Articles of Impeachment
It has always been the goal of USA-eVote to remain unbiased by presenting evidence and allowing the American voter to come to their own conclusion on the issues at hand. Today we hear news about the impeachment of President Trump. After reviewing all of the reports from the major news agencies, we here at USA-eVote have found that each of those news agencies decided to interject their own biased remarks. All of those remarks have been pointed against the President. Why? What ever happened to unbiased news reporting? I doubt if there is a law against biased news reporting, but common ethics in the past has always demanded unbiased news reports. What has changed in the United States, and why has it changed?
Here is a copy of the Articles of Impeachment for your review.
This copy is without comments and opinions. Which has proved rather difficult to find on the Internet. Every news agency has decided to include their own personal views and comments on detail, comments, and evidence within this document. In other words, the major new media organizations have decided to get involved in the 2000 election process attempting to sway public opinion. Why?
USA-eVote can only provide a few of its own suggestions.
1. Parties spend record amounts of money on elections. Is there money involved? Let’s look at a few figures.
This report shows how Democrats have been outspending Republicans on a scale of 2 to 1, reaching a record high of almost 3 to 1 in the 2008 election.
2. President Trump is not your average political figure.
President Trump does not fit the mold of the average politician. He does not have the extensive political back ground shared by most elected officials. This scares the average politician. The average American voter has long hoped for a President and other elected officials who are members of the gold old boys club to come in office and expose the behind the scene agreements, promises, arrangements, and payoffs that continually cost the American taxpayers billions of dollars. One can only imagine the tax cuts that would take place if special interests groups were truly removed from the legislative process.
In keeping with the, not your average politician theme, President Trump has set unprecedented records in economic growth, military strength, and also reached agreements and treaties with foreign powers that have saved the United States billions of dollars and brought jobs back to the US.
3. Immigration
Why is immigration control a threat to President Trump’s rivals? We have to take a close look at political corruption and tax increases in local areas to find answers to that question. Politicians from the local to national levels have long been involved in Real Estate investment. Many of them are nothing more than slum lords. The average American receiving housing subsidies knows the law and will not hesitate to report sub-par living conditions. The solution to that problem. Place illegal immigrants in those less than adequate housing investments. Take a look at the tax increases in safe cities such as Chicago and Milwaukee. Not only has the crime rate reached record levels, so have taxes. Why? Safe cities include local government agencies designed to assist illegal immigrants and funnel tax dollars for housing and other forms of welfare. Creating jobs in those agencies insures future votes, not only from those employed in those agencies, but the people funneled through those agencies. We can compare services offered by those agencies to reeducation camps in communist countries. While USA-eVote is dedicated to educating the average American voter, other factions are dedicated to brainwashing voters from other avenues. And those other agencies are well funded.
The immigration issue goes beyond votes. Hugh sums of money are involved. Since the average American on housing subsidy will report housing violations, illegal immigrates who face the threat of deportation for rocking the boat are the ideal solution. In essence, politicians from the local to national level have set up programs that provide a guaranteed income on their less than stellar investments. Newly established government agencies funnel tax dollars directly to the slum lords account. No questions asked. Many of those investment properties are purchased directly from the city as tax foreclosed properties for pennies on the dollar. Costing tax payers more money. Because those investments do not forgo the normal remodeling, the local economy is cheated out of untold opportunities in economic development.
4. The Economy
What politician would not welcome a thriving economy? A politician who has their mind set on the idea, dollars equate to votes. A review of money spent during the election process established the link in that belief. How does the economy come into play? Why would the president’s rivals oppose a thriving economy? Money in the average American taxpayer’s pocket can and will equate to votes. When the residing president makes unprecedented strides in the economy, they become an unbeatable force at the polls in the next election.
5. World Affairs
It’s no big secret, some ethic groups pride themselves in the art of negotiations. From the earliest age they see their parents negotiating the best price in the local market place. Some will tell you, “negotiating is in their blood.” Some ethic groups may only enter into negotiations with a worthy opponent. Other groups may only negotiate with people who fit a certain mold. Of course the US prides itself on equality. It is a way of life, and the law in the US. But we cannot force other countries to accept our laws. If they refuse to negotiate with certain people based on race, creed, color, or sex, there is nothing anyone can do about that. We have no choice but to bow to their demands to bring them to the negotiating table. Instead of condemning and criticizing President Trump’s success at negotiating tables all around the world, a wise politician would learn from his examples. After all, if nothing else, the negotiating process is a life long learning experience. The moment anyone enters into the thought they have all the answers and has prepared for all the contingencies is the moment they give full advantage to their opponents across the negotiating table.
6. Biased Media and Fake News
There is no doubt, fake news played a part in the 2016 election process. Fake news agencies popped up all over the world and showed the world how to use social media to make money. Normal, everyday people with no special skills jumped out of a middle class income into the upper class income bracket over night. How did they do that? They learned how to play the Internet game and succeeded. With little to no funds, a few people were able to build a successful empire based on nothing more than lies. And it was all legal. In the United States we have this thing called freedom of speech. As soon as major news media agencies recognized that almost unlimited source of income, one after another jumped onto the fake news band wagon. As soon as the major news agencies realized they could make more money from fake news stories, all hope was lost to find an unbiased source of news. No one has spoken out against fake news agencies more than President Trump who has exposed many of the fake news agencies overseas and continues to speak out against those news agencies who have adapted the money making profiles and procedures used by and proven by the early fake news agencies that took advantage of the 2016 election. In essence, major news agencies are guilty of the crimes listed in the Articles of Impeachment. The difference being, those news agencies are protected by the Constitution. A fact they will not discuss or expose.
