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Common Ground

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The main focus at this point should be finding common ground to build relationships on. Take away all the labels the media loves to place on Americans.

March Forth Burn Dr. Seuss

Time will tell how serious this is and where it is heading. The fact of the matter remains, first they burn books. Then they burn people.

Sanctuary City Slums

Cities Want Businesses and Residents to Leave

The federal government will use federal funds to fund those cities and take their cut. We are facing a future where we will be doing nothing but paying taxes to support people we elected, or fixed machines elected. They will use crime to their advantage

Satan in the Capital

The Unforgivable Sin

Organ harvesting has been extended to adults in China. Justifying the sacrifice of one human life to save another based on the fact, China harvests organs from convicted criminals. Some of those so called criminals are guilty only of crimes China classifies has religious practices.

Impeachment the Great Distraction

Second Failed Impeachment

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American voters are still in the same boat that lead to January 6, 2021. Not a single person from either party demanded what the majority of Americans have been calling for, a complete investigation into the 2020 election. The people who gathered in Washington DC to listen to President Trump were there to REMIND Congress, they demanded a full investigation into the 2020 election results. Somehow every member of congress conveniently forgot what the real issue was. Election fraud. How can every member of Congress on both sides forget what the real issue is?

Satan in the Capital

God is Opening Doors

In an act of revenge a few rich people took to the media to condemn the amateurs, calling them radicals, traitors, and everything under the sun. The rich claimed that type of investing would topple the entire US economy.

What is the Problem with the Critical Race Theory

Critical Race theories and Marxism remove responsibility from the individual and both are aimed at destroying motivation, pride, will power, and in fact attempt to cast a shadow and guilt on success. Although both theories attempt to make one believe they take an objective look at race, ethnic back ground, and other factors making up an individual, they are designed to remove all traces of individuality and place every living soul in two categories, those who lead, and those who follow.

Excuses to Rewrite History

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It takes about 10 minutes to find out why democrats are funding the destruction of monuments and demanding history books be rewritten. The history of the democratic party, its support of slavery, the founding of white supremacists groups, and abolishing all payments for slavery after the civil war are only a few examples showing what democrats are trying to hide.