. Since the day I met her to the last day I saw her, she never stopped complaining about her ex-husband. When you’re in love you offer support, and can never imagine the one you love could ever do anything wrong. Love does blind. It was the same thing millions of people go through. A temporary marriage of convenience. It seems she had to get out of Miami where accusations surrounded her and the principle of the school where she worked. Accusations which later proved to be true. After she received her masters degree, she got a job in Florida, hooked up with the first guy she met, than had him call me to describe details of their night in the same motel we spent our honeymoon. How convenient. She even used our charge card to pay for the room. She didn’t try to hide a thing from me. Her goal was to inflict as much pain as possible. At the time me and a few of my closest friends, my support group thought she was possessed by a demon. Everything changed over night like she decided to take off her mask and show her real side. To me it was a shocking experience to say the least.

While packing her books I noticed some of the same Christian books I had. Some of them I read 4-5 times. But her books appeared to be untouched, in pristine condition. Then there was one book which clearly appeared to be her favorite. That book contained a number of book marks. I opened that book to find large amounts of paragraphs highlighted, underlined, and notes in the margins. That book was passing itself off as a Christian book. A book about how to communicate with your guardian angel.

The book convinced people they were communicating with their guardian angel. An angel sent by God. The book explained how to communicate with that angel and how to manipulate that angel. For women the book explained how to use their bodies and womanly influences to get ahead in life. The book convinced people they had everything coming to them and the people they harmed had it coming to them. The book explained how to pray to their angel to get him to manipulate others to give up money. The book was designed for people looking for ways to use others, and made it appear they were doing God’s work by using people. The book justified lying and theft. In reality that book taught people how to communicate with demons and made it appear as if they were communicating with God’s angels. That book fit in perfectly with my ex-wife’s plans and life style. That experience and book explains what we are seeing today in Washington DC.

There is no doubt people worked together to steal an election. There is no doubt trillion dollar spending packages have been passed and others are in congress ready to be passed. Few people have any doubt, the majority of that money will find its way into the pockets and bank accounts of the people who were somehow elected. Or were they? Were any of those elections fair? Or is this world filled with so many people controlled by demons we stand little chance of ever seeing a nation lead by God? It appears everything is stacked against us.

God wanted us to know, Daniel faced an enemy made up of politicians controlled by false gods and demons. Even after saving their lives, those politicians stayed up nights plotting against that man of God and his friends. They feared Daniel and wanted to get rid of him. Instead of working with Daniel, learning from Daniel, looking out for and serving the people they were responsible for, those politicians dedicated themselves to serving false gods and blaming everything on others, especially Daniel. Daniel had to face the lions den. Trump has to face Pelosi. Nothing has really changed except for the actors. The motive remains the same. The crimes remain unchanged. The motives never changed. We are all threatened by greed fueled by suggestions from Satan’s demons. And somehow those thieves find ways of justifying their actions.

December 24, 2017

In an interview with LifeSiteNews conducted shortly after she walked away from her job, Trevino recounted how her discomfort grew to a higher pitch when Lila Rose and Live Action released undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood managers helping purported child sex-traffickers get abortions and other services for their underage prostitutes.

This is what they said, “We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”

They haggled over the prices for these organs from aborted children and ghoulishly said, “Let me just figure out what others are getting, and if this is in the ballpark, then it’s fine, if it’s still low, then we can bump it up. I want a Lamborghini.”

Buying and selling human lives is a part of life for some people. Yes, some people have sunk that low and love to brag about it. To them it is an achievement. Something to be glorified. Something profitable. Then they take a portion of that money, find a group of politicians more evil then themselves, grease a few palms, and get laws passed to legalize murder, human trafficking, and make it sound like a noble profession.

It’s no secret Biden’s son is in the sex and human trafficking trade. All we have to do is sit and wait. We will see new bills in congress introduced to make those trades legal and more profitable. Politicians have went past doing business the old fashion way, working with criminals and organized crime. Politicians have become organized crime on a much grander scale. Not only human trafficking that ruins lives beyond all imagination, their sins go much deeper. It is not enough for them to steal your daughters to force them into the sex trades. Now they love to deal in organ trafficking. Today it is only babies the media is working hard to portray as only a group of living cells with no future. How long will it take for US politicians to follow China’s example and begin work on marketing organs from adults?

