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2024 Fear Factor

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2024 Fear Factor

If it’s one thing we’ve learned since 2020 it’s the fact, we’ve been living under a plan to rule through fear. Covid-19 was a planned attempt to introduce a measure of that fear factor and introduce control through a forced vaccine program, lock downs, mandatory mask mandates, and a series of other laws introduced during the covid years that included vaccine ID cards, travel passes, and a series of restrictions on businesses and people wishing to visit those businesses. Covid-19 turned into an experiment to test control features government agencies were able to introduce, often tested in court where the majority failed.

I wrote a book about covid-19 and saw how it was developed, who developed those deadly viruses, how they were funded, and plans behind research and development of those deadly viruses. Plans submitted to receive taxpayer funds to develop deadly viruses always curtailed the need to experiment with viruses that may possibly evolve in nature and create vaccines just in case those viruses ever reared their ugly head. What happened? Covid-19 spread across the world at a record pace while one of the leading scientists paid millions of dollars for the promise to develop those vaccines showed the world, the virus was developed and refined in laboratories around the world, but not a single vaccine was ever produced. Funds to research those viruses included funds to develop and stock pile vaccines. The first need for those vaccines came into existence only to find out, the cupboards were bare.

Corona-19 A Warning of What is to Come

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Governments jumped on covid-19 with the intention to develop new laws, rules, regulations, and procedures designed to test their control over masses while collecting data on the fear factor such a virus could develop. In the end, common sense prevailed while governments realized they underestimated the ability of the general public to research the cause of the virus and low cost readily available cures to defeat every virus. In the real world that is referred to as common sense.

Other fear factors were introduced. In the wake of the 2020 election riots spread from city to city and around the globe as millions took to the streets demanding justice and what they referred to as, “defund the police.” Nothing can spread fear faster than nonstop videos of uncontrolled riots in the streets and the threat to remove all police protection. Within days major companies raised billions of dollars to support those riots with elected officials leading the charge to raise funds to support those riots. A fund raising effort we find absent in 2024 after hurricane Helene devastated a major portion of the southeastern United States which revealed another gear in the fear factor campaign showing how the government machine works when placed in the wrong hands.

Since 2021 the southern border has been wide open. The open border has never been a secret with no attempts to cover it up. Estimates of illegal immigrants are discussed by major media everyday as those numbers increase beyond imagination. Combined with endless stories of gang members robbing, raping, and murdering victims at will who never seem to face the US justice system. Hurricane Helene revealed, funds earmarked for disaster relief were spend on the relocation and support of illegal immigrants. Homeland security bragged about the fact those funds were used to bring in illegal immigrants, locate, and support them. Funds were also used to defend immigrant criminals in court systems across the US often relocating criminals from one sanctuary city to another to escape prosecution in a court of law. Some how that was supposed to trigger a whole new fear factor to force people to rely on the government agencies who created the problem. Needless to say, fear makes little rational sense.

Fear factors created and tested through covid-19, the riots of 2020, and millions of illegal immigrants pale in comparison to a question raised after hurricane Helene stuck land leaving behind a path of devastation not seen before in that particular region. A video surfaced showing strange patterns that developed on weather radar maps. Beams appeared and disappeared in a matter of seconds followed by noticeable changes changes in the storm’s direction. Other patterns showed waves resembling radio waves pointed at the storm minutes before it intensified. Much like covid-19, enough details came to light to justify the obvious response, more investigation into the subject before settling on a decision. Was hurricane Helene controlled much like covid-19. Is it possible to control weather patterns and if so, who developed that technology, for what purpose, and who is in control? As usual there always seems to be more questions than answers until an investigation begins gathering and examining facts. Is weather another fear factor used by government to control the masses?

What Started this Investigation

A few posts on the Internet started this investigation. The first of which shows radar of hurricane Helene forming, intensifying, and changing direction. This video shows the actually radar images and highlights beams and waves surrounding the storm.

Helena power signals

That video prompted the search and review of a similar video about a typhoon directed at the Philippines in 2013 with more details and information.

11/8/2013 — Microwave Pulse gives birth to Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda)

Other videos exist. Here is another example.


Needless to say we need more research and more evidence. It is out there. So much evidence is public information. Who cares about this world enough to put together the facts? Then we need people in Washington DC who have the guts to do something about it. Considering the companies involved made members of congress instant millionaires, we are facing an uphill battle.

