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Peloci on Healthcare

Pelosi herself tells us how out of touch she is as the unchallenged Democratic leader. She talks about lowering the cost of prescription drugs. Sounds good. But that is not even the surface of the problem. The problem is not the $20 to $100 prescription drugs, the real problem is the $20,000 to $150,000 tests that are conducted before doctors can administer those $20 drugs. I find it rather insulting to see a Democratic leader my age take advantage of this younger generation all because she hates the sitting President and will stop at nothing to take him down at any cost.


America still has millions of voters who remember the old healthcare system and doctors who were free from politics to use their skills. In the old days a 10 minute visit with the doctor was all most cases required. The doctor took a few vital signs, asked a few questions, took out his prescription pad and wrote the prescription. Simple. But today with a government run healthcare system there are more rules, regulations, laws, and procedures than there are patients, diseases, cures, and drugs combined. For what? To create jobs and management positions for family members and friends of members of Congress who voted for Obamacare.

Let me share the experience I just had to endure with Obamacare. It used to be a call to my insurance agent, answer a few questions, and get a list of options for healthcare insurance. Now we use a website. Sounds simple. That snowballs into phone calls with eight different government agencies around the country to answer questions. I am self employed like millions of Americans my age. The government wants to know my income for 2020. To get insured I have to be able to predict the future. Each of those agencies collects one little piece of information, Those agencies have no idea the other agencies exist or what data they are collecting. In short, the government needs 8 agencies to do the job of 1 insurance agent. Does that sound about right?

After a string of phone calls and visits to the website, I finally talked to someone who knew what they were doing. My guess is, if they put him in charge of the system, that one person could cut medical costs by 25% in the matter of a few weeks. But Pelosi has no plan to cut medical costs anywhere beyond the cost of drugs.

My guess is Pelosi will introduce more restrictions and laws on the already stressed medical field and increase costs even more. While she talks about cutting costs, take a look in the mirror and she will see the cause of those high costs.

In the long run, Obama put total control of the healthcare systems in the hands of one insurance company who collects all the money and decides how to split the pot after taking out an enormous service fee. Service and administrations fees are charged as every dollar makes its way down the ladder. Healthcare costs rose an amazing 4000% months after Obama made healthcare a national law. Talk to doctors and nurses. None of them received substantial raises. The increased cost are all administration costs what will never cure or help a single person.

Fixing this system will require a lot of work. The work has to be done by an outside source with the skills to run a business and cut costs. The people in charge today are not qualified to run a hot dog stand much less a trillion dollar industry. The thing is, a lot of friends and family members related to our representatives will loose their jobs. That is why we CANNOT trust government to clean up this healthcare system.

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American Socialists Plans for 2020 in Plain Simple Facts

For one thing, it is nearly impossible to search the Internet and find a site that tells us what the top 1% in America earn in a year, and how much they pay in taxes. I had to do some math and here is it. I used a website that publishes IRS charts to gather the figures.

$2,003,000,000,000 Total income top for 1% for 2016

2.3 trillion dollars

$200,300,000,000 additional 10% tax

200 billion

Let’s take a look at additional tax revenue from jobs created in 2018.

Jobs created in 2018: 2,600,000

284,000 manufacturing

professional and business services 583,000

education and health services 517,000

leisure and hospitality industry 306,000

Estimate $40,000 per year per new job.

2,600,000 x $40,000 = $104,000,000,000 total income per year

Tax rate at 15% = $15,600,000,000

15.6 billion

7.8% of additional revenue compared to a 10% tax increase on the top 1%

2016 Average tax rate for top 1% = 26.87%

2016 income taxes paid by top 1% = $538,257,000,000 (538 billion)

Tax rate top 1%

2016 = 26.87%

1980 = 34.47%

Tax rate top 25%

2016 = 17.84%

1980 = 19.72%

There seems to be some value to the argument to raise tax rates on the rich. IRS records show the rich have received the majority of the tax cuts. This also shows a 10% tax increase on the top 1% will generate 15 times more revenue than taxes raised by the record number of new jobs created in 2018. So what’s the problem?

It seems a tax increase on the top 1% may be in order. But that proposed tax increase will never come close to the trillions of dollars candidates claim it will take to fund medical cost for the entire nation. Sanders throws out the figure of $3.2 trillion. I have news for you Bernie. That is 150% of the TOTAL income for the top 1% in 2016. How are you going to tax people at the rate of 150% of their total income?

The fact of the matter is, candidates are talking about paying for a corrupt, broken system that has not worked, was not designed to work, was handed over to the worst leadership and control anyone could imagine, and has seen price increases of over 4000% in the first few months of operation.


