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USA Trivia Answer #72


Who said:

“This kind of country we have here, the kind of society we have, the kind of strength we build in the United States, will be the defense of freedom. If we do well here, if we meet our obligations, if we’re moving ahead, then I think freedom will be secure around the world. If we fail, then freedom fails.”



President Kennedy during the first presidential debate (between him and Nixon) on September 26, 1960.

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Number the Stars


Ten-year-old Annemarie Johansen lives in Nazi-occupied Denmark. She knows what a world is like with soldiers on every street corner. And she knows simple things about how to avoid detection, such as not running through the street. Nazi soldiers on every street corner is scary enough … but Nazi soldiers banging on the front door is much, much worse. See, it wasn’t until her parents took in her best friend, Ellen Rosen, that Annemarie realized just how scary Nazi soldiers could really be. But one night, they did come knocking, leaving the Johansen’s to pretend that Ellen wasn’t really Jewish, but another daughter. Then, the real danger began as the family has to risk everything to get Ellen’s family out of Nazi-occupied Denmark and into the safety of neutral Sweden.

Just as In My Hands was presented in the Polish Resistance post instead of the Poland in WWII post, so Number the Stars finds itself being presented in the Danish Resistance post. And, as mentioned in Danish Resistance post, for those of us who grew up in the 1990’s, Number the Stars was likely amongst our introduction to the horror known as the Holocaust.

But if that worries you some, don’t be. First off, this is a novel written for grade school children. And, it tells an important story about a very important period in history. Furthermore, teaching history at an early age if of supreme importance.

As touched on briefly in our One Eye Laughing, the Other Weeping post, my first experience with historical fiction was way back in 1st grade, when my mom bought me a box set of the Meet book for each American Girl that was out at that time. Now, back then, American Girl/Pleasant Company was about teaching school-age girls what it was like to live in different time periods. The books were the center of the universe and the dolls just companions. Like those books, Number the Stars teaches us what it was like to be a little girl under Nazi (or Soviet in other cases) oppression.

It gave us, as young children, the understanding the Gestapo and SS – or Nazis in general – were to be feared, but there certainly was not the terror found in YA or adult novels.

Really, though, Number the Stars is a touching picture of one family who risks their lives to get a Jewish family out of Nazi-occupied Denmark and into free Sweden. It taught us that even little children can resist against oppression.

Number the Stars is a well-written novel about what it was like to live in Denmark in the 1940’s. If you want a novel about what it was like to live in Denmark without the horror you may find in books for older age groups, than Number the Stars is a good place to start.

Genre: Historical Fiction

Classification: Children’s


Featured in Danish Resistance

Goodreads: Number the Stars


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USA Trivia Question #76


Who said:

“Better to fight for something than to live for nothing.”


Why US Trivia

This section on USA Trivia will focus mostly on presidential trivia, but don’t be surprised to find questions or quotes by generals, founding fathers, or other historical figures!

USA Trivia is meant to be fun and educate at the same time. Don’t be afraid to exercise a few brain muscles when you read these US Trivia questions. Please don’t jump right to the Internet to answer these questions. See if you can answer them on your own with what you know about US history.

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For Love or Cows

With this new ridiculous proposition to do away with cows, have you taken the time to sit down and really think about how our lives would change without cows?

Well, for starters, it will have a big affect on the farming industry, and thus, the states that rely on farming. And there is the same obvious meat industry. You can say goodbye to all beef products such a hamburgers, steak, and beef jerky. As a result, of course, all of our steakhouses and hamburger joints would close.  And probably places such as McDonalds, Burger King, and Arbys. But we’ll be better off without those places, right?!

But as upset as Americans will be without beef and stake, what about the dairy industry? Oh, yeah, that’s right, no more milk. And no more cheese, cream – yes, all forms of cream: sour cream, cottage cheese, heavy cream, etc. And don’t forget important things like ice cream and whipping cream. So long Dairy Queen. And did I mention no more whipped cream?! 

Now admittedly, the soy industry has done an amazing job of making dairy and meat alternatives. They have given us everything from soy milk to soy bean meat. And while these products are, admittedly, healthier for you, not everyone is going to willingly turn to these over milk. And, worse yet, soy milk can’t be used for cooking in the same way cow milk can. So, you might want to get used to no more bakery goods, either. And while we’re on the subject, better get used to no more gelatin products, either. Yes, that means no more Jello, gummy bears, and marshmallows. Thankfully, there are vegetarian versions of all these, as well. [Although, marshmallows are, of course, vegetarian, already]

So, we’d have to give up a lot of our favorite foods. But what about other products? Well, let’s start with the obvious: Leather. No more leather couches, coats, or shoes. If course, in many cases the soles of our shoes are also made of leather. But we can live without leather jackets and soles, right? What about balls? Right, because leather is used in making footballs, baseballs, and most other balls, as well as baseball mitts. But rumor has it that pig skin will work just as well. (Until pigs are banned, if course. Let’s not forget what happened to the pigs in Animal Farm!)

But what about the not-so-obvious? Like products made from beef fat? Such as soaps, adhesives, lubricants, and waxes can be made from beef fat. Even deodorants and nail polish remover contain types of fatty acids. Where do you think fatty acids come from? 

And these are just a few items. Now think of all the other places that will go out of business with no more cows and, therefore, cow byproducts. It’s not just steakhouses and diners that will have to close down. All leather factories. The dairy industry will die. And let’s remember just how vital that is to our country. And since the soy industry is already well established, well . . .

But now take into account all these places that deal with beef byproducts or fatty acids. Will our country benefit from no more cows or suffer? And what about the mere fact that it’s just one more area our government feels it has the right to regulate? Aren’t we supposed to be telling our government to get out of our lives and stop regulating everything? Not giving them more to regulate? Let’s just remember that our country was much better off before the government stuck its nose in where it doesn’t belong. 

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CPAC 2019

It is getting harder & harder to post anything conservative or anything containing Judaeo-Christian principals on facebook or any other social media. So USA-eVote we will try harder to provide the links here as well as on our facebook page.

And since this weekend is CPAC  (Conservative Political Action Conference), what better way to start than with links to all 4 days of speeches (these include Vice President Pence and President Trump). 

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

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