April 15, 2020

In a contract between the two companies, StemExpress agreed to pay Planned Parenthood only for fetal organs “determined in the clinic to be usable.” The contract lays out that that Planned Parenthood is to invoice StemExpress for the number of fetal organs and blood samples each month, that for the price of every “usable” organ, Planned Parenthood will provide their services and clinics to remove, process, and transport fetal organs.

Buying and selling human organs is business as usual in the US today. We all know it is not about to stop there. If they can make another dime by selling adult organs, they will work to pass laws to make that legal. After all, if it is legal, it is no longer a sin in their books. We feel like we are powerless because we couldn’t begin to count the ways those people pretend to be gods. There seems to be no end. But there will be an end to all of this.

The LORD observed the extent of human wickedness on the earth, and he saw that everything they thought or imagined was consistently and totally evil. So the LORD was sorry he had ever made them and put them on the earth. It broke his heart. And the LORD said, “I will wipe this human race I have created from the face of the earth. Yes, and I will destroy every living thing–all the people, the large animals, the small animals that scurry along the ground, and even the birds of the sky. I am sorry I ever made them.” (Genesis 6:5-7 NLTse).

Jun 30, 2020

In her sworn testimony, Larton admitted that she has seen aborted babies’ hearts “beating independently” after they are born. She also confirmed that some aborted babies’ bodies are fully intact.

Asked what happens next, Larton said an ABR staffer will “do a dissection” on the intact aborted baby “to get the tissues that the researchers have requested.”

Killing a baby is not a sin. Congress says so. What possessed those people to pass such laws? Are they completely without conscience? Have their hearts turned that black? Have they been able to shut down all feelings, emotions, and void their lives of compassion? The thing that gets me is, millions of people know how some politicians work to kill babies, make them appear as if they have no soul, no right to life. Even people who claim to be religious, who go to church, believe the politicians when they claim they know when life begins, and they know everything about creation. I am at a loss to explain how people can watch those politicians play god, offer human sacrifices as if that is a normal way of life, then vote for them based on promises made year after year but never fulfilled. I am at a loss to explain why people can’t figure out, when people justify murder, lies become a way of life to them.


When I asked about what an abortion was to the coven members, I said I don’t know what I have to do here, they explained that there’s a baby in the womb and you are going to kill it. There will be an abortion doctor there to help you and there will be a nurse because it’s a full medical procedure.

My first question was, “is that legal?” The response was, “Yes it is, as long as it’s in the womb. As long as the baby is still inside the woman, you can kill it.”

That’s how it was explained to us. It was also explained that, ‘You are killing a baby.” They didn’t say that we would be killing a fetus or killing some cells in a body. None of that. It’s a baby.

Now, I don’t think I would have been okay with killing a baby outside of a woman’s body, but knowing that I could kill as much as I wanted to if someone was inside the body … in satanism, killing something or the death of something is the most effective way of getting your spell accomplished.

As far as trying to get satan’s approval, to give you something that you want, killing something is the best way to go. Killing something is the ultimate offering to satan, and if you can kill an unborn, that is his ultimate goal.

Yes, Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics have been working with satanists. They have gone as far as working with satanists to sacrifice new born babies. Politicians have been working with abortion clinics to hide the facts, pass laws to make sacrifices to Satan legal, and of course, using those sacrifices to guarantee their success. All of these details are working together to bring back human sacrifices in this modern age. Facebook, TikTok, and other social media services cater to satanists, witches, and other satanic groups. Christians are the first to be censored on those sites. Christians do not measure up to their community standards. Now we see why. Don’t forget how the news media has been paid to lie.

When we look at satanic websites we see they all have something in common. Their basic beliefs and oath.

We Satanists are thus our own “Gods,” and as beneficent “deities” we can offer love to those who deserve it and deliver our wrath upon those who seek to cause us—or that which we cherish—harm.

The same oath exists on Antifa’s website, the BLM website, it is posted and shared all over Facebook, TikTok, and Twitter. Some of the words are changed but the concept is the same.