Here is a link to Sanders plan. You can see how his figures don’t add up and in fact would need tax rates exceeding 100% of the income of the top 25% of Americans. Which will never work. Sanders does not offer a list of methods to cut medical costs. His mind is set on taxing and that is about it.

According to Sanders figures, his plan would require nearly 100% of the income of the top 5% of American, or about 50% of the income of the top 25% of all American tax payers. The figures just don’t add up. The healthcare system does not work and needs to be fixed.

Hitler thought he could get a healthcare system to work in Nazi Germany in the 1930’s. Everything seemed to work out on paper. Sanders plan doesn’t even reach the paperwork stage. As soon as Hitler introduced his healthcare plan, he soon found out it was much more expensive than expected. Hitler’s solution was to first kill of those in mental houses. That didn’t save enough money, so Hitler moved to those with fatal illnesses. When that didn’t save enough money, Hitler moved to killing off older people, then people who didn’t fit the Aryan mold.

Hitler also had a plan to fix the economy and pay for his ambitious programs. Hitler’s plan focused on the group he identified as controlling the majority of money in the country. Hitler’s 1% pointed at the Jews. And we all know what that led to.

Common sense tells us, Sanders plans DO NOT work on paper. Sanders plans will not work in reality. What will happen when the mask comes off? To make his plan work for 1 year, Sanders has to cease 100% of the income of the top 5% of all US wage earners. To operate a second year, Sanders would have to cease 100% of wages from the remaining 25% of all American wage earners. Then what happens in the third year when that money runs out?

Obama created an economic gulf between young and old the day he introduced his healthcare law. Sanders talks about the gulf he needs. Sanders scheme is centered on the support of young voters. What happens when the mask comes off?

Sanders didn’t come up with those concepts and promises on his own. Sanders has read and studied books about the most successful socialists and communists in the world. Every one of those leaders has turned to mass murder to make room for the social programs they promised. Hitler came the closest to succeeding. The others completely failed. I for one do not want to find out what Sanders learned from those leaders. The risk is far to great.

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 Following his acquittal by the Senate, President Trump addresses the Nation from the White House. Listen to his tongue-in-cheek ‘self-congratulations’ that has his audience in stitches. And listen as he praises every single member of Washington who worked hard and fought for him and for the American People.

USA-eVote is independent and prefers to remain independent. Yet no matter where you stand, our President’s acquittal and this speech to the Nation, will both go down in history! It’s funny yet moving and so important.


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What Didn’t Make the News on the Impeachment

On January of 2019 President Trump signed into law a Bill that placed the responsibility of withholding Federal funds from countries involved in human trafficking directly on the President’s shoulders. President Trump personally took on the responsibility of ending human trafficking and passed that responsibility down to every President to follow. That Bill passed the House and Senate with a unanimous vote in December of 2018. Every Republican and Democrat should have known it is the President’s responsibility to cross check, reference, and withhold funds from countries that do not comply with federal standards and laws against human trafficking.

Knowing this law was in effect for nearly 1 year, Democrats accused the President of withholding funds from Ukraine based on personal interest. If looking after the rights, safety, and welfare of the poor and defenseless throughout the world is considered a personal interest of the President, I fail to see how that is an impeachable offense. The fact of the matter is, Ukraine is without rivals in the human trafficking industry.

I want you to prove this yourself. Open your web browser and search:

Ukraine and Human Trafficking

You’ll notice that major news agencies have been ignoring the issue. Why would they cover news about men, women, and children being exploited all over the world, especially in Ukraine? Such news would taken precious time away from coverage of the Super Bowl and the untimely death of Kobe Bryant. But the news media did take time to provide a brief report on President Trump’s continuing war against human trafficking.

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump signed an executive order Friday to combat human trafficking and online child exploitation in the administration’s latest effort to curb the practices.

The order creates a new position within the domestic policy council that will be “solely devoted to combat human trafficking.”

The position has not yet been filled but an administration official told reporters prior to the event that there is “no doubt that we will pick someone very good for the position.”

“We’ve got a lot of interest in it with a lot of different areas of expertise. But we’re not prepared to announce a name right now,” the official said.

The effort has been spearheaded in large part by Ivanka Trump, the President’s daughter and top adviser, who has made human trafficking one of her initiatives.

It seems this impeachment trail is not about breaking any law. Evidence introduced throughout the impeachment hearing has already proved that point. On the contrary, if President Trump had not withheld those funds and looked into Ukraine’s efforts to comply with anti-trafficking standards, he would have been guilty of breaking a law. One of the laws his administration introduced.

