WWI History
This page makes it possible to add a Drop Down Menu to the top Header with a list of posts containing WWI History. The list is not on this page but on the Drop Down Menu located on the Header.
This was the ‘war to end all wars’ but it tends to be forgotten in history classrooms. So, what about all those men who never came home? We can’t forget them, too. We should wear our poppies with pride to tell people how grateful we are to those men.
And, remember, they passed their torch on to us. It’s our job to hold it high. It’s our job to make sure that they didn’t die in vain. We can do our part by remembering their sacrifice. By remembering why they went ‘over there’.
Lest We Forget.
You can also see a list of WWI History on the Category Drop Down located on Posts throughout this website. A Category Drop Down is also located near the bottom of every Page.