Introduction to Research

Where to begin, how to begin? My first thought was to produce a video since more people are attracted to videos. That idea soon took a backseat based on the fact, a video would not allow for Internet links with an explanation. Weather is a very complicated subject to deal with. Manipulating weather is far more complicated with numerous factors involved. Creating and posting an online article in writing allows for short explanations of facts involved with links to the source so others are able to quickly dig deeper to collect additional facts.

One of the best places to begin is a website posted by someone on social media.

List of 100 US Patents Related to Weather Modification

That website is a collection of weather related patents dating back to 1891. It is impossible to collect and display all the data involved, but it is interesting to note some of the major factors involved.

As a note. Many of the links on that site are dead ends. In that case you will have to copy and paste the heading to the link in a search engine which will display the patent involved along with related material often providing unexpected and sometimes shocking information in the world of weather manipulation. Take for instance.

3127107 – March 31, 1964 – Generation of Ice-Nucleating Crystals

The link may display no active page. Searching the heading, “Generation of Ice-Nucleating Crystals,” can display a number of results including the patent information.

Unlimited and Unexpected Links

Whenever research like this is conducted you have to be aware of unexpected results. You also have to be careful with conspiracy theories and avoid research based on a predetermined result. A case in point is chem trails. You can get lost with the information posted on chem trails which more often than not lack concrete evidence and useful Internet links to further explore. Although cloud seeding is a large part of weather manipulation, the actual facts involved are stranger than than the majority of information posted on the Internet.

One example of unexpected results involves the official government website on global warming and a close examination of weather control related patents that puts together a series of data pointing to logical results no one seems to have uncovered.

U.S. and Global Temperature. Average temperatures have risen across the contiguous 48 states since 1901, with an increased rate of warming since the late 1970s. Nine of the top 10 warmest years on record have occurred since 1998. Average global temperatures show a similar trend, and 2014–2023 was the warmest decade on record worldwide. Within the United States, temperatures in parts of the North, the West, and Alaska have increased the most.

Some people blindly believe the government’s explanation on global warming while others question it. Some people flat out reject the question on global warming.

Comparing data on the official government website to information on the List of 100 US Patents Related to Weather Modification one glaring fact comes to light. The government website clearly states, “an increased rate of warming since the late 1970s.” When we compare that date, the 1970’s, to information found in patent applications we do find one interesting fact. Since the 1970’s government agencies and a host of independent scientific experiments have been seeding clouds, punching holes in the atmosphere, depleting earth’s ozone layer, and conducting hundreds of experiments to manipulate the weather. Which raised the question. Are we being told the truth of what caused temperature increases worldwide, or is the truth being covered up because we’re not supposed to know about those experiments. As we already know, no one is better at creating smoke screens to cover up the truth like the government.

One patent filed in 1986 provided a list of experiments conducted by a number of companies designed to heat earth’s atmosphere.

In recent years, a number of experiments have actually been carried out to modify the ionosphere in some controlled manner to investigate the possibility of a beneficial result. For detailed discussions of these operations see the following papers: (1) Ionospheric Modification Theory; G. Meltz and F. W. Perkins; (2) The Platteville High Power Facility; Carrol et al.; (3) Arecibo Heating Experiments; W. E. Gordon and H. C. Carlson, Jr.; and (4) Ionospheric Heating by Powerful Radio Waves; Meltz et al., all published in Radio Science, Vol. 9, No. 11, November, 1974, at pages 885-888; 889-894; 1041-1047; and 1049-1063, respectively, all of which are incorporated herein by reference. In such experiments, certain regions of the ionosphere are heated to change the electron density and temperature within these regions. This is accomplished by transmitting from earth-based antennae high frequency electromagnetic radiation at a substantial angle to, not parallel to, the ionosphere’s magnetic field to heat the ionospheric particles primarily by ohmic heating. The electron temperature of the ionosphere has been raised by hundreds of degrees in these experiments, and electrons with several electron volts of energy have been produced in numbers sufficient to enhance airglow. Electron concentrations have been reduced by a few percent, due to expansion of the plasma as a result of increased temperature.

In the Elmo Bumpy Torus (EBT), a controlled fusion device at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, all heating is provided by microwaves at the electron cyclotron resonance interaction. A ring of hot electrons is formed at the earth’s surface in the magnetic mirror by a combination of electron cyclotron resonance and stochastic heating. In the EBT, the ring electrons are produced with an average “temperature” of 250 kilo electron volts or kev (2.5×109 K) and a plasma beta between 0.1 and 0.4; see, “A Theoretical Study of Electron–Cyclotron Absorption in Elmo Bumpy Torus”, Batchelor and Goldfinger, Nuclear Fusion, Vol. 20, No. 4 (1980) pps. 403-418.

