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1918 Spanish Flu

One of our goals at USA-eVote is to add information about previous pandemics that threatened this world. The 1918 Spanish Flu seems to be the best choice as the first virus to cover. Since that virus infected the world during WWI, it naturally blends into the concept of American History and fits into the category of WWI articles.

After reviewing this entire video it was a perfect fit for This video follows the USA-eVote trend of providing reference material and backs up information with reliable sources. The publisher of this video did a great job of adding references, providing proper credits, and backing up the information with reliable sources.

This video on the 1918 Spanish Flu tells a story about a world epidemic that quickly spread from one country to another. After watching this video you will have a much better idea of what the experts on President Trump’s staff have studied and why drastic measures had to be taken to curve the spread of today’s COVID-19 virus.

USA-eVote hopes you take one concept from this video. The information on this video is unbiased. This video sticks to the facts and backs those facts up with necessary references. This video displays what investigative reporting is all about and shows how important proper study is. This video highlights the mistakes government made in the early stages of the 1918 Spanish Flu, and covers the learning curve government and individual organizations had to live through to finally control the spread of the 1918 Spanish Flu.

How serious was the 1918 Spanish Flu? After viewing this video you can see why I call it the 12 hour flu. That flu was so powerful, people often died within 12 hours of showing the first signs of being infected.

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Share and Share Alike. We like Shares! has disinfected its site by removing ads. will not be controlled by Internet giants.

When looked at the ads on our site and where those ads pointed, it was obvious those ads were designed to direct people to fake news sites, fake sites, sites owned and run by scammers, including sites with spyware and ransomware.

This is unacceptable behavior and needs to be eliminated. may be the first site to take a stand against advertising giants who have the ability to screen ads, but refuse to use technology to protect the average Internet user. We now see an Internet world where profit is the only determining factor. Internet giants refuse to use available technology to scrub dangerous ads to protect people from obvious scams, spyware, and ransomware. The fight against such activity lies in the hands of individual publishers who place ethics about profit.

There comes a time to make a decision. Does one continue to expose readers to Internet threats when that website and its publishers are trying to fight Internet corruption? The obvious choice was to eliminate Internet ads. Which we did. USA-eVote will not expose its readers to Internet threats and will not allow fake news sites to advertise on its site. There comes a time to make a decision. As this coronavirus runs its course around the world, it is time to make a stand against fake news, scammers, and Internet giants making money from this crisis. They do not present any type of organized conspiracy. The only factor that unites them is greed. The time has come to step out of that corrupt arena, stand on your own, and allow God to control your destiny. The excuse, “everyone does it,” does not hold up in God’s courtroom.

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