Satanism thrives on human sacrifices. Today it is babies Congress refuses to recognize as living humans. What will it be tomorrow? How far will they go? The news should shock you. What we are about to see will shock you. We’ve heard the calls for revenge. Will that revenge include murder? Will those murders take on the form of human sacrifices? There are those in Congress coming out of the Satanist closet. Some in Europe have been out of the closet for some time and have shown shocking numbers of supporters. Satan is more popular than we’ve imagined. One look at the Old Testament and a fresh look at the New Testament will show us, this is nothing new. They are angry. Democrats been out of business for four years in the US. Don’t expect them to show any compassion for businesses shut down and people out of work over the past year. Compassion is not their style. They want everyone to feel sorry for them. We can hear it in their stories. We can hear it in their lies. We see through their lies to one degree or another. Some of us are able to catch a glimpse of their plans. We have to realize, God is trying to get us to work together and give all the glory to HIM. Look at that story. God was able to reach a satanist and turn his life around. Somehow we fit into the plan. Maybe as a messenger and maybe as a martyr, one of those human sacrifices we can expect to hear about in the near future.

August 24, 2020

Before being elected to the Senate, Harris was the California attorney general. And in 2016, Harris met with Planned Parenthood executives and allegedly conspired to target Daleiden.

As attorney general, she sent law enforcement agents to raid his home.

“Kamala Harris decided to target me and make me the first and only case of a criminal enforcement of the California video recording law,” Daleiden said in an interview with Tucker Carlson on his Fox News show Thursday.

Daleiden and CMP released a series of undercover videos in 2015 that purport to show Planned Parenthood officials discussing their willingness to engage in the illegal sale and harvesting of aborted fetal tissue.

Who do you think has been involved with Planned Parenthood and the satanists? When Harris debated Pence, she claimed to be a woman of faith. Her actions show which side she has been working for. Dozens of articles praise Harris for her work in the abortion industry, and her dedication to protect abortion clinics at any cost. When we put together Harris, organ trafficking, and satanists, what do we get? We get a vice president who for all intents and purposes is the exact opposite of the man she replaced.

We spent four years listening to the media and democrats complain about Mike Pence and his dedication to God. They opposed Mike Pence and his dedication. They feared Mike Pence. It seemed only natural for them to choose someone as far away from Mike Pence’s faith as they could get. The pendulum has swung to the other side. Now we sit and wait to see how far to the left it will swing.

Through the committee’s “America United” program around the Jan. 20 Presidential Inauguration, supporters of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris are encouraged to become a “symbolic sponsor” of the “Field of Flags” on the National Mall; they can do so by donating to a number of groups including Planned Parenthood.

“You’ll receive emails from Planned Parenthood organizations. You may unsubscribe at any time,” the site reads.

The committee had announced the “America United” program as an effort that “reflects the Biden-Harris commitment to healing the nation and bringing Americans together.”

It shouldn’t surprise anyone to see abortion clinics involved in Biden-Harris’ first day in office. Democrats feel they’ve been cheated. They feel the Trump administration held them back for four years and they have a lot of ground to make up. They feel they’ve lost a lot or revenue, so they pass new bills worth trillions of dollars to make up for lost time.

Planned Parenthood CEO Alexis McGill Johnson exclaimed in an interview with Business Insider she is “completely over the moon” that abortion rights champion Kamala Harris is now vice president.

Planned Parenthood will spend $45 million on the 2020 elections, the nonprofit’s biggest electoral expenditure in its history, according to CBS News.

Harris is considered a champion of the abortion industry. When the Biden campaign announced her inclusion on the ticket in August, Planned Parenthood Action spent five figures on an online video ad promoting Harris as “OUR Reproductive Health Champion.” Planned Parenthood Votes also released a fact-sheet “Nine Reasons to Love Kamala Harris.”

Harris, abortions, and satan worship are one of the same. The satanists dream team. What will that combination bring? Christians never expected persecution to be the nightmare it turned out to be. Another part of history the left wants to erase so they are free to repeat it. During the dark ages people who pretended to serve God stayed up nights investing the most horrific forms or torture. We already see the resurgence of those forms of torture introduced in abortion clinics. Democrats keep expanding the windows abortion clinics can legally use. Like those in the dark ages, they come up with a new concepts and have laws passed to safely commit their deeds. What is going through their minds today? How far will they go? We see how the media is already priming the pump. TV media and social media are laying the ground work for genocide like this world has never seen. Democrats are working on stories and strategies to spread fear like never before. The impeachment is all about spreading fear. If the President is not beyond their reach, none of us are safe. We are supposed to be quivering in out boots and hiding under our blankets. At least that is the plan. Democrats and the media are attempting to sway public opinion and if possible, convince patriots and saints they are guilty of something. The constant repetition is designed to brainwash the masses. Just like the examples in the book 1984.