Electron cyclotron resonance heating has been used in experiments on the earth’s surface to produce and accelerate plasmas in a diverging magnetic field. Kosmahl et al. showed that power was transferred from the electromagnetic waves and that a fully ionized plasma was accelerated with a divergence angle of roughly 13 degrees. Optimum neutral gas density was 1.7×1014 per cubic centimeter; see, “Plasma Acceleration with Microwaves Near Cyclotron Resonance”, Kosmahl et al., Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 38, No. 12, Nov., 1967, pps. 4576-4582.

InventorBernard J. Eastlund

Current Assignee BAE Systems Information and Electronic Systems Integration Inc

Electronic Systems produces commercial and defense electronics for flight and engine control, electronic warfare, surveillance, communications, geospatial intelligence, and power and energy management.

1985-01-10 Application filed by Apti Inc

Examining a single patent request we find science funded by the government has been experimenting with ways to raise temperatures in the earth’s atmosphere and at the earths crust since 1967. The government posts a study on their website explaining how the earth’s overall temperature has been rising since the 1970’s, but neglected to mention the fact they have been funding experiments to raise the earth’s temperature.

Patents to Raise the Earth’s Temperature

Ever hear of a patent, idea, invention, experiment, or plan to lower the earth’s temperature? There are dozens if not hundreds of patents to raise the earth’s temperature along with hundreds if not thousands of government funded experiments to find the best way to raise the earth’s temperature. If the problem is earth’s rising temperature, why doesn’t the government invest in ideas to lower that temperature other than the obvious solutions we hear everyday like take away your cars, gas stoves, air conditioners, and other rules and regulations that apply to the average American but not congress or the elite they represent. We saw the same pattern with mandatory vaccines.

Here is a short list of patent requests for devices to raise the temperature of the earth’s atmosphere and crust.

As known in plasma physics, the characteristics of a plasma can be altered by adding energy to the charged particles or by ionizing or exciting additional particles to increase the density of the plasma. One way to do this is by heating the plasma which can be accomplished in different ways, e.g., ohmic, magnetic compression, shock waves, magnetic pumping, electron cyclotron resonance, and the like.

1985-01-28 Application filed by Apti Inc

For example, ozone, nitrogen, etc. concentrations in the atmosphere could be artificially increased. Similarly, environmental enhancement could be achieved by causing the breakup of various chemical entities such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxides, and the like. Transportation of entities can also be realized when advantage is taken of the drag effects caused by regions of the atmosphere moving up along diverging field lines. Small micron sized particles can be then transported, and, under certain circumstances and with the availability of sufficient energy, larger particles or objects could be similarly affected. Particles with desired characteristics such as tackiness, reflectivity, absorptivity, etc., can be transported for specific purposes or effects.


Start date Mar 20, 2009

The controversy surrounding this patent primarily stems from its potential implications for weather control and modification. The patent’s technology can theoretically be used to heat specific regions in the atmosphere, leading to changes in atmospheric pressure and potentially influencing weather patterns. For instance, heating at least three specific locations in the atmosphere could create a low-pressure area, potentially leading to the formation of a storm. The extent of the weather perturbation depends on the amount of energy used and can take days to develop​.

Application filed on January 10, 1985

A Satellite Weather Modification System (SWMS) uses earth satellites to harness solar energy to modify the thermodynamics and composition of the earth’s atmosphere. SWMS has three subsystems: The first subsystem includes a network of earth satellites called Satellite Engines (SEs) used to reflect solar energy and/or transform solar energy into other forms of energy beams discharged at specified locations. The media at these locations and the media through which the energy beams pass absorb these energies and change them into heat.

Application filed by Individual 1998-04-28

SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION In accord with the present invention, generalized illumination and/or heating of an area of a planet, such as the earth, is obtained by reflecting solar energy, or sunlight, onto such area by orbiting planar reflector satellite means orientated by attitude control means to maintain such reflection for prolonged or controlled periods during nighttime and/or daytime.

BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 represents schematically a planar reflector satellite orbiting the planet earth in synchronous orbit orientated to direct solar energy to the same area on earth during a period of revolution of the earth on its axis;


Chem Trails Fact or Fiction

Research into Chem Trails can be a contributing factor into this type of research while at the same time can be a detrimental road block. I’ve seen this scenario play out in the subject of Bible Study. I’ve written books explaining how the Bible is designed to provide all the rules of Bible Study with explicit instructions designed for a child to understand. I’ve seen TV preachers fight against teaching people how to study Scripture tooth and nail calling upon their followers for support and using funds those people provided. In much the same way chem trail experts who begin their research with a preconceived idea then edit information to fit their theories, do more harm than good.