USA-eVote Editorial Attachment:

Here at USA-eVote we are dedicated to bringing unbiased reports and stories for the sole purpose of encouraging American voters to cast an educated vote. USA-eVote was born out of the idea and concept of navigating through the fake news infiltrating the US election process and the biased stand many of the major news syndicates have taken during the 2016 election. This report serves one major purpose. The vast majority of American voters have access to the Internet. But few dig below the surface to uncover important facts that should influence their decision. Instead, the majority of American voters are easily swayed by biased and often times, false and misleading news reports. This poses a major threat to our nation as a whole and the freedom every American generation has fought and died for. Those sacrifices should not be forgotten.

USA-eVote has posted numerous articles about those sacrifices in an effort to educate the American public and rededicate the American voter to the standard of patriotism and honor fake news agencies and biased reporting has been eroding over the past five years.

USA-eVote is totally independent. We do not receive or solicit any funds or grants. This article serves as an example showing how the average American voter can uncover information crucial to an informed and educated vote. Your vote is the most powerful weapon in the world. Your vote can and will determine the next leader of the free world and determine the future of this country as well as secure the freedom that has been paid for with the loss of countless lives over the past 245 years.

Every American voter has not only the right to vote, but the responsibility of casting an educated vote.

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Ukraine, Human Trafficking, and the Impeachment


The question is, did President Trump have a good reason to withhold funds from Ukraine? We have not heard the other side of that story. The media has been slow to report the Presidents side of the story and less than stellar in reporting testimonies and arguments from President Trump’s legal team. Well USA-eVote has uncovered a few facts about that case and those charges that should shock and alarm the American public and put an end to all this BS that has been floating around and in this case, subjectively reported to the American public. Let’s take a look at the actual facts. Then you as an American voter can make an informed decision and take the necessary action.

So far we have only heard one side of the argument. That one sided reporting tells us, President Trump withheld funds from Ukraine in an attempt to force an investigation into Joe Biden’s son in the Ukraine. That could not be further from the truth. Hunter Biden’s dealings in Ukraine are public record and President Trump doesn’t need any help from any source foreign or domestic. Democrats conjured up that story to force their concept of illegal activity in the President’s office. Which of course is not an impeachable offense. But the facts go much deeper. There is a host of information not reported by the leading news agencies playing their games on Television and social media. It is all a numbers game aimed at increasing revenue. The truth does not sell.

While investigating the facts one piece of reality hit home at USA-eVote. Take a look at the major news agencies online. What do you see? A request to buy a subscription so you can read all of their news. News agencies are trying to sell subscriptions. On the other side of that coin we have fake news sites. Fake news agencies make money from ads. Many of the ads on the fake news sites contain viruses and spyware, including versions of ransom viruses. What kind of world do we live in? USA-eVote has learned to use official government sites to gather information. Look for the .gov at the end of the website address.

Here are two articles that every American should find interesting and shocking. The first is about President Trump’s passionate battle against human slavery, human trafficking, and the sex trade.

COMMITTED TO ERADICATING HUMAN TRAFFICKING: President Trump has signed four bills in recent weeks that demonstrate the bipartisan commitment to end human trafficking.


Today, the President is signing the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (S. 1862) which tightens criteria for whether countries are meeting standards for eliminating trafficking.

The President signed the Abolish Human Trafficking Act in December, which strengthens programs supporting survivors and resources for combating modern slavery.

President Trump signed the Frederick Douglass Trafficking Victims Prevention and Protection Reauthorization Act, authorizing $430 million to fight sex and labor trafficking.

The President signed the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (S. 1312), establishing new prevention, prosecution, and collaboration initiative to bring human traffickers to justice.

In addition to these efforts, Congress needs to pass legislation that strengthens border security and prevents human trafficking in all forms.


How is this related to funds given to Ukraine? Let’s take a look at Ukraine’s recent history.

Ukraine is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children trafficked transnationally for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation and forced labor. Ukrainian women are trafficked to Russia, Poland, Turkey, China, the Czech Republic, the United Arab Emirates, Austria, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Greece, Israel, Spain, Lebanon, Hungary, Slovak Republic, Cyprus, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Serbia, Argentina, Norway, Iran, Bahrain and The United States. The majority of Ukrainian labor trafficking victims were men exploited in Russia, the Czech Republic and Poland, primarily forced to work as construction laborers, sailors, and factory and agriculture workers. There are indications Ukraine is a destination for people from neighboring countries trafficked for forced labor and sexual exploitation. In addition, trafficking occurs within Ukraine; men and women are trafficked within the country for the purposes of labor exploitation in the agriculture and service sectors, commercial sexual exploitation, and forced begging. Ukrainian children are trafficked both internally and transnationally for commercial sexual exploitation, forced begging, and involuntary servitude in the agriculture industry. An IOM survey released in December 2006 concluded that since 1991, approximately 117,000 Ukrainians had been forced into exploitative situations in Europe, the Middle East, and Russia. In 2008 the Government of Ukraine did not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking; however, it was making significant efforts to do so. While there was little evidence of efforts to curb trafficking complicity of government officials and of concrete steps to protect and assist trafficking victims at the national level, local governments made some progress on victim assistance. The government also made modest, but tangible, progress in improving the punishment of convicted traffickers, prosecuting labor trafficking, training the judiciary, and carrying out prevention activities.[1] U.S. State Department’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons placed the country in “Tier 2” in 2017.[2]


