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This site is totally and uniquely independent with no political affiliation. It is the goal of this site to use the latest technology to put control back into the hands of the people.

More About Us

“We Tell the government what to do. It doesn’t tell us.”

~ Ronald Regan

When our forefathers set up this government after fighting the Revolution for their independence from England, they intended for it to be of the people, by the people, and for the people.

Their intent was that “We the People” would control the government. Even the preamble of the Constitution reminded us that “We the people of the United States of America, in order to form a more perfect union . . .”

But in the almost 230 years since the Constitution and our victory over England, “we the people” have somehow lost our power. Too many of the people that we have elected to represent us have forgotten what is best for us and about the ideals and liberties that we hold so dear. Instead, they seem to vote with only their pocketbooks in mind.

Well, it’s time for We the People to take back our power and tell our people in government just how their constituents want them to vote. We need to remind them that we will not be brainwashed into thinking that they have our best interests at heart. We will not allow our government to tell us how to think, feel, or vote. We will tell them. After all, it was Ol’ Blood and Guts who declared that: “If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.” Don’t be that person who isn’t thinking.

But, with power comes great responsibility. Because to cast a vote without the knowledge of what you are voting for damns the whole country. President Kennedy reminded us that “the ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all” (Remarks in Nashville at the 90th Anniversary Convocation of Vanderbilt University.May 18, 1963.). Likewise, President Franklin Roosevelt stated that: “Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely. The real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education” (Message for American Education Week.September 27, 1938. ).

Therefore, our intent is to, first and foremost, educate the American people about the bills going through Congress. Our 2nd goal, then, is giving you, The People, the opportunity to cast your own voice. The 3rd goal is the hope to get the attention of Our Elected Leaders and remind them that This Government is run by WE THE PEOPLE.

Keep in Mind

As a result, links to this site will be sent to every member of the House of Representatives as well as Senate. Each elected official will be invited to view vote results. We implore and encourage the Elected representatives will be encouraged to vote the will of the We the People.

On this site we will discuss the important bills currently facing Congress and tell you, The People, about the hidden agendas in the packaged bills. We will even add the last minutes attachments intended to confuse the people and leave you uniformed. We will then post the results of the voting, comparing it to how We the People voted. Lastly, we invite you to comment and leave positive concepts designed to move this country forward. But please be respectful of other people’s ideologies, beliefs, comments, etc. We would like this platform to be a positive way for We the People to act out the rights given to us by our Constitution, laid out to us by our forefathers.


The goal of this site is to introduce cutting edge technology to put the power of the vote in the hands of taxpayers. It is a rather simple concept the United States Constitution was founded upon. Elected officials from all branches of service represent the will of the people on each and every issue. Elected officials are paid to voice the will of the people they represent. Nothing more and nothing less. The platform on this site should be copied on every level of government to give people the voice they deserve on every bill, law, ordinance, and tax that by law must come to a vote before becoming law.


Remember always what our forefathers fought for and why they were willing to give their lives by signing the Declaration of Independence. And remember the rights given to us by the brave men and women who fought for our freedom. And remember the rights laid out for us in the Constitution of the United States. That is the responsibility of every American citizen. It is not just practicing our rights, but it’s also a way to say Thank You to those who fought, to those who paved the way, and to those who founded this country.

This website will contain:

Many of the most important bills facing congress will be posted on this site in plain simple English.

Summaries of the bills will also include hidden agendas whenever they are included in packaged bills.

Last minute attachments to bills will be added whenever they are discovered.

Links will be provided to the actual bills presented to congress.

The technology will use will allow each person to vote only once.

Voting results from this site will be compared to actual results in the House and Senate.

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I remember well, because it was not long ago, colleges, universities, and schools used to teach subjects in an unbiased and subjective manner. The goal was to introduce material from a number of views and teach students to draw upon their accumulated knowledge to come to an educated conclusion. To actually think. To draw upon history, use what was good and what was bad to contribute to a better society for all. To learn from mistakes, build upon success, and use cognitive thinking to offer solutions to the world’s ever changing events.

We used to think societies like the Greeks and Romans were rather primitive cultures. Greece and Rome were the cradle of an infant democracy. A dream of a free and open society with opportunity for all. When we look back on history we know those world powers had problems. They were societies that relied heavily on slave labor, conquering other nations, and high taxes to survive. But those societies also relied and a free, unbiased, and open education system to advance their dreams of a democracy. Greece and Rome believed in debates, differing opinions, views of history through the eyes of the most accurate and trusted historical records. Those ancient societies treasured those historical records and knew their future relied on the preservation of ancient records. Both the good and the bad. Those ancient records gave birth to some of the greatest philosophers the world has known.

Today in 2020 we see a worldwide movement to rewrite history. A concept commonly used only by ancient barbaric kings and modern infidel dictators with little to no confidence in their ability to lead any society. Their only solution was to wipe out the past so society had nothing to compare their leaders to. Those leaders have successfully proven their goal is to trample society down below their intelligence level. Those leaders fear nothing more than an intelligent, free thinking society consisting people with the ability to point out a dictator’s flaws. In modern times we’ve seen Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Franco, Hussein, and others cease control of the education systems, reconstruct their education systems, and of course assassinate every educated man, woman, and child in their respective societies in acts of open genocide to strike fear in the hearts of those they were able to control. Time after time we have seen modern dictators like Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot,Franco, and Hussein turn to slave labor to build their vision of a perfect society. The mistake Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot,Franco, and Hussein made was to copy models of world powers that have failed. Those dictators have two things in common. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot,Franco, and Hussein failed to study history as a whole with an unbiased, open mind. Each of those dictators tried to copy a failed model of society. The second thing Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot,Franco, and Hussein have in common is, they all failed. Their governments have fallen, or in the case of Stalin, his society has been transformed by those who followed.

Here at our mission is simple. With the use of hundreds of historical books and other sources offers an unbiased view of American and world history. works tirelessly to uncover websites all but hidden from public viewing by corrupt and unfriendly search engines. Articles on offer articles with links for further research to view history from different angles, from the eyes of a multitude of historical views. provides easy access to other websites that also supply links to original sources. Which is a rare practice these days. Supporting links, revealing sources, and providing the advantage of continued research into subjects is part of the Journalist Code of Ethics, which is all but dead in America.

The information here on USA-eVote can be used by students with a thirst for knowledge. The information here on USA-eVote can be used by teachers with the desire and dedication to introduce their students to different views, expanding resources, and history the way it was recorded by some of the greatest historians, authors, and eye witness accounts available. The information here on USA-eVote can be used by people with an open mind, a desire to study, and interest in our past, with a desire to make a better world by studying the mistakes and successes of the past.