Chem trails and cloud seeding do play roles in weather manipulation as well as temperature control. But the real facts as well as the damage those experiments cause is much deeper than the chem trail experts care to dig. With their minds focusing on particular facts, they miss the vast majority of truth. Following is a list of chem trail and cloud seeding patents and experiments that provide an unexpected amount of detail into the hazards those experiments present as well as a list of the actual damage those methods have caused.

It is generally believed that atmospheric moisture or water vapor or particles as large as, or larger than, about 0.04 millimeters in diameter are too heavy to remain long suspended in the air, and they fall to the ground as rain drops, coalescing with other drops as they fall. Clouds and fogs are constituted of moisture particles suspended in the atmosphere, the diameter of which, it is estimated, is less than about 0.04 millimeters. These moisture particles are sometimes electrically charged and sometimes they are neutral. If the electrical charges on some particles are of opposite sign to the charges on other particles, the oppositely charged particles coalesce by mutual attraction to form larger units, and the larger units fall to the ground as rain. Coalescence may also take place, from one cause or another, when the moisture particles are neutral, though more time is required to bring about the precipitation.

As expected most of the stories about cloud seeding center on the good that can be achieved. Like the world can’t live without such research and how they will make the world a better place to live. Which is the same song and dance routine used to finance the development and research into deadly viruses.

It is therefore an object of this invention to provide a simple method for converting mechanical energy into electrical potential energy. It is another object to provide a means for regeneratively charging particles and bodies and to accumulate them in isolated volumes of like charges, thus creating an electrostatic field between the isolated volumes of accumulated charged particles. It is another object to provide a simple method for generating high voltages at locations where electrical energy or auxiliary power is not available. An additional object is to provide a simple method for generating high D.C. voltages within a very short period of time. It is a further object to provide a method whereby the aqueous particles of cumulus clouds may be charged rapidly with a total charge suicient to induce lightning and a subsequent rain storm.

It is known that microbial cells may be atomized or converted from their normal state, such as a suspension in an aqueous medium, to an aerosol state using ordinary atomizers. In certain studies no noticeable decrease in the vitality of the cells was noted until about the seventyfifth atomization of the given cells. Further, it is known that placing electrostatic charges on living organisms induces physiological or biochemical efiects which are in many instances beneficial. icrobes are among those organisms affected, and it has been reported that certain bacteria respond favorably to negative charges and adversely to positive charges. Thus, it might be possible to place microbial cells into an atomized state subjecting the cells to a beneficial electrostatic charge to afford a way of getting microbes into intimate contact with hydrocarbons providing for optimum utilization of the hydrocarbons by the microbes.

1962-04-03 Application filed by Socony Mobil Oil Co Inc

It is interesting to note companies were working on an air delivery system for micro-organisms long before research into man made viruses came into play. Thinking along the lines of not putting the cart before the horse. Can we assume scientists had the concept of transmitting viruses through the air before those viruses were developed? Early research on viruses revealed how sensitive and vulnerable viruses were to living conditions around them if left on their own. Viruses like swine flu and bird flu could only transmit to humans in rare cases where conditions were ideal. Bird flu viruses found it difficult to survive in humans because body temperatures were a few degrees lower. Swine flu found it difficult to survive in humans because of the advanced characteristics of the human immune system. History and research prove, mutations are rare. But scientists asked, what would happen is super intelligent viruses who knew about evolution suddenly decided to take over the world? Based on a few well written theories billions of dollars of funding was granted to develop those imaginary viruses in laboratories all over the world and the rest is history.

Based on the fact viruses had short life spans outside of a host and shorter life spans in colder temperatures, scientists in 1962 decided to look at ways of taking viruses into the colder temperatures of the upper atmosphere and spreading them across a variety of ground temperatures over different time periods. Which in 1962 sounded impossible but with the proper funding, anything is possible.