Evidence presented in early impeachment hearings has proven Joe Biden and his son Hunter were involved with a number of overseas fake news agencies from feeding them fake news stories to funding their growth. To date no charges have been filed against Biden nor his son. On the contrary, the Articles of Impeachment filed and voted on by Democrats clearly spell out the effects of fake news on the 2016 elections. The Articles of Impeachment then introduce the possibility that President Tramp may follow Biden’s example in the future. The Articles of Impeachment fail to list any specific involvement or interference in the 2020 elections, only the possible threat of such actions.
This places every president elect at a disadvantage. Nothing has been done to address what has happened in the 2016 election. No laws have been introduced nor suggestions discussed to control or eliminate fake news or any attempts by any private entity to sway future elections. On the other hand, this act of impeachment has opened the flood gates to accuse any elected official of tampering with election results based on little to no evidence. In essence, this impeachment process has circumvented and for all practical intends and purposes removed every form of protection the Constitution was designed to guarantee. The Articles of Impeachment voted on and passed by House Democrats has established two distinct classes. One class, the incumbent, or elected official is banned from making any comments, or soliciting any third parties aid in any future election. The total lack of evidence presented on the Article of Impeachment set a very dangerous president. On the other hand, the lack of concern and action to address Biden’s involvement in the 2016 leaves the door open for every entity, special interest group, and individual to take advantage of their right to freedom of speech to sway votes. In hind sight, the Articles of Impeachment created a very unlevel playing field.
None of us wants to see fake news influence any election. For years we have seen politicians avoid major issues, lie, make promises they never intended to fulfill, and break every code of ethics. Sad to say, we are still paying many of those politicians. But to protect our freedom of speech, we have learned to live with it. So why is there an exception to that rule today? Why is one president made to measure up to a higher standard than every other politician?
No one can estimate the money involved in fake news. How do news agencies make money from fake news? There are two major sources of income from the Internet, The first is pay for click ads and ad space rented on websites for a fee based on the number of views a website accumulates. News agencies have found, the more unbelievable a story is, the more people view the story, and more people share the story in social media. When we look at this from a practical view point, people sharing those fake news stories are guilty of the charges files against President Trump.
The media will fight every attempt to control fake news with its last dying breath. They have the funds to fight every attempt to control fake news and take that battle to the highest court in the land. And they have the Constitution to support them. Our freedom of speech protects them. The only weapon we have to fight fake news is common sense. Stay off those fake news sites. Promise to never click any ads on those fake news sites. As a side note, fake news sites have no ethics. They sell ad space to the highest bidder including companies involved in spyware and viruses of every type, including ransomware.
7. Communist Involvement
Are communists involved in the Impeachment process? If so, to that extent? What is their plan and motives? We all know, communists have been, and will always attempt to over throw the American way of life. The American way of life is the example their citizens hope for and demand, The American way of life has been and will always be viewed as a threat to every communist country. We have to accept that fact, and tread upon changes very carefully. And we have seen major changes to the interpretation of the Constitution over the past few months in 2019. What are those major changes?
The Articles of Impeachment are for a large part not based on crimes committed, but future crimes members of the House of Representatives think President Trump may commit. The Articles clearly point out a future threat, but fail to identify actual crimes. Wouldn’t it have been much wiser to consider new laws that would restrict politicians from fabricating and using fake news to sway votes? That seems like an impossible task. How can we protect our freedom of speech and control fake news? Singapore has introduced a new law that is now being tested.
In simple terms Singapore passed a law that requires suspected fake stories to include reprisals and corrections from other sources. In other words, if you publish a fake story about anyone, they have the right to add to your Internet posting and tell their side of the story. Sound good to you? That law in effect does not interfere with anyone’s freedom of speech, but adds a new twist to freedom of speech. Readers are encouraged to read both views, and make their own decision.
When we look at what has been done in those Articles of Impeachment, we see how Democrats have decided to convict the President on crimes he may commit in the future. Democrats are suggesting that their actions are required to uphold the Constitution. Nothing could be further from the truth. Democrats have failed to produce the witness or whistle blower they claim exists. By doing so they are denying Constitutional rights to the President of the United States. The Constitution was designed to protect the general public from a state that decides to convict and punish people based on crimes that may be committed in the future. Socialism and communism exist because the state holds every right to arrest and punish people for mere threats they may poses in the future. That is communism in a nut shell and a way of life in every communist country. Today we see that way of life and justice creeping into the American society. And people responsible for introducing communist forms of justice are telling the American public, they are upholding the Constitution. On the contrary, they are introducing the first step in a plan to void the Constitution, Every communist dictator in the world has first acted within their Constitution, then suggested changes, until power is ceased, and their Constitution is legally made null and void.
Communists have s devious two part plan. Either introduce changes to the Constitution required for future communist growth, or create an atmosphere designed to divide the United States. If communist are allowed to continue on this course, they can and will introduce actions to bring about an atmosphere ripe for a civil war. Look at history. Communist dictators are know for staging fake attacks to insight riots and give the state the excuse to introduce additional laws and control Can a divided America stand up to a military threat from any one of the communist superpowers? Let’s look a little deeper into the possibility of an all out military invasion.
The US may be able to defend against one superpower. But what about two? It is no secret that every communist country in this world would love to see America fall. What better way to combine all of the communists countries under one flag and one military leader than to invade and defeat the United States. There can be promises to divide the US. We have seen that in history. The fact of the matter is, if the US falls, the world will fall. If the US is divided, it is unlikely other democratic countries will aid the US. The treat does exist. We have to view every new change and interpretation to the US Constitution as a threat to the foundation of freedom it was designed to protect. Is this impeachment the first step in a series of major changes, or just a test to determine public opinion to refine plans for a future take over? Only time will tell.