You have to consider the source. Media has been lying for over 4 years. They live in constant fear of being exposed. They will do anything to cover up their lies. Democrats also live in a constant state of fear. Not only the fear their lies will be revealed, but their thefts will come to light. When someone lives, breaths, and eats fear, they think everyone is just like them. In their distorted minds, the smallest suggestion of disclosing a crime should send the average person into a state of shock. The problem is, not everyone is guilty of the crimes Democrats and the media committed. Their minds comprehend little. They cannot see nor understand the spiritual side of life. The devil won’t allow it.

For lack of better term, we are living in two different worlds. Some look at the light and know there is a better life ahead. Others choose to live in darkness. It boils down to faith in God or following the devil. Christians have a difficult time understanding how far the devil’s followers will go. But Christians do have history to look back on and learn from. We also have God, prayer, and the Holy Spirit. Things the dark side lacks. On the other hand, the dark side cannot understand Christians, nor do they want to. They fear the light. That is just a small part of the fears they live with. They don’t have the faith to seek forgiveness, so they never practice forgiveness. It is not in their vocabulary, nor in their hearts or minds. All they know is hatred and revenge. Reactions to situations they think will once and for all calm their conscience. God never gives up on them. The darkness looks at God’s calling in fear. They naturally blame others for that fear because that’s what their father, the devil does. To one degree or another, Christians can understand the dark side. Lessons are in the Bible. We see details and plans in answers to prayer. When we decide not to ignore obvious warnings. But the darkness doesn’t have God’s Spirit. So they blindly follow the devil to the point, they are 100% in with the devil and feel the need to offer sacrifices in the hope of gaining everything the devil has to offer. We are stuck in the middle of this spiritual battle between God and the devil and our faith is the only thing we have to see us through to the end.

“This case is not a challenge to legislative prayers, generally; and it is not a challenge to offensive prayers, particularly,” the complaint, filed on Sunday, states. “We take no issue with the fact that the City permits many congregations to invoke Jesus before council

meetings. We just want an equal opportunity — one guaranteed by the Constitution — to invoke Satan.”

It didn’t take long after the election for satanists to come out of the closet all across America. They’ve been making public stands across Europe for years. There is something about the Biden administration that makes satanists feel safe and protected. The same is true for communists, marxists, and socialists. It isn’t enough for either of those radical factions to introduce their ideas. They demand all Americans conform to their agenda and way of thinking. They all share the same creed. They all look at themselves as gods. They all believe they have to eliminate all those who don’t agree with them. We’ve seen it in riots on city streets throughout the summer of 2020. We hear their threats everyday. The media is in bed with each of those groups.

Imagine a country that prays to Satan asking for his guidance while law makers set out a new course for this country. There is no doubt, each of those groups are anti-Christian. They are all anti-religion. Each of those radical groups embraces genocide. Each of those groups share a history of genocide. Each of those groups relies on genocide. Their common enemy is religion, especially Christianity.

The early months of 2021 have shown those radical groups take bolder and bolder steps. Each step draws the US into the darkness Biden promised. Few in Washington DC are brave enough to stand up to those radical factions. When they do they are faced with censorship, attacked by the media, and threatened. It seems rather ironic when we see those factions threatening President Trump with a second impeachment and prison. What was Trump’s crime? Standing up for what he believed in. Standing up for the friends who supported him. Standing up for those who believed in him and voted for him. President Trump is guilty of giving this nation the hope we could live in peace, prosperity, and pursue the American dream for another four years.

The second impeachment of President Trump is not a trial focused on a single person. The demons are out of the closet. The impeachment is designed to strike fear in the hearts of anyone who opposes the darkness in Washington and across this nation. At the very least the radical factions hope to silence the moral majority. What happens next is anyone’s guess. If the can put the former President on trail for anything, nothing, and win, what chance do we stand? Washington DC has a collection of radical factions, their common oath calls for the elimination of the moral majority.

We are thus our own “gods,” and as beneficent “deities” we can offer love to those who join us and deliver our wrath upon those who seek to cause us—or that which we cherish—harm.

How can any of them possibly offer love when they have no idea what love is and have chosen to sever every connection with our Creator?