‘In the present invention a large venturi passage carried by an airborne device such as a dirigi’ble, conventional airplane, or lighter than air balloon has moisture-laden atmosphere impelled at high velocity through its length. Condensation is precipitated in the passing air by temporary reduction in pressure and temperature occurring at and after the constriction of the passage. Further, proximate to the constriction of the venturi, ‘artiiicial cooling means of relatively high intensity injected into the large volumes of passing atmosphere creates a substantial temperature reduction below ambient. Additionally, a plurality of catalytic condensation inducing particles, such as Dry Ice, silver iodide crystals, electrically charged sand particles and the like, are injected into the passing atmosphere. The atmosphere, excited as described, and discharged from the venturi, accumulates or aggregates in a large volume seeding area which is capable of inducing precipitation in surrounding untreated atmosphere more efficiently and effectively than heretofore known.

An object of this invention is to emulate nature in producing rainfall by reducing atmospheric pressure and temperature ‘below ambient and thus to detract from the ainity of said atmosphere for its contained moisture.

Thus it is an object of the present invention to provide an artificial ion cloud.

Another object of the present invention is to provide a technique for producing in the stratosphere an artifical ion cloud capable of refracting or reflecting electromagnetic radiation, and having relatively long lifetime.

Yet another object of the present invention is to provide an ion cloud in the ozone layer by continuous photoionization of lithium hydride, sodium hydride, butyl lithium, or ethyl cesium.

Another object of the present invention is to provide a technique for producing an artificial ion cloud by releasing into the upper atmosphere ablative coated microspheres of a compound which photoionizes at upper atmosphere ambient temperatures.

There is need in the art for development of more easily available freezing nucleants for clouds, and ones which are less toxic. Such nucleants are useful for cloud seeding in connection with artificial creation of rain, and also as controls for measurement of other nucleants in connection with precipitation ofice or freezing nucleation in cloud chambers.

It is important to distinguish freezing nucleation from condensation nucleation, which is a completely different phenomenon, and relates to forming water droplets for clouds and to removal of warm fog.

As a starting material, any one of a wide variety of solid insoluble oxides can be employed, of which the best is believed to be relatively dense solid precipitated silica which can readily be obtained in the required particle size of 0.01 to 10 microns and preferably 0.03 to 1 micron. Other solid oxides insoluble in water are magnesia, alumina, hematite and titania.

All of these substrates of course must be capable of reduction to the required time sizes. Two grades of artificially produced relatively dense solid silica particles have been found to be very effective as substrates in the present invention. These materials are not gels but are dense amorphous precipitated silica.

Many compositions and methods are known to the art for producing smokes for concealment purposes as well as cloud seeding. A variety of haloid compositions have been made which are said to produce hygroscopic smoke. They consist essentially of an admixture of an oxidant, a fuel, a halogen donor and a halogen receptor. Other substances, which dispersed, have cloud nucleating characteristics include the well-known iodides, silver, lead, and copper, cupro-oxide, copper sulphide, copper selenide, mercury telluride, vanadium pentoxide, silver sulphide, silver nitrate, silver oxide and cadmium telluride. The pyrotechnic generation of zinc, aluminum and magnesium chlorides by the reaction of these metals in powdered form with carbon tetrachloride and hexachloroethane with other additives for the production of smokes for concealment purposes is well-known. These materials have fairly low hygroscopicities. Since dispersion of many of the above-mentioned cloud nucleating materials is accomplished by use of concentrated solutions in spray-type devices, the total effectiveness is reduced. The present invention provides compositions which show as good capability of forming nuclei for cloud seeding as any of the compositions used heretofore, and is simple and easy to obtain.

We only see a limited list of sulphides and oxides released in the atmosphere. You don’t need a science degree to know the majority of those chemicals are corrosive. Some of those patents explained coatings on those chemicals was necessary to cut down on wear and tear on machinery used to dispense those chemicals in the air. Early reports from the 1960’s and 1970’s told about the effect those chemicals had on machinery including aircraft itself. But no reports on other aircraft in the area.

As the government imposes laws, regulations, taxes, fines, and penalties on manufacturing facilities blamed for the increase in chemical deposits in the atmosphere, little is told about the endless experiments depositing the most dangerous chemicals in the air in large quantities.

We’ve all heard of acid rain. We’ve been told car emissions and manufacturing are the cause or acid rain. Never has the government or media sources reported on chemicals scattered throughout the skies to experiment on weather manipulation.

Only the Beginning

This is only a small example of the information available. A sort of place to begin. We need research into the subject of weather manipulation and transparency. The more the government is allowed to keep secret, the more we have to fear up to the time the government decides to use weather manipulation as a weapon against the people they are supposed to serve and protect. At which time enough information will be released to add to the fear factor government loves to use to control the masses.