Put 2 and 2 together and what do you see? Wouldn’t President Trump have broken the law he endorsed and signed by giving funds to a country known for human trafficking? Ask yourself, did President Trump have reason to place a hold on funds the House of Representatives designated to Ukraine? Was President Trump looking after his own interests, or the interests of human slaves with no rights? When you put the facts together, you walk away with quite a different story than the stories we are spoon fed in both the impeachment testimonies and from the general new media.

The actual bills to eliminate human trafficking:

This bill modifies the criteria for evaluating whether countries are meeting the minimum standards for combating human trafficking.

The President shall ensure that federal agencies limit grants and contracts to entities that do not engage in various activities related to human trafficking. Under the bill, one prohibited activity is charging employees for placement or recruitment fees. Previously, entities could charge such fees as long as they were reasonable.

This bill sets forth a variety of measures to address the prevention and punishment of human trafficking and to assist trafficking victims. Included among these are provisions concerning:

restitution for victims;

funding of investigations of offenses relating to sexual abuse of children;

grants to states and localities and other entities for victim service assistance;

training of health, victim service, and federal law enforcement personnel, including through the use of a victim screening protocol by the Department of Homeland Security;

penalties imposed for slavery offenses, sex trafficking of children, and repeat convictions for transportation for illegal sexual activity and related crimes;

travel for the purpose of engaging in any illicit sexual conduct;

designation of additional Department of Justice resources for prosecution and service coordination;

penalties for offenses involving organized human trafficking, sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, or transportation for prostitution or any illegal sexual activity; and

studies of the physical and psychological effects of serious harm to victims.


This bill establishes programs to combat human trafficking, forced labor, and the use of child soldiers. It also modifies existing programs to address such issues.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) may award grants to local educational agencies to educate school staff on how to recognize and respond to signs of labor and sex trafficking, and to educate students on how to avoid becoming trafficking victims.

The Department of State shall ensure that each diplomatic or consular post has a designated employee to receive information from severe trafficking victims or information about such victims. The information shall be transmitted to the relevant agencies, and the designated employee shall coordinate with foreign government and groups to provide support to the victims.

Domestic air carriers that contract to provide air transportation to the federal government shall report annually various information related to human trafficking. Such information shall include the number of carrier personnel that are trained in detecting and reporting potential trafficking, and the number of notifications of potential human trafficking victims the carrier has received.

The bill directs various government agencies, including the State Department and the Department of Labor, to annually report to the General Services Administration information related to efforts to ensure compliance with various laws and regulations relating to human trafficking. The report shall also contain information on investigations into contractors that may have violated such laws and regulations.


(Sec. 101) This bill amends the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to specify that Community Oriented Policing Services program grants to hire school resource officers may also be used to train such officers to recognize and respond to signs of human trafficking.

(Sec. 102) It amends the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 to reauthorize through FY2022 the Creating Hope Through Outreach, Options, Services, and Education for Children and Youth (i.e., CHOOSE Children & Youth) grant program.



(Sec. 201) The bill amends the federal criminal code to authorize the Department of Justice (DOJ) to bring a civil action to stop or prevent criminal offenses related to: (1) peonage, slavery, involuntary servitude, forced labor, and trafficking; (2) sexual exploitation and other abuse of children; or (3) sexual abuse.

Based on documented facts, President Trump has been actively combating human trafficking since 2017. Of course those bills have been introduced, written, and modified since Trump took office.

Thus far USA-eVote has only cracked an egg to see what is inside. This brings up a number of questions.

What was the timing in relationship to the bill introduced to Congress and funds being withheld from Ukraine?

What is the make up of the Democratic-Socialist government in Ukraine?

What was Biden’s role and influence in forging a Democratic-Socialist government in Ukraine?

Is there a link between Hunter Biden’s job in Ukraine and human trafficking?

What makes President Trump so passionate about fighting human trafficking?

As time allows, we will look into those questions. Feel free to post information you uncover.


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